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Spike March 6th, 2013 08:36

Yeah man, that thing was one of the highlights of Rhino II

MilanWG March 6th, 2013 10:31


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1769103)
Yeah man, that thing was one of the highlights of Rhino II

+1. That thing was a lot of fun to watch zipping around.

tygr701 March 6th, 2013 12:30

Pretty much sums up this thread.

tygr701 March 6th, 2013 12:31


Originally Posted by MaciekA (Post 1758563)
Does my Astronomer Edition Mini-Sniper Setup™ count?


icaris March 6th, 2013 12:49


Originally Posted by SlowEddy (Post 1769027)
realized i never posted this (RC) abomination from last year. thought it would fit nicely in this thread.

That thing was awesome at Rhino 2 lol I remember watching it drive in and everyone was like "WTF IS THAT THING", scrambling to kick it over and shit lol

How much did that thing cost you to build anyway?Since your retiring it, wanna sell it? ;)

Kingsix March 6th, 2013 13:24


Originally Posted by localfreerider (Post 1769096)
you can tell somebody plays COD. Good on you mate, really nice build!

I like that your keeping the stats.

why retire it?

I'd say, give it more firepower

SlowEddy March 6th, 2013 21:56


Originally Posted by localfreerider (Post 1769096)
you can tell somebody plays COD. Good on you mate, really nice build!

I like that your keeping the stats.

why retire it?

lol i hate COD......... and I was strapping explosives onto r/c cars way before it was cool :cool: ....


Originally Posted by icaris (Post 1769229)
That thing was awesome at Rhino 2 lol I remember watching it drive in and everyone was like "WTF IS THAT THING", scrambling to kick it over and shit lol

How much did that thing cost you to build anyway?Since your retiring it, wanna sell it? ;)

this thing all started out as restoration a restoration project for one of my old non-working nitro r/c cars (I was into rc cars way before i got into airsoft).

I spent around $200-250 restoring / converting it to electric and to get it up and running again. then figured why don't i try to make some air-soft use out of this.
one thing lead to another and id say i ended up spending another $500 or so (the video goggles on my helmet is what cost the most @ $300)

I've retired it for a few reasons
1: this thing was built for speed, it pops wheelie's when you accelerate, pulls stoppies / flips over when you break to hard, rolls at high speed turning. the turning radius is also pretty huge. So I'm pretty limited to where i can use it. that warehouse where rhino 2 took place was ideal.

2: the ACM claymore stinks.... the remote range stinks & every once in a while when i pop a wheelie it automatically triggers. i was planning to improve the trigger mechanism and wire the trigger to my radio, but got lazy and never got around to doing it.

3: I would rather spend the money on something more useless........ like a flying version of this abomination mwhaha

FlyGuy March 6th, 2013 23:06


Originally Posted by SlowEddy (Post 1769520)
3: I would rather spend the money on something more useless........ like a flying version of this abomination mwhaha

Soooo....Possibly a Parot AR drone RC quadcopter figuring into your 2013 "Skunk Works" project schedule there Eddy? Whatever you use for a UAV if it's to be flown in proximity to humans, it would need to be made reasonably safe from accidental collision with arms/heads/hands/etc. A regular electric RC heli like a T-Rex 450/650 has far too much rotor inertia and could easily take off someone's hand or worse if the main rotor blades caught someone while spinning at full flight RPM. At least the Parrot has a foam protective shroud around each of the quad rotors acting as a safety "bumper". But given that the Parrot AR is more or less an advanced novelty, I am uncertain of what useful load in terms of payload weight it can haul into the air as compared with a larger conventional heli. It does have the advantage of video streaming so you won't need to haul a video camera aloft, and it is also fly-by-WiFi controlled. It connects to your iPhone or iPad and uses the phone's inertial sensor for flight control.

Could be interesting....


the_monkey April 5th, 2013 11:48

g3 with underslung Kriss

CUZ I CAN VER 12 - YouTube

R.I.T.Z May 21st, 2013 21:51


JLiang May 31st, 2013 17:17


Originally Posted by IggysPiggy (Post 1765615)
My next step is to install LEDs for some under glow, every time I shoot I want it to light up.

I didn't know I wanted this until now

Wilkie June 1st, 2013 15:49


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1769252)
I'd say, give it more firepower

Need a 240B if you ask me :D

Jamroxorz June 1st, 2013 16:00

1 Attachment(s)
Does this count haha

Cpt- Lovegrove June 1st, 2013 20:00

i am currently putting a AK front end onto an M4 body if posible it will have an Mp5 sliding stock on it, if not it will have an AK stock, pictures coming soon

badrelko June 1st, 2013 23:06

I was waiting for you to post that on here :P


Originally Posted by Magnaroth (Post 1798135)
Go all or nothing! Show up in a plaid shirt with red and green suspenders, and a big beard. Duct-tape all over your gun!

Then when people try making fun of you, just yell at them for being dumb 'muricans (even though they probably aren't).

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