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Amos May 27th, 2009 16:29


Originally Posted by Schwag (Post 995589)
The trigger spring on v3 boxes

Oh god yes.

theguy May 27th, 2009 16:43

hehe, i remember the first time i cracked my mechbox carefully folowing every step on and my G36 V3 trigger assembly exploded out of the box...

When i found that mentioned nothing about trigger assemblys, i freaked out. Took me weeks to figure out how it all was supposed to go together

Doc May 27th, 2009 17:40

personally, i have the anti-reversal latch in vr. 2 gearboxes. they never stay in when you try to put the gearbox back together.

Gerkraz May 27th, 2009 19:42


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 995574)
Where is the basis for this claim that you're making re. CAPS? How did Magpul Dynamics get associated to it? Please explain more.

There is a strict set of rules and procedures that are in place (reviewed, edited and approved by IPSC) for CAPS that closely mimic the rules/procedures currently in place for real steel. As such, there are some some actions made redundant by virtue of these things being Airsoft. But it's the infference that CAPS is "teaching" things from Magpul Dynamics that I cannot accept.


All the tactical reload stuff they show in Magpul Dynamics? I think it's CAPS, but I haven't watched the DVD enough to remember for sure.

I just mean that, since Magpul Dynamics came around, lots of fanboys have taken it as the word of God, and Chris Costa as Jesus Christ, or something.

I mean, it's not even so much at games I attend, but also how people take it online. I mean, there are users on ASC who's signature is a .gif of themselves being all "Magpul techniques" for us...

Also: to those saying that people with pet peeves annoy them? GTFO of this thread...this thread is for venting :P

AngelusNex May 27th, 2009 22:00

people who add their bloody name and title at the end of every god damn post... I mean why not put it in your Fricking sig.

KND May 27th, 2009 22:37


Originally Posted by Sepulcrum (Post 995949)
people who add their bloody name and title at the end of every god damn post... I mean why not put it in your Fricking sig.

Why ? Are there anything wrong with that ? I always did that for my every post that I made though.


Styrak May 27th, 2009 22:51


Originally Posted by KND (Post 995962)
Why ? Are there anything wrong with that ? I always did that for my every post that I made though.


Cause I don't think anyone will go OMG WHO MADE THAT POST?!

<----- It's right there

Beazer May 27th, 2009 22:59


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995846)
I mean, there are users on ASC who's signature is a .gif of themselves being all "Magpul techniques" for us...

Yeah and the guy doing it would have burned his thumb by sticking it next to the barrel a gazillion times.
Where's the your doing it wrong pic?

Here's another pet peeve I just found today.
Fake gear costing the same if not more than the real deal and copying shitty gear to begin with.
Like Pantac copying Spec-Ops.WTF.

Oh and all the gear shit. There are people that collect military gear and do actual not half assed imprssions. There are few of us that do it right.
The half assed guys are lame though.

Styrak May 27th, 2009 23:09


Originally Posted by Beazer (Post 995984)
Oh and all the gear shit. There are people that collect military gear and do actual not half assed imprssions. There are few of us that do it right.
The half assed guys are lame though.

Maybe they're not trying to do an impression?

pilotguy May 28th, 2009 00:14

New players to airsoft trying to tell me how much better their equipment is compared to mine when they have no idea about their own equipment yet - Their excuse.. it cost more. Grrrrr... STFU and get yer ass on the field and we'll see how that fancy ass gun of yours works. Only as good as the shooter behind it, so in most cases, not good at all.

pusangani May 28th, 2009 00:23


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995560)
I don't know if this has been said before, but it drives me INSANE when airsofters think that the C.A.P.S. they "learned" by watching Magpul Dynamics have ANY use or relevance in airsoft.

"Cant the rifle and check for brass" ...why yes, my piston is still there!
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

are you talking about Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting that we do here in Toronto? or some other CAPS? because you really need to do some research or clarify yourself some more, I am a member of CAPS and I've never watched a Magpul video in my life outside of a short tidbit on youtube out of curiosity

Pavel May 28th, 2009 01:47

Anybody wearing insignia they haven't earned. Further, anybody "repurposing" insignia as their own.

Those of you who have earned the insigs know it's forbidden to use them on the airsoft field.

I think my favourite so far is the kid with full SpN badging doing a lovely Spot of Walting without being able to speak a word of Russian. Tak khorosho, comrade.

DethHead May 28th, 2009 03:26

my pet peeve by far, is those who think its counter-strike and go for headshots.
not cool man, not cool.

Gerkraz May 28th, 2009 06:47


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 996056)
are you talking about Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting that we do here in Toronto? or some other CAPS? because you really need to do some research or clarify yourself some more, I am a member of CAPS and I've never watched a Magpul video in my life outside of a short tidbit on youtube out of curiosity

No, I'm not talking about Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting.

I'm refering to some acronym they use in Magpul Dynamics, as a mnenomic tool as a procedure for what to do when your gun goes down. CAPS, TAPS? Something like that.

Sorry for the confusion. I didn't realize CAPS stood for an organization in Toronto.

Loathing May 28th, 2009 07:54


Originally Posted by DethHead (Post 996137)
my pet peeve by far, is those who think its counter-strike and go for headshots.
not cool man, not cool.

I agree that unloading into someones face is not cool.


At the same time, if I see someone and they're taking cover behind something, and all that pops up is their head, I'm still going to take the shot.

If I see someone in the open, or behind a bush or something and I have a full body shot, I'll go for the torso.

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