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Bowers May 15th, 2009 22:19


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 987438)
US of A, ever notice some of them have like 10 guns

yeah that too

and indeed i have quite often its rather nice stuff too

S.H.I.E.L.D. May 19th, 2009 22:31

- Goddamn blind firing!

- Not calling hits

- Arm chair commandos who bitch about military unit patches on uniforms

- General bad sportsmanship(I.E. not slapping an opponent on the shoulder and telling them "good game dude." or "damn man that was some awesome shooting out there.") compliments and being a good player isn't hard for godsakes. And it won't kill you to actually say hello to someone even if you don't know them.

- Keyboard warriors, who are the bravest mother fuckers on the planet while they hide behind their computers and attack everyone else for anything they say do or otherwise. You got something to say, say it to my face like an adult.

- People who don't come prepared for a game (Mags not loaded, batteries not charged yadda yadda), it holds up the game and pisses everyone else off who've been waiting to get playing.

- Paintballers....I have no problem with them otherwise, but when you have to share a field with them it's a pain in the colon, and most are developmentally challenged.

- My guns crapping out half way through a game, which often provokes me in to buying more guns...just incase. ;)

- Usually having to work on the weekend a FR game falls on.

lemegacool May 19th, 2009 22:36


Originally Posted by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Post 990867)

- Keyboard warriors, who are the bravest mother fuckers on the planet while they hide behind their computers and attack everyone else for anything they say do or otherwise. You got something to say, say it to my face like an adult.

- Paintballers....I have no problem with them otherwise, but when you have to share a field with them it's a pain in the colon, and most are developmentally challenged.


those two applies to me as well, lol i got freezed by a paintballer once at action commando ... i mean riiiigh!:rolleyes:

KND May 19th, 2009 22:42


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 990870)
those two applies to me as well, lol i got freezed by a paintballer once at action commando ... i mean riiiigh!:rolleyes:

Do you remember their is a guy who test his paint ball gun in front of us like bang bang bang all the time at the rest area ? hmm ! at that time, I just gonna turn to Full Auto and spray.


S.H.I.E.L.D. May 19th, 2009 22:47

That made me think of another one lol;

- Getting berated up and down to make sure our weapons are plugged, safe, no mags etc and to not test fire in the safe area, yet all around you, you hear paintballers dry firing their weapons and pissing about!

lemegacool May 19th, 2009 22:58


Originally Posted by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Post 990877)
That made me think of another one lol;

- Getting berated up and down to make sure our weapons are plugged, safe, no mags etc and to not test fire in the safe area, yet all around you, you hear paintballers dry firing their weapons and pissing about!


Originally Posted by KND (Post 990872)
Do you remember their is a guy who test his paint ball gun in front of us like bang bang bang all the time at the rest area ? hmm ! at that time, I just gonna turn to Full Auto and spray.


YES YES YES GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF, like we are walking finger off the trigger, always check chambers for remaining bb's etc etc they just go bang bang bang... and it seems to be a norm in the paintball world to ALWAYS keep the finger on the trigger . bref thats why i most of the time keep my goggles on in the safe zone...

Gerkraz May 27th, 2009 11:15

I don't know if this has been said before, but it drives me INSANE when airsofters think that the C.A.P.S. they "learned" by watching Magpul Dynamics have ANY use or relevance in airsoft.

"Cant the rifle and check for brass" ...why yes, my piston is still there!
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

KND May 27th, 2009 11:18


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995560)
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

lol, fortunately, my froward assist knob is functional. :D


m102404 May 27th, 2009 11:54


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995560)
I don't know if this has been said before, but it drives me INSANE when airsofters think that the C.A.P.S. they "learned" by watching Magpul Dynamics have ANY use or relevance in airsoft.

"Cant the rifle and check for brass" ...why yes, my piston is still there!
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

Where is the basis for this claim that you're making re. CAPS? How did Magpul Dynamics get associated to it? Please explain more.

There is a strict set of rules and procedures that are in place (reviewed, edited and approved by IPSC) for CAPS that closely mimic the rules/procedures currently in place for real steel. As such, there are some some actions made redundant by virtue of these things being Airsoft. But it's the infference that CAPS is "teaching" things from Magpul Dynamics that I cannot accept.


Schwag May 27th, 2009 12:27

Gas guns. Any of them. Bloody pains in the ass.

PTWs. Nice but grossly overrated.

Gun nuts. What is wrong with these people? They're tools(the guns, not the people), that's it. Some look nice but so what?


Ammo limits

Guys who take 20 minutes to load 500 bbs.

Nerds who think airsoft elevates them beyond regular nerd status to alpha-nerd status. Not that they're even aware of their nerdliness to begin with.

Military and law-enforcement types who think they know it all (but rarely win)

The trigger spring on v3 boxes

Clear plastic crapsoft being treated and discussed like real aegs.

big, heavy guns that don't perform any better than their smaller, more practical counterparts.

Gear whores. All that shit is only good for standing in front of a mirror, looking like a poser douchebag. It doesn't make you play better, it doesn't make you tough or leet and it doesn't make you cool. It makes you a schmuck who likes to play dress-up and spend alot doing it.

MilanWG May 27th, 2009 13:06

Schwag, I can't agree more.

Gato May 27th, 2009 13:19


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995560)
I don't know if this has been said before, but it drives me INSANE when airsofters think that the C.A.P.S. they "learned" by watching Magpul Dynamics have ANY use or relevance in airsoft.

"Cant the rifle and check for brass" ...why yes, my piston is still there!
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

Hahaha In my defence I do it out of habit and muscle memory but I'll admit, for those not trained to do it or who don't have real weapons it's applicable to: It's fucking stupid, pointless and a waste of time that could be used to reload faster and continue sending rounds down range.

Danke May 27th, 2009 13:25

Folks that post up enormous photos that detail every molecule in the frame but also manage to be out of focus, poorly lit, or otherwise mega-weak.

safx May 27th, 2009 13:34

People with pet peeves. Get over it.

Yes I see the irony in my post

Lakonian May 27th, 2009 13:48


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 995560)
I don't know if this has been said before, but it drives me INSANE when airsofters think that the C.A.P.S. they "learned" by watching Magpul Dynamics have ANY use or relevance in airsoft.

"Cant the rifle and check for brass" ...why yes, my piston is still there!
"Use that forward assist" ...yes, let's use it!

Drives me nuts.

Hey, not everyone on ASC is a 400lbs nerd, who masturbates to the "TACTICAL CARBINE" DVD. Some people actually train with airsoft, as opposed to dress up, and play soldier.

Maybe start hanging around some people who ACTUALLY do C.A.P.S, or ACTUALLY get involved in defensive shooting with RS.. Then you wont have to deal with the drippin' bullshit (as much).

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