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-   -   how much distance will i get if i installed a ak-47 titebore onto my TM commando m733 (

Carvs July 4th, 2006 19:02

Technically yes. (After a couple hours chat with Stalker :D). If you put heavier bbs in a gun the bb will take less affect to the wind and the travel. Here is an example. Say you are using .12g bbs, you shoot, they go flying becuase they are to light, although they give you insanely high fps it gives you zero distance and accuracy. Now lets say you are shooting .43s in a GBB, the bb will shoot more accurately and give you more distance due to the extra weight. If you want to have the same FPS as you would be shooting .20s upgrade your gun slightly to compensate the extra weight of the bb. If you think about it, its not only about the upgrades in the gun, its also the ballistics (bb weight, wind, hopup) that make your gun shoot farther. (Thanks Stalker ;))

Edit: Yes and no actually. If the bb is too heavy it wont go far at all.

Greylocks July 4th, 2006 20:38

Read up on ballistics, Stalker did.

swatt13 July 4th, 2006 20:41


Originally Posted by blueballz
hey whats up everybody! i was thinkin of puttin a longer inner barrel onto my TM m733 so i can get better accuracy and distance. i heard of ppl puttin a ak47 and adding a silencer to cover up the titebore ...but how much distance will that give me over the stock barrel??? if anybody know of any suggestions...or answers please reply .
i basically wanna install a longer titebore but dunno which one yet...(most likely the ak47 jus becus i heard of somebody else doin that on a m733) is this the right thing to do , or should i get another titebore??


not trying to be rude but buy an m16 or an ak then if you want that long of a barrel, rather than putting a long ass barrel in the shortest gun out there and covering up the excess barrel with a ghey home made foot long "silencer" on the end of your gun. i feel that doing that is somewhat cheezy and cheap, but thats my opinion tho, some people agree with me, some people dont.

CDN_Stalker July 4th, 2006 22:03


Originally Posted by Greylocks
Read up on ballistics, Stalker did.

As far as airsoft ballistics, Stalker WROTE the book!

Lol, recent example, I was getting kills at Quick Pass 2 with my G19 (MP5 plugged up from sand onthe mags) using 0.43g BBs out to 130-140ft, aimed a bit higher and walked the BB onto the guys (considering the strong gusting crosswind form the right, that's prety damn impressive for a GBB where AEGs tend to fail.......... point is my choice of arms and ammo, not my skill level). My G19 only shoots around 340fps with 0.20g BBs, with 0.43g it's about 265fps, lower than stock AEG, but a hell of a lot more performance than one!

BTW, as far as airsoft ballistics and such goes, I'm never sarcastic. :razz:

blueballz July 4th, 2006 22:40

so what weight bbs do you use for your aeg? what fps does it shoot with .20?

CDN_Stalker July 4th, 2006 22:58

Right now, around 385fps with 0.20g BBs. I only use 0.25g BBs for my AEG, yet get the same performance if not better out of my G19 with propane and heavy-weight BBs. In high cross winds, my G19 has turned out to be far superior out to 150ft. Just takes a half dozen shots to get them on target, where my AEG it might take a half dozen bursts if lucky.

Droc July 5th, 2006 00:04

The only way 0.20g BBs get anywhere near my gun is for a chrony test, and even then, I take my mag to a priest to soak it in holy water.
0.25g is without question, far superior.

blueballz July 5th, 2006 15:43

im not sure if i understand the ballistics totallly. but seems like your saying heavier bbs travel further. so thats the reason your using .42 bbs on ur gbb. so then why not use heavier bbs than .25s on our aegs? sorry guys for the 'stupid' questions. thanks for everyones time and help!

Mantelope July 5th, 2006 19:27

Heavier BBs mean they get to the target slower. It's a fine balance, and you really ought to try multiple weights yourself to figure out which one works for you and where you play.

CDN_Stalker July 5th, 2006 20:00


Originally Posted by blueballz
im not sure if i understand the ballistics totallly. but seems like your saying heavier bbs travel further. so thats the reason your using .42 bbs on ur gbb. so then why not use heavier bbs than .25s on our aegs? sorry guys for the 'stupid' questions. thanks for everyones time and help!

I was confused about why I'd get almost stock AEG velocity with 0.43g BBs yet foudn that 0.30g didn't work so great in my MP5 (0.25g are ideal) and out of the blue yesterday Illusion messages with me and explained why there isn't a big drop in fps with a heavyer BB in a GBB as opposed to a spring gun with a piston. Spring gun with a piston always shoves the same amount of air down the barrel no matter the wieght of BBs, with the same pressure each time. Because gas guns rely on gas expansion, the heavier BB causes the acceleration to slow done, causing the gas to expand with higher pressure, therefore giving higher fps. So, my G19 shoots 341fps with 0.20g BBs, and shoots 265fps or there abouts with 0.43g. But my MP5, shooting 385fps with 0.20g BBs would probably see about 250fps or less with 0.43g.

Nutshell for your question, longer inner barrel will only really give you a bit higher fps. Unless you choose good wieght of ammo (0.25g) you won't get much in the way of increased range with 0.20g. Range is the fps + the stability of the BB (higher weight = more stable) + properly set hop up + the way you aim. Nothing wrong or cheating by aiming higher if you need to get get longer range. Some will whine about that, call it "lobbing", but it's a basic need for any shooter with any projectile launcher.

blueballz July 6th, 2006 01:52

oh you. well..ill try using sum .30 on my gbb since mine only shoots bout 300fps. u think i will notice a huge rangee difference compared to the .20..or should i jus go ahead and use the .43? oh btw, do they sell bio .30 or .43 bbs? i dont live in from sanfrancisco california. anybody know where i can get sum of these bbs online.

BC_K July 6th, 2006 02:01

Do you really want your gun to look like this? :lol:

Even I get a good laugh out of the odd things I've done to guns. Looks stupid as hell but it did the job.

blueballz July 6th, 2006 02:12

well actually i jus did my research and i will just need a regular sized silencer..which is 7 inches long and a AK-47 inner barrel is 6 inches longer than my m733.
hahah that mp5 is pretty funny tho..yea i woudnt do that to a mp5.

Greylocks July 6th, 2006 08:45

Your questions are getting to the point where the only way for you to find out is to GO to a local game.

We're a different country, with different laws and rules about airsoft. Go see what local folks do. I'm sure there's lots of players in California.

And Stalker got to know so much about airsoft ballistics after I pushed him to read a few years ago ;)

Scarecrow July 6th, 2006 09:16

Stalker, you seem to have you shit wired well on ballistics...

I've always assumed that tightbore barrels with a weighted BB (.25 or better) wouldn't necessarily give you a significant distance advantage, but would give you more of a tighter grouping on the target. Am I right or wrong on this? I base this on observing that my M16A4 with the Prometheus TB and .25 BB Bastards, I get terrific distance and grouping at the target - less so with my C8 which also has a chopped down tightbore, but stops about 15ft short of the M16A4 with a wider grouping. .20 goes very wide and much shorter than the .25

BTW, I've used that walk-in trick as well (poor Titan, he was stunned) and it never fails to amaze someone when you hit them at an insane distance, but its really just an old pballer lobbing trick that I always feel sheepish about using afterwards.

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