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kalnaren October 30th, 2007 17:37

I didn't play much paintball. Never liked it much. Airsoft is SOOO much better.

Greylocks October 30th, 2007 19:03

In your first post, you say that the Honesty Rule in airsoft is a 'Con'? I have to ask... why is it a problem to be honest and admit being hit?
Or do you think that those who dont admit it are never noticed?

Styrak October 30th, 2007 19:30


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 564807)


Sergeantmajor October 30th, 2007 19:58

the only idea i like about paint ball is the mark it leaves when you shoot someone, other then that i'd just go with airsoft.

CanKam October 30th, 2007 22:58

Paintball is only good to introduce friends to the shooter type games (not video, but real life). Then after they complain about what they hated, all I have to say is "there's something better, it's called airsoft".

The Saint October 30th, 2007 23:10


Originally Posted by Greylocks (Post 564903)
In your first post, you say that the Honesty Rule in airsoft is a 'Con'? I have to ask... why is it a problem to be honest and admit being hit?
Or do you think that those who dont admit it are never noticed?

If Grey hadn't said something about that, I'd have. I don't have a problem with PB (other than certain aestetics aspects), I've got a problem with the attitude of certainly PBers. Basically the ones that turn their nose at us when they find out that airsoft is based on the honour system.

Cushak October 31st, 2007 00:50

One Con about airsoft, is with all the gear we wear sometimes, you may not notice getting hit while running. That's the benefit of having a harder hitting projectile.

Nydilius October 31st, 2007 02:04


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 564807)

That picture of the guy with the 101 attachments on, well, every square inch of his gun was priceless. The swiss army knife on the barrel was just the icing on the cake. :D

~Bodkin~ October 31st, 2007 02:27


Originally Posted by Cushak (Post 565184)
One Con about airsoft, is with all the gear we wear sometimes, you may not notice getting hit while running. That's the benefit of having a harder hitting projectile.

That is always a pain, when you have to stop and think "Hmm, was that hit? Or did I run into a twig . . ."

I've also run into things like rock, which felt like a hit, called "Hit!" and realized that there is no one even near me . . .

Endymion October 31st, 2007 08:45

They're similar but different games, with enough of both similaries and differences in game dynamics to appeal to a wide variety of player demographics. Play what you like, ignore the rest. What's with big deal - is it the in thing to hate on stuff publicly?

six4 October 31st, 2007 08:59


Originally Posted by Jayhad (Post 564780)
now i don't play paintball but I play airsoft at a lot of paintball feilds. 90% of the time the paintball players I see haven't had their balls drop, wouldn't understand the cost of playing a sport because their parents have larger wallets then brains and they are talking about how uber leet they are.
I have seen so many times on the paintball feilds a real lack of sportmanship, you see screaming and yelling leading to fistfights on youtube all the time ... that's crazy. I have seen arguements at airsoft but never a fight. Close but never
I know the majority of the guys I play with in airsoft are from the same stage in life, paying a mortgage and raising a family. I like the idea of like minded people playing together.

I also don't see the enjoyment of being put in a mesh cage with red and blue blow up obstacles throwing paint at each other while employeeing tactics that appear to be developed in the US civil war era.

Paint is for brushes not my kit.


kalnaren October 31st, 2007 09:22


Originally Posted by Nydilius (Post 565222)
That picture of the guy with the 101 attachments on, well, every square inch of his gun was priceless. The swiss army knife on the barrel was just the icing on the cake. :D

The cake is a lie!

Aquamarine October 31st, 2007 11:18


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 565300)
The cake is a lie!

Dude... way off topic.

Harbinger of Darkness October 31st, 2007 11:56

But is the cake a delicious lie?

I was turned away from paint ball when parents started sending their kids to flag raiders for birthday paint ball games.

Rukus October 31st, 2007 12:04

Well I used to play on a paintball team. At that point airsoft wasn't so widely known in my area though there were a few here and there who played. I always wanted to try it but just never got around to it. Then the team I played for went from bush ball to speed ball. Eventually I got sick and tired of seeing my paycheck go into a rubber inflatable bunker for no reason other than to maybe just maybe hit one guy or provide a little cover fire. I then started to look into airsoft and eventually got the proper info and picked up my first rifle. First game my god what a difference in the attitude of the players and the pace of the games. I like military style games that actually employ some sort of tactic other than pray and spray. Being in the military made airsoft very exciting. I might play the odd paintball game with my friends if they get a group together and need an extra but other than that I can't see myself playing paintball much.

The pro's cons list:

Airsoft Pro's

The players who play have better maturity level and way better sportsmanship
The rifles
The realism
Milsims are better
Mag Changes
Costs are way better once you own the gear
The honor system, if they don't call hit when they should shoot them till they call hit or cry, but that rarely ever happens and in most games I play we are our own refs we don't need someone to call anyone out and when in doubt call hit. I took one off the rifle one game and it happened to be center of mass and didn't know buddy who shot me told me and I called hit plain and simple. I played paintball with a guy who wore such bulkly clothing that you'd be lucky to break a ball on him, that and he wiped his paint by the time the ref got to him. I wanted to knock his teeth in.(sorry for the explanation figured I'd give my view of why it's a pro.)
The 18+ rule goes along with maturity
And airsoft does hurt if you get hit in the right place as much as paintball, my wife put two welts on me with a G36c that stayed for about two weeks, my fault for volunteering to be her first victim lol.
My wife loves to play airsoft with me (so I can get as many rifles as I want and don't have to explain it)


Rifle accessibility, but you can still basically get what you want in Canada it may just take a bit and cost a little more.

Paintball Pros

No idea after having played it for 6/7 years
recoil maybe, but it's minimal.

Paintball cons

It's paintball
Cost of Paint
Co2 lines, or tanks
Wife hates paintball
The mess

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