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Kefray May 18th, 2011 20:29

My 1st pet peeves ever!
In a match where the teams are "tan+black" vs "green" a teammate "freezes" me and then blames me for the blue on blue action because "my camo is confusing".

I'm wearing a desert DPM and a black tactical vest.


Sasha May 19th, 2011 10:57

Noobs who buy 'snipers' (I.E. stock knockoff VSRs or L96s) and get mad when you tell them they need to zero the scope (It's happened).

Then when they finally let you do it, because they can't zero it themselves, they blame you when they get outranged by high-end AEGs.

Helix May 26th, 2011 14:22


Raskas May 26th, 2011 14:37

"Strategists" who hold their entire squad back behind the range of enemy guns to discuss the best way to capture an objective, while the rest of the team is already at said objective, capturing it.

Battery May 26th, 2011 14:42

Douche bags, people who take it way to seriously,when your gun breaks game day, when people don't call hits - i've got way more

Shirley May 26th, 2011 14:43


Jimski May 26th, 2011 15:15

sometimes I feel like a LARPer

SHaKaL June 1st, 2011 22:01

Tried to sell my brand new Flyye Land ciras and Phantom hydration pack.

Nowaday people are assholes. Trying to lowball you for 200$ shipped express to Calgary??? that fucking 140$ for a 300$+ brand new vest and hydration pack + bonus sling and 5:11 radio pouch.

Not even replying when you offer to pay half-shipping?

Damn... fuck them!

/end of rant.

BTW; LOW fucking BALLER'S should be banned from ASC...

Cactus-man June 1st, 2011 23:08

wannabe gangsters ( those who live here in Québec, Niké Laos shit everywhere)
People who don't call hits, People who full auto hoping to get the target at 200ft ( YES, I did see it), People who don't care about your speach and go on their own, Call Of Duty as well, Call of duty Impressions, non-existing replicas, People who play with Skate Shoes, Civic Twin Turbo+ Pflow driven by a wannabe-gangster ( ONE THAT F**KING RAPED MY CAR), Hicaps, M4, P90's , Post Canada, those who ain't have water or bb's and ask you if you can lend some to them...moar to come..

Jimski June 2nd, 2011 06:50


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1476395)
Not even replying when you offer to pay half-shipping

oh yeah I get that too.
I'd enjoy leaving bad rating for 'not enough politeness' or 'leaving a question unanswered'

jeeholim July 10th, 2011 01:00

People who don't hold guns like they're supposed to be held; in other words, their faces would've been gone by the recoil if they held an actual gun that way.

Reckless July 10th, 2011 02:14

people that think FPS = good gun.

I brought out a friends evil little cqb gun .. a bone stock TM M4 (atleast body, gearbox/motor, hop/rubber, stock mp5 inner barrel), with an old solid cylinder patriot nose, and an adjustable LR300 stock... walked up to the group of players (I put away my M14... so they were eyeballing my kinda funny)

I smiled and patted it and remarked "280fps" to which several responded "oh too bad, rest of your days gonna suck" ...

is it wrong I laughed like a madman while I outranged, out accuraced, and our ROF'd 90% of the guns on the field? ...

Outcast569 July 10th, 2011 03:13

People that dont leave feedback for sold/bought items.

Doc July 10th, 2011 03:39

When you tune a customers gun for outdoors, chronie it in front of them, shoots 385, and they ask "where is the last 15 fps?!?!"

It's a limit, not a goal guys.

Urrah! July 10th, 2011 04:51

When people think they are in an actual military unit (of course, this doesn't count if you are or were in the military) and those who are extremely arrogant.

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