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Strelok February 18th, 2010 13:09


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1167309)
Yeah I recall stumbling on that "shitfit" and others awhile back.

I agree that if you're gonna call somebody out for something you might want to be squeaky clean beforehand.

Yeah, People just like to bitch it seems. (Lol, this thread is a great example!) Because they think they are the righteous individual amongst the mass of wrongdoers. Oh! Except for that one time back when...


rowenamosgallant April 13th, 2010 17:34

Il tell ya' whats the worst, is players that think their in a movie like the deer hunter or tigerland or something. it doesnt matter how much you scream "Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece o' shit, Private, or did you have to work on it? ", no one is going to take you seriously!

DanoftheDead April 13th, 2010 18:33

People who aim for the head of a fully exposed player. This is not COD, there are no acheivments or extra points for headshots!! I'll be the first to admit I've shot other players in the head, but never a fully exposed player. The only time I will aim for the head is if that is the only thing they keep sticking out (like a groundhog trying to relay info to other players). Sorry but if you only offer me only your head to shoot at then thats the shot I'm taking. I don't do it to be a dick, or cause I think its cooler. I do it cause you'll give my position away to the rest of your team if don't.

Mizfit April 19th, 2010 09:10

I hear you - I am a short female on the field and walk away from most games with face welts - usually because my head is the same level as most guys "centre body of mass".

However, if you play peekaboo around corners you can not complain about face shots...just part of the game and a risk you take.

empty_mags April 19th, 2010 09:34

First thing that comes to mind:
People who post on airsoft forums more then they play.

Gato April 23rd, 2010 14:10

Players who play based on weather. Sure, I'll bitch about rain, wind or temp, but I'll still be out there doing what needs to be done (Fighting the opposing team), if you're in airsoft because it's more "real" than paintball then, newsflash, Armies and factions don't only fight on sunny days with a tempature of +10 or more so grow balls

Jimski April 23rd, 2010 14:30


Originally Posted by empty_mags (Post 1215031)
First thing that comes to mind:
People who post on airsoft forums more then they play.

If only I could play everyday :) ...

empty_mags April 24th, 2010 08:02


Originally Posted by Gato (Post 1218600)
Players who play based on weather. Sure, I'll bitch about rain, wind or temp, but I'll still be out there doing what needs to be done (Fighting the opposing team), if you're in airsoft because it's more "real" than paintball then, newsflash, Armies and factions don't only fight on sunny days with a tempature of +10 or more so grow balls

There are a few people on here who have put time in the field outside of airsoft for survival courses in -20c, or gone through a week in the bush at between 5 and 10 above with pouring rain the whole time (Which I pulled hypothermia out of)

I have done all sorts of that shit outside of airsoft, I can do it, but I choose not to use my free time to do it if I don't have to.

BobbyDangerous April 24th, 2010 10:26


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 638831)
Try being a sniper, seeing the track of the BB, the hit, the bounce, the reaction............. all through a 3-9x40 scope, then see them look around and go back to fighting................... and you being in your ghillie not even 150ft away from his team fighting elsewhere................ frustrating, is why I decided to just call my kills as I make them, two to three shots on the same guy because he's not calling hits adds up to two to three kills on him, just embarrass him later int he staging area or online "I got some really sweet kills on your today, hit you here, here and here from XXX distance away." "Huh? I made it all day without getting shot once!" "Well, that's expected if yo udont' call your hits, I saw each and every one on you within a couple minutes, you reacted the same way, so kills for me, sucks to be you." Works best when he's around others. ;)

People that get shot and don't call themselves out are scrubs. They might as well be glitchers..


They're just hitting their lag switches you didn't really hit them...

Must prob be the most frustrating thing..

iballBRODY April 24th, 2010 19:42


Originally Posted by empty_mags (Post 1215031)
First thing that comes to mind:
People who post on airsoft forums more then they play.

lol chairsofters?

Rugger_can April 25th, 2010 02:58

When your part of a team running a huge fuck off game and your off charging umpteen bloody batteries for people only to come back to camp to discover that someone has picked up your brand new gbb that had never been used, fired it, dropped it in the sand, then fired it again completely wrecking it. Only to have them neither apologize nor replace it and then they continue to show up to games your at all the while pretending it never happened. Oh yea, and one of those batteries was for him.

Or when you get to a game, load up and get on the field only to come back to your gear and discover that your missing all your ammo now as people seem to think that ammo is bloody communal.

Someone photo shopping someone else into a picture at tim hortons with a G36 and having the entire community go apeshit over it because they honestly believe that someone who's been involved with airsoft for neigh 20 years would do such a damn thing.

People that forget that dboards are just that. Don't assume you know anything about anyone from what they say on the boards, When I started out I was a douche like that, I hated madmorbius because I figured he was a big blowhard ***with a tiny dick, I was wrong.... His dick is huge***... Te guy totally proved me wrong, was very down to earth and friendly (in his own special way). Thus I learned a valuable lesson, don't assume you know anything about anyone going into a game, keep the boards off the field and go into each game with a positive outlook.

Oh yea, being unable to play for years because of a disability and personal crisis and having to watch you wankers from a distance for several years.. Bastards..

Just so Im clear.. everything contained within the ***...*** area is a joke to lighten the air after all the bitching... as well, some of these grips are damn near 8 years old so don't start.

Blitzed April 25th, 2010 03:03

^ That is more than a pet peeve mate. That sucks btw.. Bad luck..

Wilson April 25th, 2010 03:31

I hate it how 30 minutes into every game my team is always fractured because of death & respawn.

This year we're simply going to kamikaze the moment any of us die so we can respawn together.

kalnaren April 25th, 2010 08:22


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1219435)
Or when you get to a game, load up and get on the field only to come back to your gear and discover that your missing all your ammo now as people seem to think that ammo is bloody communal.

Yea, I've had that one happen.

Another one of mine:

If you're going to use radios, learn how the hell to use radios. "Who's over on the left" is hardly bloody helpful in a game. Lean compass directions, and make sure your entire radio team knows them. Make sure everyone knows eachothers names and call signs. And for the love of God..LEARN PROPER RT!!!

Most games where I hook up with a fireteam and am given a radio I usually end up turning it off. The chatter that goes on is nowhere near helpful and distracting.

Eeyore April 25th, 2010 10:53

Spawn campers, assholes who wait around the first corner of a spawn shoot you then act like they didn't know you just spawned.

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