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AngelusNex June 24th, 2008 11:54


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 750916)
people who complain about people compaining about people complaining hehe

my brain just imploded

pusangani June 24th, 2008 11:59


Originally Posted by Sepulcrum (Post 750918)
my brain just imploded

lol had to think that one through a few times, your mind belongs to the matrix now, thank you :)

Silent_Angel June 24th, 2008 12:54

Came back from a work and realized that a younger sibling went into my room with his friends to "look" at my collection.

-AEG that was suppose to be in the closet is all over the floor
-VFC SCAR is at the near end of the hook on my slot wall display ready to tip over and fall 2m to the floor.
-all my GBB is on my bed with the slide pulled back and scattered through out the house

Naturally I had a talk with him and demanded explination (he is usually pretty good dealing with firearms but when friends around I know things go wrong with peer presure). Then I proceed over to his friend and had a good LONG talk with them.

This gose to people who thinks age is a direct comparison to being mature.
his frields are like 19yrs old!!

Also, people who goes for head shot in CQB and say "HEAD SHOT" and brags about it the entire night.

Gigaknight June 24th, 2008 12:55

People who think they can defy the laws of physics, mechanics or just plain common sense; examples include melding three springs together.

Seriously though, MP7 mags... They can be a bitch to put in!

Fly 9 June 24th, 2008 12:57


pusangani June 24th, 2008 12:59

ppl who overprice their guns in the classifieds..bump for like 10 YEARS and then finally reduce the price to something reasonable.

Lorden June 24th, 2008 13:12

People who put sexy pics as their avatar when they're 30, overweight and balding.

pusangani June 24th, 2008 13:14


Originally Posted by Lorden (Post 750981)
People who put sexy pics as their avatar when they're 30, overweight and balding.

hey i resent that statement, that's actually ME in my avatar!

Gerkraz June 24th, 2008 13:23

Biggest pet peeve: people who "snipe" with their AEGs.

I know you have a long barrel, but that doesn't meant that:

A) You should camp in one spot
B) "Snipe" by putting thousands of BBs downrange until you finally hit something
c) Go on about how great you are at sniping and how good your gun is.

Fact is, camping/sniping is a perfectly good tactic in warfare, but in airsoft, when we're trying to have quick skirmishes, all you're doing is delaying the game for all the other players who are waiting for your ass to either run out of ammo or finally gun down that last player.

It's not fun, it's not's just annoying.

Lorden June 24th, 2008 13:31


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 750986)
hey i resent that statement, that's actually ME in my avatar!

You resent me calling you sexy?

pusangani June 24th, 2008 13:35


Originally Posted by Lorden (Post 751008)
You resent me calling you sexy?

lol nah sarite

The Lettonian June 24th, 2008 14:13


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 638695)
Scopes on airsoft guns. What's the point? We're not using bullets here, and the ranges aren't that far.

Actually, I got a few longish distance kills just because I could spot where my BBs were going better than the people with iron sights that were shooting back at me. Snuck shots between trees, at small bits of person that were sticking out of cover, etc. They're pretty handy so long as it's a low magnification (I had 3.5x), I've found.

Black_Orchid June 24th, 2008 15:41

-When a seller neglects to put sold anywhere in their thread, especially when it's something you really really wanted
-people who think post count matters
-people who say they're all hardcore online, but then ditch out of a game because it's a little rainy or cold.
-people who take such terrible care of their guns and then bitch that the brand sucks.
-people who call mags clips

CDN_Stalker June 24th, 2008 16:08


Originally Posted by FNG_13 (Post 751040)
Actually, I got a few longish distance kills just because I could spot where my BBs were going better than the people with iron sights that were shooting back at me. Snuck shots between trees, at small bits of person that were sticking out of cover, etc. They're pretty handy so long as it's a low magnification (I had 3.5x), I've found.

Both my 3-9x40 scopes reside largely at 4-5x all the time. I only use 3x when I want a broader field of view for searching out bodies, and 9x when I'm observing treeline 300ft+ whie on 'overwatch' for base defence. Radiowaves travel faster, farther and are more accurate than any airsoft gun out there. ;)

Strelok June 24th, 2008 20:09

China clones, and expecially that damn 'l96' clone thats become a snipers favorite these days.

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