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Amazing KG3 June 26th, 2007 17:20

I saw you drop one! >: )

underground June 26th, 2007 19:13

here's my response to your dual cougars with dual glocks 18c and 19

Bob the Angry Potato June 26th, 2007 19:24

Lol @ trigger control.

I like them, but honestly I like matching handguns. Still, they're good.

Also, how'd you get the fake shell in there? I'd expect the feed lips would get in the way- I'm assuming they're Airsoft by the fact that the URL says they are, and this is an Airsoft forum.

Also, Yan, I HAVE charged and fired mah lazor today. Shoop da whoop.

And Postal 2 is hilarious, beat it once already and am trying to pick up a copy of Apocalypse Weekend. Can't wait for Postal 3.


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 492587)
I saw you drop one! >: )

Yeah, I dropped mine last game a few times because my shoulder rig's a piece of utter shit.

NachoPuddin June 26th, 2007 19:24

was gonna chime in sporting 2 mp5's but nah....:D

underground June 26th, 2007 19:34

ya they are nothing but airsoft pistols. I got the dummy round in by letting the slide keep it in place. You're absolutely right, the feedlip was in the way so I took out the mag.

Bob the Angry Potato June 26th, 2007 19:37


Originally Posted by NachoPuddin (Post 492686)
was gonna chime in sporting 2 mp5's but nah....:D

Please do.

I love dual MP5s, that's the first time I actually dualed (actually hit two people, including a really pissed off -SWAT-. Got hit twice though, in the short period of time I was doing it).

Actually, the second was a G3 SAS.

That game kicked ass, pity I lost my FA-MAS mag in the bush somewhere.

Also, Underground, that's classy. I'll have to pick up some .45 ACP shells and try it with these, they look great.

Kudos to whomever can count how many guns there are on me, even more to those who can identify them.

NachoPuddin June 26th, 2007 19:40

When i get my digital cam back up ill take the pic. Ones an TM mp5 with collapsible stock and the other an ICS mp5 with fullstock.

Gato June 26th, 2007 22:43


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato (Post 492698)

Kudos to whomever can count how many guns there are on me, even more to those who can identify them.

I count 5

Cassius June 26th, 2007 23:02

amazing duals, I hated the cougar up until 2minutes ago and now I want one.

How big is it if you compare it to lets say a Glock 19?

Amazing KG3 June 26th, 2007 23:05

I want one, id put a silencer on it though

Bob the Angry Potato June 27th, 2007 09:16


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 492841)
amazing duals, I hated the cougar up until 2minutes ago and now I want one.

How big is it if you compare it to lets say a Glock 19?

Pretty much the same size as a Glock 18C- same when laid on top of it. Don't know the size of a 19, sorry.

It's a pretty compact gun, but I'm more then suprised about the range I get with it- outranges my friend's Marui M4 easily, and I haven't even adjusted the hop-up.

As for silencers, I'm looking into threaded barrel adaptors but I can't find one- the clamp adaptors wouldn't work because of how little the barrel sticks out the end of the slide.

More eye-candy.

I'm looking into a pair of universal trigger-guard mounts and a matching red and green laser.

A pair of compensators
or such may be in order.

Something like a cheaper, more reasonable version of

should do great, and a UT1 barrel mount

fits perfectly. There are no threaded barrels made for Cougars, so that's out of the question for now.

Matching left-and-right holsters are a must, just gotta find a decent price for some good ones.

Bob the Angry Potato June 29th, 2007 15:30

More eye-candy- this one loadout related.

Milforce MOLLE MOD II plate-carrier

Richter June 30th, 2007 21:22


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato (Post 492698)

Kudos to whomever can count how many guns there are on me, even more to those who can identify them.

I'll give it a shot - MP5 with RIS, G3, FAMAS and 2 hi-capas?

Nik12 June 30th, 2007 21:43

Very sexy. As for doubling up with Glocks, although I'm a big Glock fan, double Glocks just doesn't look as bad ass as double Berettas.

Bob the Angry Potato June 30th, 2007 22:10


Originally Posted by Richter (Post 494873)
I'll give it a shot - MP5 with RIS, G3, FAMAS and 2 hi-capas?

Very close, only thing off was a Beretta in the shoulder holster.

10 free Internets for you.

Also, thanks- you see dual-Glocks a lot, they've gotten a little old now.

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