Airsoft Canada

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Mr. G36! April 29th, 2011 15:20

Not strictly Airsoft, but I hate when kids refer to Sniper Rifles as "Snipers" in general. Anyone else find this annoying? I think we should apply this rule to all firearms...

...anyone got any new Assaults? How about Machines or Submachines? I guess a lot of the Shots are Gas now as opposed to Spring...and hey, how about the Hands?

naminator April 29th, 2011 15:47


Originally Posted by Mr. G36! (Post 1456329)
Not strictly Airsoft, but I hate when kids refer to Sniper Rifles as "Snipers" in general. Anyone else find this annoying? I think we should apply this rule to all firearms...

...anyone got any new Assaults? How about Machines or Submachines? I guess a lot of the Shots are Gas now as opposed to Spring...and hey, how about the Hands?

People who post while drunk.


L473ncy April 29th, 2011 16:42


Originally Posted by naminator (Post 1456342)
People who post while drunk.


It's a bank holiday. ;)

PS: I've posted drunk before. Sometimes the next day I look at my posts and I'm like "wow I can't believe I typed that with no mistakes while wasted".

Boyso April 29th, 2011 19:24

Well ask yourself this question. Is it better to post drunk here, or on facebook :P

Spawn28 April 29th, 2011 23:17


Originally Posted by Ponche (Post 1453187)
mine is people shooting someone in the SAFE ZONE IN THE BACK.gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Go figure thats happened to me Twice and yeah i fuckin hate that too

DEATH2000 April 30th, 2011 01:27


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1456416)
Well ask yourself this question. Is it better to post drunk here, or on facebook :P

Here, because your real name and picture isnt attached...

Statua April 30th, 2011 12:58

Sand getting EVERYWHERE.

Deaf_shooter May 2nd, 2011 20:47

great different price between USA and Canada when Canada has strong dollar against USA dollar

Not just Airsoft, pretty everything

JuicyFruits May 2nd, 2011 20:54


Originally Posted by Deaf_shooter (Post 1458202)
great different price between USA and Canada when Canada has strong dollar against USA dollar

Not just Airsoft, pretty everything

Yeah. I was looking at airsoft guns the other day. Same product, in asia was priced at ~90$, USA 150$ and canada 250$.

I understand that retailers need to make a profit somewhere, but I think asking for nearly 4x the price is way too much. I like buying Canadian when I can, but they're certainly not getting my money this time.


Jcotter May 2nd, 2011 21:14

I've been watching a lot of video reviews lately and, what bothers me is when the reviewer doesn't even have pubic hair yet..
I'm fine with kids reviewing clear soft guns but when you have kids who haven't hit puberty yet (let alone the age of majority) reviewing metal or black guns I get mad.

Also, reviews where the reviewer stammers and cannot complete a sentence with out using Ummm, ahhhh and ,20 second pauses.

DEATH2000 May 2nd, 2011 23:17


Originally Posted by Jcotter (Post 1458220)
I've been watching a lot of video reviews lately and, what bothers me is when the reviewer doesn't even have pubic hair yet..
I'm fine with kids reviewing clear soft guns but when you have kids who haven't hit puberty yet (let alone the age of majority) reviewing metal or black guns I get mad.

Also, reviews where the reviewer stammers and cannot complete a sentence with out using Ummm, ahhhh and ,20 second pauses.

I hate that shit. If your gonna do a video review at least make a script or write down the points you want to say. Just filming it and talking about the gun with no thought process behind it makes them sound like an idiot. I want a good review if I'm gonna spend my money on it. I've noticed that gear reviews are usually a lot more well done. Usually because their older and care more about quality gear.

Disco_Dante May 2nd, 2011 23:50


Originally Posted by Jcotter (Post 1458220)
I've been watching a lot of video reviews lately and, what bothers me is when the reviewer doesn't even have pubic hair yet..
I'm fine with kids reviewing clear soft guns but when you have kids who haven't hit puberty yet (let alone the age of majority) reviewing metal or black guns I get mad.

Also, reviews where the reviewer stammers and cannot complete a sentence with out using Ummm, ahhhh and ,20 second pauses.

I love it when they review something that's a piece of crap, or barely acceptable, but they think it's amazing because they have no standard to hold it to, no better replicas to use as a reference. "It has a hop-up, so it's awesome"

redneck12 May 8th, 2011 21:51

Mine would be the pre-pubesent kids doing airsoft reviews, and filming themselves playing war in their neighbourhoods, and the whole US airsoft community including the retailers wonder why they have the newest anti-airsoft bill in readings, when they are the ones selling to minors, and these minors have no problem advertising where they got the gun.
For the most part the reviews suck because they have no clue how the gun works, let alone the actual name of the parts and features when all they had to do is read the literature on the web and the user manuals.
And reviewers wearing tacticool repro gloves to do reviews just because someone like Nutnfancy wears gloves to do his reviews.

jordan7831 May 8th, 2011 22:49

Ya except "nutjobfancy" actually goes out and thumps around with his gear and gets hacked up whist doing so. These brats have no battle scars to prove their points IE no evidence to back up their outlandish claims

redneck12 May 9th, 2011 00:18

I find Nutnfancy to be informative and entertaining, but the kids are just lame its just like that douch Jarek trying to act like he knows anything regarding RS and AS.

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