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Last time I checked, "care" and "like" were not synonomous.
http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=Care Feel free to check your local text thesaurus as well. -VM By the way: Sure, your opinion matters. I'm not dismissing it but I am telling you I disagree with it. ------- Quote:
Looks like you just added this. I created this thread as a response to Greylocks' recent thread. |
Btw, you neversaid you dissagree with my opinion VipaMave, intead you turned around and burnt my balls for making a comment that you're little defense of go away if you don't care what my opinion is. Don't try that little stunt with me cause its not working.
Btw, I guess you lack the wit where my response is explaining how your use of "If you don't care" is wrong, because as I've pointed out a couple times here, he did care enough to post a response and you didn't like it. So, if you'd pull that stick outta your ear drum and listen to whats being said here is this; You don't like it that not all of us agree here. There are legitamite reasons for people to NOT like this idea. Many good ones were ((though somewhat sarcasticly)) shown in Quickstrikes post, oh but I guess you didn't dismiss them, you basically told him to f888 off cause he doesn't agree with you. Oh, and look now its you flaming your own thread, because you can't keep this on topic. You're going on and on and on about how dumb I am. Gee, I wonder what what Quickstrike musta though when you did that to him? Musta made him change his mind on the topic. Look it Vipa, I gave you my opinion and you didn't like it, here we are now with you bitching about the diference in not caring about an idea and not liking an idea. The problem was, you had the wrong context. Because if it was really not caring, he wouldn't have posted, he woulda burped out his abc's said "what a f888tard" to himself and scooted over to the next thread. But you can't read this, because basically you see this opinion that I don't like you. When the reality is I don't like this idea. It is irrelavent because of what ASC is supposed to be, and thats a community in which there is room for new people to find information. We don't want thumb suckers and tit bitters here, when you realise that, you might see why the idea is wrong. Many have pointed this out to you, but you're stuck on "YOUR THE IDIOT NOT ME!" Cause until now, you've not made ANY mention to anyone's actual opinion in your last posts. All you've gone on about, is some rant about being flamed. You started the flame when YOU went off topic. Quickstrike kept his post pretty much right there on topic of the idea of cutting out the retailers list. You, your on about feelings versus dislike, and people not liking your idea. Either stand up and say "Hey, just an idea thought you might get a better one." Or go sit back and read some more Math textbooks till YOU! turn 18 and deserve to see that information. How's that? |
Maybe you should read what you post instead of criticizing me. You say I'm flaming my own thread? Read what you write. Practice what you preach. I officially withdraw myself from this thread as I expect nothing more than mindless flames from you (Dracheous). -VM |
Yep, you never threw out any "You're an idiot" or "You're dumb" or "You're just not smart enough to understand what I am saying. If you want to withdraw from you're own thread. Thats fine, but don't do it because you can't take a little criticism. This started with the sheer fact that you can't take it that someone didn't like your idea and thought it utterly garbage. I've read one guy who's liked this idea, you know what the difference between him and you was? He actually pointed out the pro's to the idea, and that was limiting access TO the retaliers. But the cons have outweighted this idea and thats the limiting of access TO information. This is really like what I've said before, and thats telling people to read the FAQ and making it age verified access only. This isn't flaming as you so call it, because on the flipside of your floppy liberal like approach to this "debate" is that is just what this is, a debate. I don't like the idea, and I made that clear. Now I defend myself because you say I am flaming your thread. You sir, need to grow up, because as far as I am concerned anyone that'd come up with the idea of cutting off access to retailers to other people and wait till its so close to when that idea would not inconvience himself ((you being a minor is really what gets me here)) the very least. Its like Bill Clinton banning blowjobs in the white house a month before the next election that he himself is not going to run for. |
No you see buddy, I voiced my opinion on your matter, and you try to turn it into some lame fight.
I guess you can't see your own posts from the views of the others, and I already knew what you'd post against me to support yourself so I personally am not offended. Stop trying to start fights. Becuase you are going against a whole community on this matter basically. |
Tomato or Tomaato. Same difference.
Either way, I'm right and your all wrong, so stop the arguing. Sorry boys, but that's the way she goes. |
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