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Fluffy March 29th, 2006 15:44

I'm sorry to change the subject a little, but it's been stated in this thread that since it's almost impossible for the retailers to make sure that the guns they sell aren't going to underage people, that the responsibility falls on the clubs to not let these people play.

Now I understand the reason for this and before reading this thread I completely agreed with it. However it got me thinking that when a 14 year old kid manages to get his hands on one the first thing he would do (if he were smart) is to try to find a club to go and play the game properly. If we all shun him, he's is a lot more likely to go out and find other "fun" things to do with his new $400 toy than let it collect dust in the closet for the next four years. I think rather than just outright refusing them any support, knowledge, or mentoring we should try to educate these young kids.

If the parents won't do it, would you prefer to teach them yourself the "do's and don'ts" of airsofting, or have them figure it out on their own.

My $0.02, sorry

LaZeDoUt^Jr. March 29th, 2006 15:49


Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
Pmall for example is like that, except they do kind of discourage them with their incredibly ridiculous high prices. Some kid I know paid $300 for a TM M92F EBB from them.

From what i hear, they actually have good prices now.

thephenom March 29th, 2006 15:51


Originally Posted by Fluffy
I'm sorry to change the subject a little, but it's been stated in this thread that since it's almost impossible for the retailers to make sure that the guns they sell aren't going to underage people, that the responsibility falls on the clubs to not let these people play.

Now I understand the reason for this and before reading this thread I completely agreed with it. However it got me thinking that when a 14 year old kid manages to get his hands on one the first thing he would do (if he were smart) is to try to find a club to go and play the game properly. If we all shun him, he's is a lot more likely to go out and find other "fun" things to do with his new $400 toy than let it collect dust in the closet for the next four years. I think rather than just outright refusing them any support, knowledge, or mentoring we should try to educate these young kids.

If the parents won't do it, would you prefer to teach them yourself the "do's and don'ts" of airsofting, or have them figure it out on their own.

My $0.02, sorry

Most if not all airsoft fields do have age restriction FYI.

Fluffy March 29th, 2006 16:00

I know they have age restrictions, short of one person I've only played with people over 18, my point is if they are getting the guns so easily what do you think these kids are going to do with their gun when they show up to play and we refuse them. Are they really going to wait another few years or will they want to play with their new toy NOW? (especially for the price they/their parent's paid for it)

yanhchan March 29th, 2006 16:05


Originally Posted by LaZeDoUt^

Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
Pmall for example is like that, except they do kind of discourage them with their incredibly ridiculous high prices. Some kid I know paid $300 for a TM M92F EBB from them.

From what i hear, they actually have good prices now.

Despite my protests my High School friend bought a TM springer from Kuramae for 120 or something like that. He got all cocky and challenged me...I showed him what airsoft was in his basement with my gas TM M19.
BTW that kid was 50 bucks away from a GBB.

nizfiz March 29th, 2006 16:25

I can understand asking for age verification on this forum and msot retailers. However, if some kids under 18 have AEGs that's none of your business as long as they didn't do it by lying. You can try to make it difficult but you can't take the law into your own hands and prevent kids from owning AEGs. What are the laws on ownership? I know in some parts of the US you have to be atleast 14 or 16 in other places but you can't stop me or some other teen from owning an airsoft gun.
I agree with fluffy (for obvious reasons) that you shouldn't push kids away where they'll do something dumb. Give them a place practice it safely.

Fluffy March 29th, 2006 16:29

sorry, but considering nizfiz' reply I feel a slight need to let you all know that I'm 21 and don't really know anyone under 18 who plays or wants to. I'm just voicing my opinion in regards to even a small solution to all the stupid crap kids can do with these things.

nizfiz March 29th, 2006 16:34


Originally Posted by Fluffy
sorry, but considering nizfiz' reply I feel a slight need to let you all know that I'm 21 and don't really know anyone under 18 who plays or wants to. I'm just voicing my opinion in regards to even a small solution to all the stupid crap kids can do with these things.

I know, I'm just saying I agree with you. However, considering people's attitudes on this forum I understand your post to distance yourself from me (a teen). I do find it quite humorous though "OMG don't show any ties or support to teens trying to airsoft, it'll lower your status in the adult community!!!"

Sorry for putting you in an uneasy position.

Affliction March 29th, 2006 16:40


Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
Pmall for example is like that, except they do kind of discourage them with their incredibly ridiculous high prices. Some kid I know paid $300 for a TM M92F EBB from them.

Lots of kids will buy EBBs for outragous prices at Pacific Mall.

Why? I know several losers (Mostly chinese and brown) that bought them and pretend they are real: They think them and their friends are 'gangster' and try to intimidate people.

I seriously hope they put a law in place soon prohibiting the posession (Not only ownership) of an airsoft gun for minors (Below 18 ). I'm aware there are plenty of mature 16-17 year old players but the sad fact is, the majority of our 16-17 year olds AREN'T mature enough to handle airsoft. While this may be harsh, sometimes you need to cut off a finger to save the hand.


thephenom March 29th, 2006 16:41


Originally Posted by nizfiz
I can understand asking for age verification on this forum and msot retailers. However, if some kids under 18 have AEGs that's none of your business as long as they didn't do it by lying. You can try to make it difficult but you can't take the law into your own hands and prevent kids from owning AEGs. What are the laws on ownership? I know in some parts of the US you have to be atleast 14 or 16 in other places but you can't stop me or some other teen from owning an airsoft gun.
I agree with fluffy (for obvious reasons) that you shouldn't push kids away where they'll do something dumb. Give them a place practice it safely.

If the kids decide to do something dumb, then it further enforce the idea that airsoft isn't for kids. If kids can't act and think in a mature sense, then they shouldn't be allowed to buy an airsoft, much like the reasoning why they can't drive, drink, or gamble.

Yes, a few of the younger age kids who behave very maturely will get punished, but those are still relatively small in percentage.

With that said, I think retailers do have a responsibility to not to sell to kids. Just think in the long run, some 12 yrs old kids who does something stupid with his AEG will probably lead to a complete ban of airsoft.

Fluffy March 29th, 2006 16:43

no no please don't misunderstand.

I just didn't want my post to come off as trying to persuade clubs to lower their age limits for my or anyone underage's benefit. I'm not trying to help underage airsofters I'm trying to help airsoft.

no offense, but personally I couldn't care less if I was shooting a guy(or girl) who was 14 or 41. It makes no difference to me. I just think there are better ways to handle the former than outright shunning.

nizfiz March 29th, 2006 16:54


the majority of our 16-17 year olds AREN'T mature enough to handle airsoft
How can you say that. Do you have a study? The squeeky wheel gets the grease, that's why you hear about teens doing dumb things. Can you imagine how messed up the world would be if ALL teens were doing this crap. The other thing I think you don't understand is that if you make it illegal, kids will just want it more. Someone brought up alcohol. I'm sorry but 16 year olds drink, do pot, crack and far worse things. Making airsoft illegal for kids will just attract them to it because it's 'forbidden' and then they'll do dumb things with them.
Why don't you just try giving kids a place to play, why is it you don't want kids on airsoft fields? You've made it clear that kids do dumb things in public and that might ruin the sport but how does this have anything to do with banning them from airsoft fields? Can someone please answer that question?

Fluffy March 29th, 2006 16:54

thephenom, I know stupid people will be stupid no matter what, I just think that we should try to educate them rather than flat out give them reason (in their minds) to go and do something stupid. How many people over the age of 18 do stupid things they know they shouldn't. Driving drunk, doing drugs, smoking, hell even jaywalking, we do those things because they are convenient and/or fun and we don't feel like waiting or looking elsewhere. Unlike those things though this is something that with a little time and patience from people like us, we could try to reduce the number of incidents

GraveTech March 29th, 2006 16:56


Originally Posted by nizfiz
Making airsoft illegal for kids will just attract them to it because it's 'forbidden' and then they'll do dumb things with them.

Just like paintball...

nizfiz March 29th, 2006 16:58

Why would you select one part of my argument and leave out the rest, such as the part about drugs and alcohol which are true? Sure you can say "just like painball" but is that because you are not able to contest my entire argument? University students and others in their early 20s do alot of dumb things too, should they be banned from airsoft? And if you bring up the legal responsibilty issue, drop it. Legal responsibilty is for the parents to worry about not you, they are the ones who should judge if their kid is responsible enough.

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