Airsoft Canada

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cndzn November 3rd, 2007 00:18

There is a difference between cleaning 'dirt' off ya gear and bdu's, and having to clean the smeg remains from paintballs off your gear, weapons and equipment.
And I wouldnt use the words 'excuse to hate paintball'.

It has been said, at the end of the day its all about personal choice, you can either play airsoft OR paintball OR a variation of the two. Its your choice.
Frankly I am somewhat, for lack of a better word, confused as to why this is even on here. Last time I checked it was Airsoft Canada, not Paintball Canada. I am sure the two sports have aspects that are very similar, but this is airsoft. If I wanted to go and read about paintball I wouldnt be on this forum.

flame November 3rd, 2007 00:44

I may be a little wrong here by saying this but what harm are they to anybody? they can be imported legally I might add. I'm interested in the guns. Afterall I play for the Milsim and Tacsim aspect and not because its air soft, yes air soft guns look real and thats what got me into the sport in the first place. Now think about this for a moment... we can still simulate combat or tactical situations using realistic looking weapons.It only took a few idiots to ruin the chances of the rest of us being able to import air soft because they were brandishing and playing with them in the public eye. I say lets not make war debating whether this is an air soft forum or a paintball forum and just make it a Milsim/Tacsim forum. I say give these weapons a chance and who knows we might just see them turning up at more and more games.

rockafella November 3rd, 2007 01:52


Originally Posted by cndzn (Post 567025)
Last time I checked it was Airsoft Canada, not Paintball Canada. I am sure the two sports have aspects that are very similar, but this is airsoft. If I wanted to go and read about paintball I wouldnt be on this forum.

I'm sorry If anyone was offended by this post,. I'm just interested to hear the different opinions everyone had about each sport. Ultimately I'm into the MILSIM aspect of things regardless of what tools are being used. I love both Paintball and airsoft, God knows I spend enough money on it (just see my bank transactions), I used to only play airsoft, and had no interest whatsoever in paintball because of how the guns look and because of the type of mentality that most paintballer I've seen. (Mostly Speedball) until I came accorss the RAP4 markers, now I can play paintball with my freinds that do it, and play airsoft which i love without haveing to have different guns fore each but, mostly it was the sell ejection and the more realsitc sound compared to an AEG that sold me. I want to play MILSIM/TACSIM, I thought that that ultimately what airsoft is about.

I'm not trying to establish that one is better than the other, nor am I trying to convince anyone of anything other than that I'm happy that paintballers seem to finally be comming around and doing things right by going toward a more MILSIM game style.

Although this is an airsoft forum I don't think opening a discussion like this violates any rules. It's just like asking someone what do you think about Terminator 2 and each his own but one does'nt need to be better than the other. Don't get so defensive.

That why I did'nt say "PAINTBALL vs. AIRSOFT."

Amos November 3rd, 2007 02:35


Originally Posted by rockafella (Post 566907)
A video of the next geeration of paintball gameing:

Rap4 airsoft/paintball video

.. The "recoil" on those things are pathetic... Looks just the same as the piston in my M14 slamming forward..

WarChild7 November 3rd, 2007 11:23


Originally Posted by White_knight (Post 564774)
i didn't make this this is from our friend over at the warstore in NY.

i've recently updated this page with a detailed cost analysis comparing the annual costs to play both sports.

Brit ter November 3rd, 2007 11:40

I looked at warchilds analysis and could not believe the diference in price between the two sports, airsoft is alot cheaper and less maint. for the guns

flame November 3rd, 2007 12:11

OK I have to get some things off my chest here because there seems to be way too much bitching,whinning,complaining and disrespect found on this forum. Am I really hearing this right? "This is an Air soft forum paintball and even clearsoft dont belong here". I can't belive what i'm hearing. I can personally say with pride that I own 4 of your supposed shitsoft guns. I painted them to look real and I started playing airsoft with friends. I found that yes even though their range and power can't compete with the higher end guns,but we have to start somewhere. I bet everybodys first car wasn't a LAMBO its a car we all want but we bought a civic because thats what we could afford in the begining.I now own the following guns M4 S-system,FAMAS,G3 Sniper rifle and USP 45 GBB. So yes we all start somewhere. Me it was"shitsoft" lets all leave the poor noob bastards the fuck alone,given the chance they very well might turn out to be the best players around given that you havn't turned them away from the sport with your rude comments that I can only expect from my 4 and 5 year old boys.

Aquamarine November 3rd, 2007 14:22

Might want to edit that page. Airsoft has been around longer than 10 years. I myself own a couple of guns made in 1986, 1985 and when was originally teaching english, had some students who had been playing airsoft with spring operated rifles and pistols back in '83.

krazie Sj November 3rd, 2007 14:49

BTW - That gun on the second last page of your airsoft Vs paintball you put up, is a Kar98 held by Kingster.

Amos November 3rd, 2007 17:54


Originally Posted by Brit ter (Post 567185)
I looked at warchilds analysis and could not believe the diference in price between the two sports, airsoft is alot cheaper and less maint. for the guns

In the extreme long run (over a couple of years) airsoft will be cheaper... Only problem is the Canadian gun prices... that doesn't mix well with the airsoft bug...

I can barely hold 500 bucks in my hand before thinking "Hrrrm what gun next"

cndzn November 3rd, 2007 20:51

"This is an Air soft forum paintball and even clearsoft dont belong here".

I would be the first to disagree with that flame, as you do also. I have always been open minded when it comes to other sports that are in line with airsoft, whether it be paintball or whatever. I am 100% right behind you when you say we all have to start somewhere. I couldnt agree more.

What I do have a problem with is a thread that has hashed, rehashed, and hashed yet again the same comments from an ASC member regarding paintball and the weapons they use.

I get it!!! The weapons the ASCer is selling may be used for airsoft. Thats fine. But when he says also he DOES NOT supply the conversions kits, then to me he is trying to sell off and 'drum up' business for his paintball markers. Hence my comments regarding this being an airsoft forum. If he truely intended his weapons to be used for airsoft, sell the whole lot, including the conversion kit.

Whatever someone wants to play, thats fine. Using your vehicle subject comparison, I wont go onto a Ford Forum and ask what people think of a 65 Fastback vs a 69 Camaro.

If we want to discuss the merits, pro's and cons of the associated sports similiar to airsoft that is fine. Dont make this into a business venture.

Aquamarine November 4th, 2007 00:57

I don't consider that to be a flame. It's not an attack on anyone personal, it's simply the truth. If you go to a BMW forum and start trying to compare your Honda Civic to a BMW, then you'll have to expect to be unwelcome. There is no paintball and airsoft debate... they are DIFFERENT games, get over it.

Sergeantmajor November 4th, 2007 01:01


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 567491)
I don't consider that to be a flame. It's not an attack on anyone personal, it's simply the truth. If you go to a BMW forum and start trying to compare your Honda Civic to a BMW, then you'll have to expect to be unwelcome. There is no paintball and airsoft debate... they are DIFFERENT games, get over it.

you t3h man.

that pretty much sums it up. thread over?

nx2001 November 4th, 2007 01:08

In the end whatever sport gives you the most fun is all that is important. To each their own ... lol

TokyoSeven November 4th, 2007 01:10

Whatever sport is the most fun to me? Well thats gotta be tonsil hockey, then airsoft, then tonsil hockey again.

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