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CDN_Stalker July 17th, 2008 18:57


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 769770)

So yeah, price tag means the square root of fuck-all.

That is SO part of my vocabulary now! I'll give you something in return, there is a fine line between laziness and efficency. At least when the end result is the same.

Nik12 July 17th, 2008 19:05


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 769770)
Amen Brother Stalker!

I have the same issue with musicians and their gear. Guys who play like shit buy these expensive high end guitar and amps and think it makes them the second coming of Hendrix or something, when all along, all it does is make their suckage more apparent. Yet, they insist they're godly because of how much their instrumetns cost.

I have a custom ESP Explorer that cost $4700, a custom Lado that cost $3800, and a Gibson Les Paul that cost just under $2000. My favourite, best playing, and IMO best-sounding guitar is a nicely upgraded no-name $450 Korean-made Les Paul knockoff. I brag the shit out of that guitar all the time. Gets more play time than all my other guitars combined.

So yeah, price tag means the square root of fuck-all.

So you're telling me I spent $1700 on a 6pc Tama Rockstar Custom, $1500 on Roland Vdrums, $1000 on upgrades (new heads, hardware, etc), and $1300 on cymbals for nothing? Aw crap. Should have stuck to the $500 CB kit.

Crunchmeister July 17th, 2008 19:26


Originally Posted by Nik12 (Post 769785)
So you're telling me I spent $1700 on a 6pc Tama Rockstar Custom, $1500 on Roland Vdrums, $1000 on upgrades (new heads, hardware, etc), and $1300 on cymbals for nothing? Aw crap. Should have stuck to the $500 CB kit.

If you're actually good at playing your instrument, then a good quality instrument is worth it. I'm referring to unskilled players who have too much money to burn and think that it's more about the gear than the player and that owning über-gear makes them better.

And if you can play that excellent gear really well, then move your ass to Kingston. My band needs a drummer! LOL

Skladfin July 21st, 2008 12:22

Noobs and vets alike, who thinks that they are doing good to their pinned down team by simply storming to the front line without knowing where the enemy is. Then end up just being another guy who gets pinned down.... then get killed eventually.

Be smart!

Ronan July 23rd, 2008 01:07


Originally Posted by immortalundead (Post 769737)
i can vouch that yes, she is a girl lol

Me too.

M4man July 23rd, 2008 03:46

I hate it when people brag about their brand new gun then get out there and suck with it. If your gonna be part of the team u can't be an ass wipe

therifleman July 23rd, 2008 17:11

People who argue and talk about real steel weapons in the context to airsoft. Just because AKs are considerabley reliable in real life doesn't mean your Cybergun AK is going to last you 30 years. Just because the L96 is a considerably accurate sniper rifle in real life doesn't mean your UTG L96 is going to be more accurate than your typical AEG.

People who show up to games trying to look badass and ex-military. Lose the sergeant's cap, stop smoking the cigar like Clint Eastwood, and drop the 1000 yard stare. You're not fooling anyone, pal.

Scopes on AEGs. Face it, your plastic pellets aren't going to go very far. These airsoft guns are not precision intruments. They don't make you look "cool." Don't spend $80 on a scope when 1/100 times, your bbs will not go where you have your crossair.

People borrowing your guns and then breaking them. I'm nice enough to let you try out my TM G3A3. The least you could do is take care of it. I really don't enjoy someone snapping off the barrel of my G3 because they decided it was a good idea to use it as a walking stick when trudging through mud.

vatek July 23rd, 2008 17:38

Personally I find low-mag scopes to be very useful on long AEGs. I had a 3.5-10 mounted on my M14 for a while and it worked extremely well. The higher magnifications also serve a very useful purpose for observation, especially when it comes to spotting pesky snipers.

therifleman July 23rd, 2008 17:55

Ok, I can live with red dot sights and other low powered scopes but it just annoys me to see guys with high powered telescopic scopes on their AEGs.

Oh, and on the topic of snipers, another pet peeve:

Snipers who think they are the absolute shit. Airsoft snipers are useless. I hate these guys who snipe and think they're the heart of the team. Sorry to break it to you, but any AEG rifleman will be more useful than your average airsoft sniper any day.

SHaKaL July 23rd, 2008 18:10


Originally Posted by therifleman (Post 775241)
Ok, I can live with red dot sights and other low powered scopes but it just annoys me to see guys with high powered telescopic scopes on their AEGs.

Oh, and on the topic of snipers, another pet peeve:

Snipers who think they are the absolute shit. Airsoft snipers are useless. I hate these guys who snipe and think they're the heart of the team. Sorry to break it to you, but any AEG rifleman will be more useful than your average airsoft sniper any day.

Ok... And you are?

I mean; being registered since a couple days ago;and this being your 3rd post; someone here supposed to give a shit about what you like and dislike (even if some of your point are right on)? You didnt even fill your profile...

Deftonius July 23rd, 2008 18:24


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 775250)
Ok... And you are?

I mean; being registered since a couple days ago;and this being your 3rd post; someone here supposed to give a shit about what you like and dislike (even if some of your point are right on)? You didnt even fill your profile...

Airsoft exists outside of ASC. How do we know otherwise?

kalnaren July 23rd, 2008 18:28


Originally Posted by Deftonius (Post 775263)
Airsoft exists outside of ASC. How do we know otherwise?

+1. I'd say at least 30-50% of the people at each game I go to are not on ASC.

My peeve:

People who think ASC is the heart, soal, be-all-and-end-all of airsoft in Canada.

SHaKaL July 23rd, 2008 18:32

Maybe this is not the heart of airsoft but there a more positive way to represent yourself than posting on this thread at your 2nd post... Wich is in substance what i mean...

Also filling your profile could help peoples to know you...

oh and my pet peeve is peoples who think they can read minds about other peoples intentions...

Dracheous July 23rd, 2008 18:41


Originally Posted by Deftonius (Post 775263)
Airsoft exists outside of ASC.

Big pet peeve of mine too, don't you just hate that? :P lol.

Actually my peeve is those who think any particular role is better than the other, be it sniper or assault. At 20:1 odds it wouldn't matter if that 1 is a single support role with 10,000 rounds in an M60 or M249, he is not going to make it if those 20 work together. Snipers are just as useful as any other player as long as the team works together, on their own they're in deep shit. Snipers have the chance/patience to generally sneak in, set up and send back intel via coms. If the coms fuck up, he's stuck there with his pants around his ankles and doesn't know where his team is and if the assaults coming. Same can be said about ANY other player, playing mostly just the assault role last game, me and the DOW guys were out-numbered and out-flanked, and even though everyone there managed to work together to hold out as long as we could, we were no match and could not get help fast enough. What gun you use, what gear you wear, what equipment you use won't make you better or worse than any other player.

That all said I like to choose my gear to suit me, my equipment to be practical and not only look good; I want it to help me. My pet peeve is .22lr rifle scopes on L96's, it looks retarded. Simply because you have a rifle that imitates a rather high powered rifle but you have a dinky toy looking scope on it to kill image; talk about realism killer there.

Deftonius July 23rd, 2008 23:56


Originally Posted by SHaKaL
Maybe this is not the heart of airsoft but there a more positive way to represent yourself than posting on this thread at your 2nd post... Wich is in substance what i mean...

That makes no difference. Post count means nothing. Airsoft in Canada has been around a LOT longer than AirsoftCanada. Membership here doesn't make you 1337 or higher up than anyone else.


Originally Posted by SHaKaL
oh and my pet peeve is peoples who think they can read minds about other peoples intentions...

One of my pet peeves is when people try to single out other people without actually saying their names.

...and people on high horses, which is about 80% of the people here on ASC. Go figure.

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