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ShelledPants April 1st, 2009 10:37


Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD (Post 952487)

Yeah Im pissed, Yes im venting, It was a good joke but all in all if its fixed then why am I still having probs

Try clearing your cache and cookies. It's probably your computer which is having the problem.

Mantelope April 1st, 2009 10:39

If you're still having problems with resolving to the proper address, you should try using better DNS servers:

HaZarD SFD April 1st, 2009 10:41


Originally Posted by Mantelope (Post 952494)
If you're still having problems with resolving to the proper address, you should try using better DNS servers:

Why should I need to use better DNS servers? this pc is at work with the same issues.


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 952491)
Try clearing your cache and cookies. It's probably your computer which is having the problem.

Done and Done and still problems.

Wow just checked and seems like ASC has fixed itself.. looks like the little stupid mushy part behind the glass monitor figured out what button to push.. thanks all and good joke non the less.

Mordarski J.A. April 1st, 2009 10:41

Sadly, here I am just reading this now at 0940hrs CST, and as much as I can appreciated that it messed with a lot of people freaking them out and such.......isn't that the point of an April Fools prank? Nice one Lisa et al, it looks like it caught everyone off guard LOL!

Drake April 1st, 2009 10:42


Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD (Post 952487)
Eat my bag as I cant use AT ALL I guess you dont read well. as it still redirects and give input errors.

Aww muffin does that Site Supporter badge give you the right of assholyness? I Support the site by being here and being active.

Seems fixed for everyone else, guess it just sucks to be you.

There's even an easy workaround, but since you decided hostility was the way to go I'll let you figure it out.

Jimski April 1st, 2009 10:45

I'm relieved this horrible page was a joke :)
could we have a screen capture of this horror? I bet no one kept it.
is it still accessible???

HaZarD SFD April 1st, 2009 10:51


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 952498)
Seems fixed for everyone else, guess it just sucks to be you.

There's even an easy workaround, but since you decided hostility was the way to go I'll let you figure it out.

You dont read much. I posted after that I was venting and you looked easy. I also posted again after saying its oddly working again and all is well. Please read before you post. thank you

Shirley April 1st, 2009 10:53

LOL! Biggest joke ever... Brian got me all confused.

And I died laughing at the Jarek part.

Anyways, now we can tell who the real chairsofters are. ;)

HaZarD SFD April 1st, 2009 10:57


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 952506)
LOL! Biggest joke ever... Brian got me all confused.

And I died laughing at the Jarek part.

Anyways, now we can tell who the real chairsofters are. ;)

Unfortunetly my new job has made me a new Chairsofter untill the game this weekend.. 8hrs in an office with nothing to do but mess around on the net.. its nice but bad at the same time.. lol

Jimski April 1st, 2009 11:52

I hope you get a bonus for that ;)

Capt.Flan April 1st, 2009 11:59

Oh well. Well done but not funny.

It's funny for a regular discussion forum but for a place whit a lot of commercial transactions it's not. And if it do happend in the future ( and believe me it's possible) people will think it's a joke?

I saw whit my own eyes a WEB hacked in the past and they can retreive any personnal infos, credit card numbers, paypla accounts, pm's etc...

I dont give a fuck if I can't acces a forum for a week. I am not a "chairsofter". All I care is about personnal infos been collected. And that happends and it's possible.

Huron April 1st, 2009 12:19

I saw the "ASR bought ASC" thing on the homepage, and I was shocked/terrified lol. I read the first page or two of this thread praying to God it was a joke. Awesome April Fool's prank :D

I love this place.

8skippy40 April 1st, 2009 12:33

pretty funny...especially becauce people thought the sky was falling....hillarious

DarkerWhite April 1st, 2009 12:51


Originally Posted by 8skippy40 (Post 952583)
pretty funny...especially becauce people thought the sky was falling....hillarious

It did, I got knocked out. My chairsofting helmet wasn't on... I'll never make that mistake again.

Slade April 1st, 2009 13:30

People still fall for this shit? It doesn't matter what happens, USA and China could formally declare WWIII, but if it happens on April 1st its not real.

Good to see people going nuts over an obvious joke though, nothing like a little doomsday panic to weed out the crazies.

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