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juicy May 17th, 2010 18:43

Speaking of M9's, this is Spike's old KJW M9... made new again. Sort of. I don't like it any more though... the grips are just too fat for my liking. Lesson learned from that: try before you buy. At least, try a different, but similar gun before you buy.

Finally - proof that I did a complete overhaul of 80% of the internals. Only things left to replace to have a completely new KJW M9 would be... inner barrel, hop up mount/bar/spring/screw/etc, BBU cover plate thing, sear, pins and screws, recoil spring, frame, and slide. Everything else has been swapped out to either new or aftermarket M9 parts. Hmm, perhaps then there's a little less than 80% of new parts in there. Anyway, stare at these pics if you care about that.

manchovie May 18th, 2010 00:38

-tm railless p226 (pro-win kit) and oldschool surefire
-ksc usp .45 system 7 with sd slide

Wildlife May 18th, 2010 01:48

Damn, some nice looking pistols on here. Here's my first & still favorite pistol, bought new waaay back in 2003:

Mostly stock WA M84FS "spy pack". I bead-blasted & re-anodized (to mil spec) the silencer; the original finish was too shiny for me. Also shimmed the slide rails with UHMW (ultra-high molecular weight) film; makes for a near-frictionless surface, and a lightning fast slide cycle. :twisted:
It's freakishly accurate for some reason; the grip shape & overall weight balance seem to give me a naturally perfect lineup with the sights. (Or maybe I'm just used to it. :) I'm 6'5"; it's pretty damn tiny in my hands.)
All the wear/weathering is genuine too. :cool: Many have mocked me for packin' a "girl's gun"; all have been shot. :D It's survived many seasons of gaming (on greengas originally, now propane) with nary a problem. ('cept that once I accidentally thumbed the mag release (ala Mr. Bean in that secret agent movie, you know the one I mean) during a heated firefight; mag thumped into the (thankfully soft) dirt, my immediate adversaries & I froze in time briefly as they grinned at me, halfway to cover; then I got royally hosed from multiple directions. Ah, sweet newb memories from NVPB...)

juicy May 18th, 2010 02:59


Originally Posted by manchovie (Post 1237133)

-tm railless p226 (pro-win kit) and oldschool surefire
-ksc usp .45 system 7 with sd slide

That SD slide is real purdy on your KSC USP! I like! Too bad that the USP's grip is just a few sizes too big for me to comfortably grasp.

Spike May 18th, 2010 08:42

Man, is every pistol too big for you to comfortably grasp?

juicy May 18th, 2010 14:32

I have small hands. Go away!

lol, there's a reason why I love my MEU so much... The USP has sort-of a boxy grip, it makes things okay for me. Well, that and the part about the mag catch being easily accessible by my RIGHT index or middle finger kinda took away any basis for complaining about functionality.

AirsoftHapkomah May 28th, 2010 22:27

KSC Glock 23F
KSC Glock 19 and KJW Glock 27

cooney June 5th, 2010 14:16

WE M9 Sword Cutlass
Revy's custom M9 from Black Lagoon so sexy just need 1 more :)

pusangani June 5th, 2010 14:34

Looks nice Cooney, the slide has a very satisfying ka-chink when you rack it :D

cbcsteve June 5th, 2010 22:26

More WE Cutlass Awesomeness

Dedicated to Cooney

icelikewinnipeg June 5th, 2010 22:39

So sexy!! im working on getting one myself :)

sewktbk June 9th, 2010 23:06

This is what I got, WE 1911 with Caspian trademarks:

This is the exact same gun after i repainted the slide, changed the grips, and polished some parts to a chrome-like shine :

Lost the trademarks, but like the look a lot better now.

Material used for the painting :
600 wet-dry sandpaper to prep the surface (sanded to the raw metal)
Tremclad Antirust paint, dark gray, Mat finish (5x)
Tremclad mat clearcoat (2x)

Material used for polishing:

600 wet-dry sandpaper
Dremel tool with a buffer pin
PEEK polishing cream and an old t-shirt to finish the job by hand.

Gunny_McSmith June 9th, 2010 23:46

euh... you repaint a 1911 slide.. and it becomes a 4.3' slide? ..... :S

sewktbk June 9th, 2010 23:50

didnt bother looking for a 4.3 slide on the net, just took the first pic i get the idea

Twin#1[Op-for] June 9th, 2010 23:51

But you clearly posted that the picture you have is the exact gun, engravings and all :S

Anyways, here is my contribution.

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