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Jbone 11 11 September 1st, 2009 08:48

Not sure if this ones been brought up before (40 pages is a lot to go through!)

Playing at night and having someone turn on their flashlight right in front you as soon as you get your eyes get used to the dark!

Brian McIlmoyle September 1st, 2009 09:57

Game Flakers
My #1 peeve

People who confirm they will attend a game and then don't bother to show up. With no notice and no explaination.

Particularly when they have asked people to bring stuff for them to borrow.

When you commit to attend a game .. you made a deal, when you don't show.. you break that deal.

You loose respect and your degrade trust.

In the future I will post negative feedback for players who Flake on attending games that they commited to.

Brian McIlmoyle September 1st, 2009 10:05


Originally Posted by makinitbig (Post 1050972)
Cheaters who you shoot up the back, go onto his buddy and he turns around and blasts you and says he didn't feel anything.

People who you accidentally shoot once or twice and they explode, say your shooting hot when really your under 320fps, and still walk around with a stick up there ass acting like chode. MAN THE F*** UP.

You made the mistake of presuming he was hit.. you shoot until the person calls hit. If he complains about being "overshot" apologize and then move on.

Most issues about "Cheaters" are caused by the shooter and not the shot. The shooter sees the impact and presumes the shot felt it and moved on .. only to be shot by that person.

Make certain your target is down before moving on, see him hit.. hear him call it..

If it was real you would not go on to the next target until you were sure the first was down.

Mikhail September 1st, 2009 11:16

Well said Brian, I agree totally. (course...I DO run a support weapon...;) )

Mine is finding bright green paintball spray on my multicam bdu dryed on well after an event...because a local field likes to run paintball games the same time as AS.

Now I know this is an issue, I can choose to skip that field...but finding this out the hard way is definitely a piss off.

Jbone 11 11 September 1st, 2009 13:48

Got a question.... Someone mentioned something about people honking off about others wearing real unit patches on their combats (think it was S.H.I.E.L.D. back on page 35 or something).... Is that an issue back home?

I ask cause I started playing here in Europe and just about every team is a knock off of some real world unit. I myself play with a crew style themselves as Royal marines. They go all out too..... right down to the issue semi-dayglow-green beret and "globe & Crown" cap badge.

Gato September 1st, 2009 14:01


Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 (Post 1056814)
Got a question.... Someone mentioned something about people honking off about others wearing real unit patches on their combats (think it was S.H.I.E.L.D. back on page 35 or something).... Is that an issue back home?

I ask cause I started playing here in Europe and just about every team is a knock off of some real world unit. I myself play with a crew style themselves as Royal marines. They go all out too..... right down to the issue semi-dayglow-green beret and "globe & Crown" cap badge.

I think the main annoyance for most people, just using you as an example not bitching you out, would be that you're not a Royal Marine, haven't gone through the training and bullshit they do and haven't earned the right to wear it. I personally have no issue about impressions though I am split on the isssue of wearing patches and cap badges of currently existing entities (unit whatever you call them) say RCR or Royal marines for example. For disbanded or historical units such as anything from WWII, the Soviet Military or the Vietnam War, I have NO issues, that's more Historical re-enactment as far as I'm concerned

Brian McIlmoyle September 1st, 2009 14:20

It's a costume
No one is presuming membership in a regiment that you choose to replicate.

someone getting their shorts in a knot about doing a particularly good job on your costume is akin to Wookies getting pissed because you choose to wear a Ghillie.

Danke September 1st, 2009 14:33

I think the biggest issue with that type of re-enactor is that at times they may carry their SAS persona into the real world.

Some countries have real issues with fake SEALs and the like and when you do too good a job of impression people outside the game feel you've crossed a line. If sailors who have earned a Trident don't want outsiders wearing it then saying your team is doing it out of respect doesn't fly. You get lumped in with the other imposters since no matter how noble your intentions they are not evident in pictures.

If you still really feel the need to do these impressions then be ready for negative comments and if you post up a bunch of photos of yourself in action have an extra thick skin since that can draw unwanted attention in a very big way.

As an aside, most real units don't go into action bedizened with patches, ranks, jump wings and other qualification badges.

Amos September 1st, 2009 15:24


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1056841)
someone getting their shorts in a knot about doing a particularly good job on your costume is akin to Wookies getting pissed because you choose to wear a Ghillie.

Ahahaha... That's the best way I've ever seem some one illustrate that point...

Jbone 11 11 September 1st, 2009 16:05


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1056841)
No one is presuming membership in a regiment that you choose to replicate.

someone getting their shorts in a knot about doing a particularly good job on your costume is akin to Wookies getting pissed because you choose to wear a Ghillie.

BWahahahhaha!! Oh man... thats some funny shit! Made my day!:D

Jbone 11 11 September 1st, 2009 16:08

Well put too. Sorry, had tears in my eyes there, and hit the wrong key before I was done typing....LOL!

Gato September 1st, 2009 17:14


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1056841)
No one is presuming membership in a regiment that you choose to replicate.

someone getting their shorts in a knot about doing a particularly good job on your costume is akin to Wookies getting pissed because you choose to wear a Ghillie.

Haha that's a good way of putting it, I've got no problem with them recreating it but as someone else mentioned, the character they're playing doesn't seem to stay with the costume. I'm not a huge fan of people wearing insignias and badges they haven't earned but I'm not them, people can do as they please and it won't affect or hurt me so I leave them be. I'm still laughing at the bit about wookies and ghillie.

Brian McIlmoyle September 2nd, 2009 00:15

Ok ... another one
Posting "tentative" in a game thread..

who the f**K cares if maybe you will come?

The whole planet "maybe" will show up

STFU until you can confirm you will be there.

NO ONE cares if you are thinking of showing up...

but game hosts do need to know if you ARE going to show up.

I think lots of things that I never do... most of them having something to do with flame throwers

FOX_111 September 2nd, 2009 00:49


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1056841)
someone getting their shorts in a knot about doing a particularly good job on your costume is akin to Wookies getting pissed because you choose to wear a Ghillie.

I absolutly love the analogy and I support it 100%.


I hate when people can't Shut the F*?$@ up in game. Even during a skirmish. I guess it has been said many time before already, but it's one of the thing that screw the tactical feel of a game the most.

Outcast569 September 2nd, 2009 10:13

This isnt overly an airsoft one so much as a general one.

Other players and general people wearing dog tags. I can understand wearing patches and what not on your gear as part of the look and I have no real issue with that. But personally unless you served I think its just plain wrong to be wearing them. The ones that really bother me are the 14 yr old punks wearing the g-unit style ones but hey thats just me. :)

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