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Bissa June 25th, 2008 20:25

my pet peeves are
-waiting weeks for a "newly refubished" gun to arrive and when it does arrive you find it is already broken
-stupidity for age
-bad spelling (including my own)
-gravity(without it life would be so much more interesting)
-56k (or anything else that takes more than 2 seconds max to load a normal page)
-slow computers
-pointless bickering (debating or comparing is alright)

Danna June 25th, 2008 23:20

people who don't have the proper equiptment to store there guns. and have kid's KID'S.. lkike fuck ppl its not hard go to canadian tire buy a gun case or vault and make DAMN SURE you have trigger lock's. hell keep the clip out of the gun hidden in your wifes unmentonables.

Bowers June 25th, 2008 23:27


Originally Posted by Danna (Post 752591)
people who don't have the proper equiptment to store there guns. and have kid's KID'S.. lkike fuck ppl its not hard go to canadian tire buy a gun case or vault and make DAMN SURE you have trigger lock's. hell keep the magazine out of the gun hidden in your wifes unmentonables.

corrected and i agree 100%

as far as im concerned a gun safe is pretty near to mandatory that does not mean you need to go buy one its just an opinion

Danna June 25th, 2008 23:36


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 752597)
corrected and i agree 100%

as far as im concerned a gun safe is pretty near to mandatory that does not mean you need to go buy one its just an opinion

thanks lol but like with me for my mp5 and my rifle. each have there own case with has combo locks on it and each have trigger locks. thank you canadian tire.

FNG June 25th, 2008 23:36

People who bring thier girlfriends to a game without explaining the fucking rules to them!

Girlfriends that come to a game and ignore the fucking rules that were explained to them!

The colour purple....FUCK the colour purple! I don't like it.

Hard boiled eggs. Fuck hard boiled! It's soft boiled with soldiers, or nothing!

The letter 'Q'. Why the fuck does it need the letter 'U' to always back it up? Fuck the letter 'Q'! Who does it think it is?

Not being hugged enough as a child! that just fucking sucks!

........uh...?....Ya. I think I'm done.

skalnok June 25th, 2008 23:38

^^^^ fucking epic

Danna June 25th, 2008 23:39


Originally Posted by FNG (Post 752606)
People who bring thier girlfriends to a game without explaining the fucking rules to them!

Girlfriends that come to a game and ignore the fucking rules that were explained to them!

The colour purple....FUCK the colour purple! I don't like it.

Hard boiled eggs. Fuck hard boiled! It's soft boiled with soldiers, or nothing!

The letter 'Q'. Why the fuck does it need the letter 'U' to always back it up? Fuck the letter 'Q'! Who does it think it is?

Not being hugged enough as a child! that just fucking sucks!

........uh...?....Ya. I think I'm done.

well lyou uhh live in the gta.. so...uhh.... i can order a ...uhh.. rent-a-mother..
to.. um solve your hug problem....

.... *shudders.

kalnaren June 26th, 2008 08:55


Originally Posted by Danna (Post 752609)
well lyou uhh live in the gta.. so...uhh.... i can order a ...uhh.. rent-a-mother..
to.. um solve your hug problem....

.... *shudders.


Kingsix June 26th, 2008 18:26

Having your little brother load your magazine when you are away. Then try to guess your gunlock combo.
Having to unload your magazine because some idiot loaded it.

Matt_mg June 28th, 2008 12:20

People who can't blouse their pants.

Syn June 28th, 2008 12:46

Lending your favorite gun to a family member during a game and they treat it like shit. Thanks for the damage. :banghead:

ROB JONES June 28th, 2008 15:57

The overused FMU tag. FMU Glock, which means plastic everything and barely metal slide. Same with AEGs, FMU M4 means metal body and stock metal outer barrel, but all else plastic. People that know I play airsoft and think that it's the stuff from walmart and crappy tire. My number 1 peeve, getting taken for $180 deposit on a JG HK416, I won't mention names, but now I chase you.

ex June 28th, 2008 16:25


Originally Posted by Matt_mg (Post 754861)
People who can't blouse their pants.


Gunk June 28th, 2008 16:54


Originally Posted by Matt_mg (Post 754861)
People who can't blouse their pants.

I always thought "blousing" was just a fancy word for tucking your pants in so you don't step on them...

There's a 'proper' technique now?

Dracheous June 29th, 2008 00:10


Originally Posted by Matt_mg (Post 754861)
People who can't blouse their pants.

Boot bands that break mid game.

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