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Voodoo July 14th, 2008 21:13

i love it when the guys get DIRT in they mags or the hopups die. They are not the best guns out there like all the owners want to think. OOOOOH its real weight and i have to slap the side when i pop a new mag in.....

Crunchmeister July 15th, 2008 00:37

I have nothing against PTWs or their owners. I wouldn't mind adding one to my collection someday, but it's definitely not a priority. I may just end up waiting to see how those Celcius CTW clones turn out once they're released. If they turn out to be good, I may consider that as an alternative. But all that aside, I just didn't see the point in being PM'ed out of the blue with snarky comments about how their guns were "more real" than my "cheap Chinese gun" like I somehow insulted their 1337n355 by giving this gun a glowing review. Like WTF was the point of that? I didn't get my Type 56 to get into a pissing contest with PTW owners or anyone else. I just wanted the ultimate AK replica, so I got the Real Sword.

And on a side-note, how much more realistic does it get than real-steel exterior parts? Short of submerging it in water or mud, you can put the same abuse on a Real Sword that you can on a real AK. I don't think too many PTW or other airsoft gun owners in general would want to do that with their guns. For me, that shoots the Type 56 up as not only the most realistic airsoft AK in existence today, but the most realistic airsoft gun overall. And all this at a price hundreds cheaper than a comparatively upgraded Marui AK would cost. But that's getting off-topic...

Bob the Angry Potato July 15th, 2008 00:54

3 PTW owners PM'd you saying 'lol mah PTW is bettar'?

What the fuck?
Someone has serious compensation issues, that's just disgusting. I guess they need to justify the price somehow by inflating their egos bragging about their toys, but it makes me feel happy inside when my Chinese AKS74U with a mere $100 of upgrades outperforms their 2008 PTWs in every way possible.

Knightwarrier July 15th, 2008 01:25

...... getting shot in the back by teams mates that can't recognize friendlies from enemies.

and getting to the field and realizing the battery in my aimpoint is dead from failing to shut it off the weekend b4. lol! now I carry a spare in my stock!

Ronan July 15th, 2008 02:48

Pet Peeve, PTW haters. Keep it to yourself, no one cares.

Yes PTWer's brag, it comes with the $2000 tag ;)

Edit: Btw sarcasm in this post before the ASC trolls roll in:rolleyes:

Oh Bob id love to see that AK outperform my 08 PTW :)

Bob the Angry Potato July 15th, 2008 09:48

Pet peeve- people that think their guns are high and mighty and rub it in other people's faces, and refuse any compromise.
Ronan, it's done it 3 times against various cylinders, what makes your PTW any different? I'm guessing yours is made out of angel hair and crocodile tears, or something, but unless Systema made your PTW different I don't see why. To me, bragging like that's nothing more then an admittance of how much of a nerd you are. If you feel the need to PM someone saying 'lol my $2000 AEG is bettar then yours', something's wrong with you.
A gun's a gun. Thinking it makes you better than others is nothing short of retarded.

EDIT- With Bowers, agreed. Ronan, I'm betting you're one of the three that PM'd to keep your ego satiated.

Another edit- It's not PTWs we hate, it's overzealous owners that shit in other people's threads saying 'my gun is better/cooler/sexier then yours'- as you yourself have done, multiple times.

Bowers July 15th, 2008 09:53

pet peeve: people thinking its the weapon that makes the man

a gun is a mere tool its the operator behind that tool that determines how that weapon will operate

if you dont have a operator to handle the weapon it is a mere paperweight

furthur more lets not muck up this thread with "my dicks bigger then yours!" fights

Crunchmeister July 15th, 2008 10:12


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 767708)
a gun is a mere tool its the operator behind that tool that determines how that weapon will operate

The wrong tool in the right hands can often be far more effective than the right tool in the wrong hands.

And agreed. This is about our pet peeves, not a pissing contest about who has the better gun.

kalnaren July 15th, 2008 10:27

People who take certain problems that exist in airsoft, and blow them way out of proportion to the point where they let it distract from the game, then bitch about it.

FNG July 15th, 2008 21:44

Some of the PTW owners here give me a good chuckle. What a bunch of retards.

Some of you I know and respect. Having played with and against you, and had no problems. Funny that you never post (wave your dick) about it.

Folks like mcguyver and Ronan. Well.....thier full of shit and have very small....egos....
but don't tell them...they might get upset.

Forever_kaos July 15th, 2008 22:43


Originally Posted by Knightwarrier (Post 767584)
...... getting shot in the back by teams mates that can't recognize friendlies from enemies.

and getting to the field and realizing the battery in my aimpoint is dead from failing to shut it off the weekend b4. lol! now I carry a spare in my stock!

Getting shot by team mates 'cause they feel you are 'stealing' their kills..

Hasn't happend but I could see it happening, and it'd be a HUGE piss off.

Deftonius July 15th, 2008 22:48


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 767614)
Pet Peeve, PTW haters. Keep it to yourself, no one cares.

Yes PTWer's brag, it comes with the $2000 tag ;)

Edit: Btw sarcasm in this post before the ASC trolls roll in:rolleyes:

Oh Bob id love to see that AK outperform my 08 PTW :)

...This guy

Denver Keith July 15th, 2008 23:00

*watches thread degenerate*

You know, a line from a good System of a Down track, Cigaro, comes to mind...

Bob the Angry Potato July 15th, 2008 23:02


Originally Posted by Denver Keith (Post 768383)
*watches thread degenerate*

You know, a line from a good System of a Down track, Cigaro, that comes to mind...

"My cock is much bigger than yours,
My cock can walk right through the door"

I'm assuming this is the one? It's fitting.

Denver Keith July 15th, 2008 23:04


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato (Post 768385)

"My cock is much bigger than yours,
My cock can walk right through the door"

I'm assuming this is the one? It's fitting.

I thought so. :D

"Can't you see that we love my cock? doodleloodledoodleloodle..." <--instant classic

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