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SHaKaL May 9th, 2011 19:56

My biggest pet peeve for a while is:

Airsofters are getting cheap. With all the chinese knockoff on the market; they don't want to pay for quality aegs, gbbs and combat gears. They just want cheap stuff that won't last.

KBarlow May 15th, 2011 12:36

Uncontrolled firearm (HK .177 BB Gun, 400fps with metal BBs)

Prohibited replica firearm (KWA USP 6mm Airsoft Gun, 315fps with plastic BBs)

Umm... wat?

L473ncy May 15th, 2011 13:00


Originally Posted by KBarlow (Post 1466418)
Uncontrolled firearm (HK .177 BB Gun, 400fps with metal BBs)

Prohibited replica firearm (KWA USP 6mm Airsoft Gun, 315fps with plastic BBs)

Umm... wat?

Yeah.... I've just learned to accept that. TBH if we had Engineers and Scientists running the country we'd probably be a lot better off. Honestly, there would be a lot of policies and things that make more sense. Case in point (I know this is a joke but there's some truth to it).


A pastor, a doctor and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.
Engineer: What's with these guys? We must have been waiting for 15 minutes!
Doctor: I don't know, but I've never seen such ineptitude!
Pastor: Hey, here comes the greens keeper. Let's have a word with him. [dramatic pause] Hi George. Say, what's with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?
George: Oh, yes, that's a group of blind fire fighters. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime.
The group was silent for a moment.
Pastor: That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight.
Doctor: Good idea. And I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist buddy and see if there's anything he can do for them.
Engineer: Why can't these guys play at night?
Also. What is the least useful college major if you need to rebuild civilization after the apocalypse? ANSWER (I guess the same could be said for the Lawyers, Politicians, Anthropologists and General Liberal Arts as well).

ssrc30 May 17th, 2011 11:41

Cheap shots...

This pisses me off every time. Being shot in the back from close range drives me up the wall, especially when its an experienced player who is doing it. It especially gets me when they, and in my experience it has always been noobs, wait until you are 3 or 4 feet away before they shoot you where its gonna hurt.

Sasha May 17th, 2011 12:54


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1466430)
(I guess the same could be said for the Lawyers, Politicians, Anthropologists and General Liberal Arts as well).

I disagree. Here's what each group is good for.

Lawyers: Target practice
Politicians: Mostly target practice, but a small fraction might make good leaders
Anthropologists: Recovering useful information from the ruins of society
Arts: mostly useless, except:
- Language majors, for communicating with other tribes
- Anything related to education, for passing on accumulated knowledge, and
- English majors, because we can't rebuild society without good coffee.

Rai May 17th, 2011 15:50

People who praise up any M series rifle or variant after the M14.

I can't stand it.

Disco_Dante May 17th, 2011 16:08


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1467983)
People who praise up any M series rifle or variant after the M14.

I can't stand it.

Soo you really don't like armalites then?

What about the M60? or the M21?

by "After the m14" do you mean chronologically, or numerically?

Danke May 17th, 2011 18:30

There are people on this site that peeve me but what I've found is that they don't last very long.

It's just too bad they're replaced by their clones when they drop off the net.

SHaKaL May 17th, 2011 18:38


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1467983)
People who praise up any M series rifle or variant after the M14.

I can't stand it.

My pet peeve is peoples who don't respect other persons opinions...

sirtaco27 May 17th, 2011 21:13

My pet peeve is how people act when they are behind a screen regardless if they are going to see the guy they are talking about at the next game. Very mature.

I think what Rai means is: He dislikes all armalites basically

Rai May 17th, 2011 21:23


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1467992)
Soo you really don't like armalites then?

What about the M60? or the M21?

by "After the m14" do you mean chronologically, or numerically?

They are lightweight rifles that fire accurate cartridges yes.

Do they deserve the hype that fanboys give them? No.

If you want a M whatever rifle go ahead and get one. Just don't try and shove down my throat that they are the greatest thing since bacon.

As for the M60 and M21 I can't comment. I have not held nor fired them and any comments from my part would be based off what I see on TV, which is not a good source.

SHaKaL May 17th, 2011 21:26


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 1468227)
They are lightweight rifles that fire accurate cartridges yes.

Do they deserve the hype that fanboys give them? No.

If you want a M whatever rifle go ahead and get one. Just don't try and shove down my throat that they are the greatest thing since bacon.

As for the M60 and M21 I can't comment. I have not held nor fired them and any comments from my part would be based off what I see on TV, which is not a good source.

Since when peoples try to shove their opinion on a rifle down your throat?
Peoples can like whatever they like... just ignore them.

I myself like all guns... and see good point in almost all of them

Rai May 17th, 2011 22:57


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1468229)
Since when peoples try to shove their opinion on a rifle down your throat?
Peoples can like whatever they like... just ignore them.

I myself like all guns... and see good point in almost all of them

I was playing call of duty the other day. So I was chatting along with the guys on my team and we got into a conversation about airsoft.

So they asked me what my favorite airsoft guns are. I said I like the airsoft version of the FAL the MP7 and glocks are quite nice.

Their response was why don't you like the M4. I told them that I prefer rifles that fire a larger caliber than 5.56, and I'm not a fan of guns that claim to be revolutionary space weapons that never need to be cleaned. (which is what colt said about the M16 when they first made it.)

They then proceeded to call me a bunch of names and say that my choice of a rifle sucks because the real steel version does not have full auto. Nor is it something that the Americans have ever used.

Apparently Call of duty is now an excellent tool to gather info about guns. Because the FAL in them is semi auto and is only used by the bad guys.

So that's the main reason why I can't stand M whatever after 14 They aren't bad guns and they are accurate and light but I just don't like them.

Sasha May 18th, 2011 19:25

Technically speaking, the FAL was designed to chamber something like the 5.56 (like a .28 calibre IIRC) but the Americans wouldn't allow it as a NATO calibre on the grounds that it was 'Underpowered,' so the Belgians had to convert it to the 7.62. Then of course the Americans come up with the M16 and suddenly the 5.56 (.223) is added to the NATO standard...

The British had to discontinue the EM-2 for the same reason.


SniperSam May 18th, 2011 20:11

Yeah, Americans... I'm not particularly proud of that as my second citizenship, but thanks to a piece of pork Clinton put through in the 90s, I can enjoy a lot of privileges/rights that others cant if they share similar dual citizenships...Anyways

Airsoft pet peeve: Red dot sight on a BA on backwards, I can understand the practicality of it, since I rarely go above 3x on my scope unless it's recon, but come on, it's on the wrong way?

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