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NovaKaynE March 6th, 2008 01:06

I hate the 4 - 6 week shipping ETA for an AEG. Only to have it arrive at your door FIVE FUCKING MINUTES BEFORE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE FOR WORK!!!! Then you get home all tired and shit and aren't in the right state of mind to joyfully play with your new toy!

Danke March 6th, 2008 01:10

I'm starting to hate wiring and batteries. LiPo conversions are starting to fill my head.

Gunk March 6th, 2008 01:12


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 662410)
I'm starting to hate wiring and batteries. LiPo conversions are starting to fill my head.

Sounds like you need some LiPo-suction...

... sorry... but it's late, and I giggled at it...

NachoPuddin March 6th, 2008 01:16

I hate he.....o well you never shot me......dude i emptied 3 mags off your chest.....and those nice little red marks on your check and forhead are me......

Then theres the "Im hit, Im hit" then they walk away without a dead rag, see some one from the oposing team, then freak, get shot to shit, then bitch about being shot to shit, when they weren't wearing a dead rag, and acted in a hostile manner.

ROB JONES March 12th, 2008 19:24

Dealing with Canada Post, waiting for airsoft bits. Why does it seem they show up on the following monday or tuesday of a game weekend. Nothing "express" about it.

Duilin March 12th, 2008 20:12

buying stuff from people in the classifieds and leaving positive feed back but not recieving any in return.

skalnok March 12th, 2008 20:35

im with Duilin on this one

ToTaL_oWnAgE March 13th, 2008 01:12

Oh were to start.

#1. People who don't call hits went its obvious to a blind man (IE the flinchers who say "you never hit me" after they jumped and almost crapped themselves).

#2 People who piss and moan about CBSA and the government making airsoft hard to buy, but never have the balls to do anything about it. If your gonna piss and moan about it, Write it down, Put it in a fricken envelope, put a stamp on it and address it to the minister of justice or someone like that. Pissing and moaning on here does nothing.

#3 Spawn Cheaters. You know. The guy who's on the team that gets 2 spawns, but figures since no one has kept track of his spawns he can sneak in another one.

#4 Hot guns + Close range + Full auto = GO SLAP YOURSELF. You wouldn't like it done to you, don't do it to others, Either put it on semi or use a secondary (perferably secondary)

#5 Dead-walking. If your not dead, don't pretend to be.

#6 Dead men can speak????? It drives me up the fricken wall when you get the most ultimate stealth kill and no one else knows where you are. Then buddy walks back to the spawn or his buddies and goes "hey guys theres a guy down there" and before you can blink 5 guys come and take you out.

#7 Deliberate head shots. Yes it happens every once in a while. You panic and shoot or its the only shot you have. But if you have the chance please aim lower. (refer to #4)

#8 Dead/Spectators calling targets. If your not alive or not partaking in that game on a team, please shut up!


Dusti69 June 24th, 2008 08:02

everybody wanting to be a sniper and or having to have a sniper rifle cuz people think sniper rifles are the absolute 100 percentest bestest guns ever. and thinking cuz they have the sniper rifle hiding far away from everyone else like pussies afraid to get shot theyre gonna get "total pwnage" every time

our dummy friend who thought he was going to "own" me with a spring sniper rifle cuz sniper rifles are so awesome or something. "hate to break it to ya dude but an x-m8 isnt a sniper rifle exactly". ...."oh ok dont believe me. yea, own me ill be right back".
dumbass took cover behind a cardboard box so i shot him through the box at cqb quite up close and personal range with a generous burst on full auto
"yea dude, you totally owned me when you grazed my neck with one of the two shots you managed to shoot". "i told ya but you wouldnt listen"

"X-Ray Vision" challenge completed

Dusti69 June 24th, 2008 08:40

oh! and when youre having a private game and people flip the fuck out or run away and give up when they get shot cuz it hurts

kalnaren June 24th, 2008 10:16

People who ressurect old threads to bitch about something

Disco_Dante June 24th, 2008 11:21

I think this is the kind of thread that is SUPPOSED to be resurrected. Kind of like the photography thread, etc.

AngelusNex June 24th, 2008 11:44

People who complain for the sake of complaining.

Bob the Angry Potato June 24th, 2008 11:46

Guns that break out of the box. Fuck.

pusangani June 24th, 2008 11:48

people who complain about people compaining about people complaining hehe

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