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CamoGames March 31st, 2008 11:31


Originally Posted by purplestairs (Post 681790)
hmmm multi level and freaking huge
Bah I can't play anyways I'm underage
I'd go there with me paps if he was up for gaming in Saskatchewan

Yeah, it's very big with four floors. If you're thinking about coming to Sask from BC, wait till I have all four floors playable and have a really big game in (probably) July.

lt_poncho April 1st, 2008 18:10

What ever happened to those ideas of large scale Airsoft games in the completely abandoned towns somewhere in Sask?

attack-beaver April 1st, 2008 19:07


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 681655)
Insane fun indeed. I cant hardly wait. Im looking at my finals schedual for that weekend of the 26th and its turning terribly grim.

so T7 guess it would be a bad idea to tell you that my last exam is the 25th at 11 :D and i still get to go *insert evil laugh*

TokyoSeven April 1st, 2008 19:26

I have a final on the morning of the 25th and the afternoon of the 26th.
I hate you.

attack-beaver April 1st, 2008 19:31


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 683353)
I have a final on the morning of the 25th and the afternoon of the 26th.
I hate you.

don't worry I'll make sure we get a ton of pictures and there will be personally sent out to you, to rub it in.

CamoGames April 1st, 2008 19:52


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 683283)
What ever happened to those ideas of large scale Airsoft games in the completely abandoned towns somewhere in Sask?

I'm not sure what games you are talking about. I'm quite new to this whole Airsoft thing but love the game and pretty much eveything that goes with it so I am doing something about the indoor game by opening what is a huge venue for CQB.

I have thought about doing what you mentioned but don't think I ever talked to anyone about it. If it's possible, I'll do it.

Do you remember who mentioned doing those large scale games?

I have 180 acres right now that I am dedicating 100% to an awesome Airsoft field.

lt_poncho April 1st, 2008 23:29

It goes back a bit, I wouldn't say it drew too much attention because of the remote locations. I do recall another attempt to try to host something in an abandoned BC town.

Regardless, there are these 'abandoned' towns in the province of Sask., primarily in the South West area of Saskatoon - as such some of the Airsoft community at the time suggested using these for a large game. Best I could find was this article from the Washington Post - - fact is there are towns with many structures that are, basically, left to rot.

(I mean, come on, who WOULDN'T want to play here??
"...its hot as hell in here...yeah man it's the dry heat!...")

Seeing how you have 180+ acres, an abandoned town 200km or more away from a local large town seems a moot point...may as well build a town instead. Anything's possible. Add to the fact you likely have facilities like running water, electricity - abandoned is sort of just that - cut off.

I don't remember the specifics, and given the way some of the ideas are presented to this 'particular audience of characters', I don't think that person renewed his or her account here as a result, if you catch my drift.

CamoGames April 2nd, 2008 02:32

Thank you for that, I'll have to read it.

I have been on that (abandoned towns) site in the past few months looking for towns as well.

Yes, on the land I have there is power as well as running water. It should be good when I'm finished building it.

garett87 April 22nd, 2008 00:29

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 660832)
Please tell me thats an actual person down the hall way and not a ghost!

My mom used to work in that hospital and she told me that it was a creepy place to work. What floor was that? She said that on the third floor, doors used to slam on their own sometimes. Pretty creepy. I fooled around with the image and this is what i got................

Bandit April 22nd, 2008 01:57

I'm going to be playing there this coming weekend.

So psyched!

CamoGames April 22nd, 2008 02:03

That pic was taken in the basement.

Oh, and that isn't a ghost, it was a person from Calgary in ACU

Beazer April 22nd, 2008 06:58

These are wicked games. Wicked spots.
I've been to Mission on the ferry and CQB in Calgary, and have played the school, but I'm willing to bet that this Hospital is going to take the cake.

Everyone should try and make the summer OP. Even you guys out East.
I imagine it will probably limited but nevertheless it will be another CalCity event to be remembered.

Kingafk2008 April 22nd, 2008 07:23

No, myself and my team would not make the trip.

Gunk April 22nd, 2008 07:40

If I could get in on a road trip I'd be there in a ... well... however long it takes to drive out there... or fly.

Looks good man. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get out there and see it in person. I've been wanting to get out that way and see what the job/living situation is like that ways anyway, this seems like the perfect "excuse" :)

The Lettonian April 22nd, 2008 08:00


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 683648)
It goes back a bit, I wouldn't say it drew too much attention because of the remote locations. I do recall another attempt to try to host something in an abandoned BC town.

Regardless, there are these 'abandoned' towns in the province of Sask., primarily in the South West area of Saskatoon - as such some of the Airsoft community at the time suggested using these for a large game. Best I could find was this article from the Washington Post - - fact is there are towns with many structures that are, basically, left to rot.

(I mean, come on, who WOULDN'T want to play here??
"...its hot as hell in here...yeah man it's the dry heat!...")

Seeing how you have 180+ acres, an abandoned town 200km or more away from a local large town seems a moot point...may as well build a town instead. Anything's possible. Add to the fact you likely have facilities like running water, electricity - abandoned is sort of just that - cut off.

I don't remember the specifics, and given the way some of the ideas are presented to this 'particular audience of characters', I don't think that person renewed his or her account here as a result, if you catch my drift.

These looked so good I had to post em. I was going to work my way through sask. as well, but there were just too many!! And if you're hosting a Canadian Irene, I'd be ready to put together a convoy from Ontario for that...whenever that happens :D

And yeah, I know I'm dreaming with regards to playing on an abandoned CF base...but come gotta admit it'd be pretty cool.

Slimmy April 22nd, 2008 08:51

You just have to be careful, those places have a reason why their rotting.

Stuff could collapse, just ya' know take a look around everything make sure their nice and safe.

Torque April 22nd, 2008 09:15

As far as the abandon towns go arnt they still goverment owned land with like some sorta historical protection?? Im not sure on this so i apologize if im wrong.

CamoGames April 22nd, 2008 12:51


Originally Posted by Slimmy (Post 700719)
You just have to be careful, those places have a reason why their rotting.

Stuff could collapse, just ya' know take a look around everything make sure their nice and safe.

This is a four floor building, that picture was taken in the basement so it looks rough because no one has been down there for years and the paint is peeling off the walls. I am in the middle of preping the main floor for this weekends game. The top two floors are done and ready at this point. In fact the RCMP from *across Canada* are here all week using the facility. I had a great talk with Mark (RCMP) from Ottawa yesterday about the building and he thought it was absolutley great. Other officers said the only way it could be better was if they could actually stay on-site overnight.

The building is not rotting, it is made of cement, however when there is no heat in a building for years, the paint does peel.

There will be lots of pics up on all forums after this weekend so you will see what it looks like after I have made it playable.

Thanks Beazer, looking forward to it.

Gunk, you should check out the July game. I will be posting details not to long from now. All four floors will be playable, 60,000 sq ft.

Foofighter April 22nd, 2008 13:04

This is so awesome, and for once something good is actually close to Saskatoon! I am defiantly going to have to make it out to this and see it for myself.

CamoGames April 22nd, 2008 13:09


Originally Posted by Foofighter (Post 700855)
This is so awesome, and for once something good is actually close to Saskatoon! I am defiantly going to have to make it out to this and see it for myself.

Are you making it to this weekends game? 26th-27th

Foofighter April 22nd, 2008 13:59

Unfortunatly no, our Brigade's yearly exercise is from the 25 April - 4 May. So I will be in Dundurnistan for the next week. However hopefully I will be able to make it to the next one.

chiachiman April 26th, 2008 15:37

When is the next game in melville?
When is the next game scheduled? There are a couple of us serious players from Saskatoon are interested in coming out to taking part. What are the requirements or are there a set of rules for this facility?

TokyoSeven April 26th, 2008 15:45

There is a game going on today and tomorow April 26th/27th.

Edit. I dont see anything scheduled comming up, but that is not to say something wont pop up.

I dont believe we have ever met. Welcome to ASC.

CamoGames April 27th, 2008 05:14


Originally Posted by chiachiman (Post 704265)
When is the next game scheduled? There are a couple of us serious players from Saskatoon are interested in coming out to taking part. What are the requirements or are there a set of rules for this facility?

As Tokyo said, there is a game this weekend, and the next big one will be in July, however, you could get a game going anytime you want. Just let me know what you have in mind.

Everyone had a great time today...they kinda like the building :D

Arnisador April 27th, 2008 12:26

I sincerely sad that we couldn't stay for today as well Al.

This is an amazing facility. Enough mouseholes, entryways, and escape avenues to give any tactician a heart attack.

Chia, keep an eye open on our team forums for any future games being planned. There's the interprovincial event in July, but PDW is also hopefully planning an event or two just for us Saskie players as well.

The_Decider April 27th, 2008 15:05

There is a load of interest in this place from us here in Manitoba after the successful game that was held at the school, so I know that the MB community wold likely be a go in july how many people wold be able to use the building at one time?

+ the idea of storming from outside is very cool.

+ did you guys add furniture or knock out any walls yet?

looks great so far!!!!!!

CamoGames April 27th, 2008 19:57


Originally Posted by Arnisador (Post 704917)
I sincerely sad that we couldn't stay for today as well Al.

This is an amazing facility. Enough mouseholes, entryways, and escape avenues to give any tactician a heart attack.

Chia, keep an eye open on our team forums for any future games being planned. There's the interprovincial event in July, but PDW is also hopefully planning an event or two just for us Saskie players as well.

Thank you for the positive comments Arnisador, it sure was good to have you guys here again, and hopefully you can stay for both days in July.

CamoGames April 27th, 2008 20:05


Originally Posted by The_Decider (Post 704963)
There is a load of interest in this place from us here in Manitoba after the successful game that was held at the school, so I know that the MB community wold likely be a go in july how many people wold be able to use the building at one time?

+ the idea of storming from outside is very cool.

+ did you guys add furniture or knock out any walls yet?

looks great so far!!!!!!

The game in July will hopefully see players from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well as anywhere else people want to make the trip from.

The player number for that game will be 100. There was 54 this weekend and there was room for more. I will have the basement done by July meaning even more room.

There has been furniture, beds, desks, etc. added to the building. I do not want to knock walls out, however, there will be some cool things added.

Bandit April 29th, 2008 01:26

Both days were phenomenal. It was a beautiful thing to see people who had never seen the inside of the building figure out how to fight their way, tooth and nail, through every room, hallway, and staircase. I must say, making for some more passageways between some of rooms would make the halls less of a stalemate. The little mouse holes between rooms on the second floor above the safe zone were excellent.

Having the furniture to barricade and keep the situations fresh was also brilliant. That has been long an airsoft fantasy of mine; the impromptu barricade. Sorry for making too good of blockade on the central staircase on day two with the kiddie desks. It was too delicious of a opportunity not too! :)

If the grounds of the building are added as in-game area (and maybe some plumbing, heh), this will be the premier CQB facility in Canada.

Plus, the people of Melville are incredibly friendly, how can you go wrong with that?

Kimbo April 29th, 2008 14:10

The facility is first rate. The best I've ever played...even better than the ferry.

When the basement comes into play it will be unbelievable. Nice low light area for CQC.

Please don't mousehole the walls. Makes it sooo much more realistic. Besides, the tornado grenades will be out soon which should change cqb for the better.

Looking forward to the next one.

Styrak April 29th, 2008 14:17


Originally Posted by pivot (Post 706590)
The facility is first rate. The best I've ever played...even better than the ferry.

When the basement comes into play it will be unbelievable. Nice low light area for CQC.

Please don't mousehole the walls. Makes it sooo much more realistic. Besides, the tornado grenades will be out soon which should change cqb for the better.

Looking forward to the next one.

Ooooooh baby. Have you seen the tornado grenades by Airsoft Innovations Al? They'll COMPLETELY change the way we play in there.

CamoGames April 29th, 2008 14:24


Originally Posted by pivot (Post 706590)
The facility is first rate. The best I've ever played...even better than the ferry.

When the basement comes into play it will be unbelievable. Nice low light area for CQC.

Please don't mousehole the walls. Makes it sooo much more realistic. Besides, the tornado grenades will be out soon which should change cqb for the better.

Looking forward to the next one.

Thank you guys for the positive comments, it makes all the work worth while when the facility is appreciated, and enjoyed.

Styrak, yes I have seen them, quite cool.

mccallum November 30th, 2008 22:24

Rumors or truth?

I saw on the front page of the Melville newspaper that St. Peter's hospital is set to be turned into condos. Is this true? have we lost the best CQB facility in Canada???:(

Rainer December 26th, 2008 09:00


Schlyder December 26th, 2008 11:24

There is a chance the condos may not go. There is a provision that a certain % of units needs to be pre-sold by a certain date. If not, the project may not go. I think that date is not too far away IIRC. And with the downturn in the economy, and the pricing of the units(over $200,000.) They may have a problem selling enough to make it go.

Rukus December 27th, 2008 04:09

Now's time to start spreading rumors about that indian grave yard in the basement.

On a side note that would be one cool place to have a NVG game :D I did the Ferry in Mission and most of my team said that was haunted and creepy as fuck I didn't have a problem with it. But that hospital looks like you'd have some fun with it. I'm thinking road trip to Sask this summer if it's still around. I'd take some leave for that.

Schlyder December 27th, 2008 04:49

hahahaha No need for ghosts, I think the price will scare buyers from purchasing units, especially if they have to buy before they are built.
I am hoping it flops too. Melville is the closest facility to me (80km) It would be nice if it was around longer.

hardcorehaggis January 16th, 2009 08:24

like to see it

Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 646233)
Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask you all a question about my CQC facility in Saskatchewan.

At this point I am now aware that I have one of the only multi-level CQC facilities in Canada. When I opened it I thought there would be many more like it across the country but in talking with players from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, I now know different. It has three floors and approx 7000 sqft of space on those three floors.

I am now in the initial stages of opening a much much bigger CQC facility. This building that I am looking at now has four floors, and somewhere between 55,000, and 70,000 sqft. It's big.

Here's my question, If I open this new big facility would anyone from eastern Canada play here if there were big events taking place here? Would you make the trip?

Thank you.

I would love to see some pics or videos of some of your Canadian skirmish sites i reckon they must be huge

Rainer February 15th, 2009 21:36


Originally posted by IronOverlord

There is a chance the condos may not go. There is a provision that a certain % of units needs to be pre-sold by a certain date. If not, the project may not go. I think that date is not too far away IIRC. And with the downturn in the economy, and the pricing of the units(over $200,000.) They may have a problem selling enough to make it go.
Any update on this?

Schlyder February 15th, 2009 21:58

As of last weekend... the deadline is not up yet, but it doesn't look like the condos are going forward yet. So there will probably be more games at the old hospital.
camogames is the operator, maybe he will post some news, but as far as I know, no progress on the condo development.

Rainer February 16th, 2009 08:50

Sweet. I'll have to send a PM to Al.

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 14:30

Hey guys, sorry I didn't see this thread come to life again.


There are developers from Regina that *want* to turn this building into condos, but at this point is does not look like it will happen. I believe they are a few years to early. Saskatchewan is slowly waking up and there has been a lot more development here in the past year then previous years, however, this is still small town Sask. They do have to presell 27-28 units before they begin reconstruction.

I do not think it will fly this time around, however, it very well may happen a few years from now.

I think it may be time to start setting up the next *Big* game in the Hospital here for mid summer maybe. I've had many players from all three provinces play here...some driving 9+ hours and I believe they all thought it was well worth the trip, at least I hope that's how they feel.

My current project:

I am in the middle of planning my next project that is happening on May 9th at a outdoor site in Sask that will hopefully be well attended. I have brought together 6 of the best game planners from Alberta, Sask, and Manitoba to write and plan this event. The website for sign-ups will be out soon.

Stay Tuned!!

Get Real February 16th, 2009 14:35

Question: Where are both facilities?
Saskatchewan is a pretty big place. Where is the one alreadly open and where are you planning the next one?


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 646233)
Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask you all a question about my CQC facility in Saskatchewan.

At this point I am now aware that I have one of the only multi-level CQC facilities in Canada. When I opened it I thought there would be many more like it across the country but in talking with players from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, I now know different. It has three floors and approx 7000 sqft of space on those three floors.

I am now in the initial stages of opening a much much bigger CQC facility. This building that I am looking at now has four floors, and somewhere between 55,000, and 70,000 sqft. It's big.

Here's my question, If I open this new big facility would anyone from eastern Canada play here if there were big events taking place here? Would you make the trip?

Thank you.

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 14:40

I have two facilities in Melville Sask. The School, and the Hospital which is a very big and cool place to play....both have seen several games.

Amos February 16th, 2009 14:42

I'm interested in planning a game at the hospital later on this summer... I just gotta get all the logistics and everything down and see if my team is willing to back me up on this.

Rainer February 16th, 2009 14:44

Sweet, can't wait for some more road trips out to Melville. That hospital kicks ass would be a shame to lose it early.

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 14:47

Thanks for the PM T

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 14:52


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 920425)
I'm interested in planning a game at the hospital later on this summer... I just gotta get all the logistics and everything down and see if my team is willing to back me up on this.

I think we should do something big. I re-read this entire thread and there was a few people that expressed interest in coming from farther away.

TokyoSeven February 16th, 2009 14:58


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 920414)

My current project:

I am in the middle of planning my next project that is happening on May 9th at a outdoor site in Sask that will hopefully be well attended. I have brought together 6 of the best game planners from Alberta, Sask, and Manitoba to write and plan this event. The website for sign-ups will be out soon.

Stay Tuned!!

I cannot wait.

Best start comming up with new toys and distractions now.

Amos February 16th, 2009 14:59


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 920439)
I think we should do something big. I re-read this entire thread and there was a few people that expressed interest in coming from farther away.

Yea the only problem I'm seeing is that May 9th and BWIII are so close together... Ah well, I'll be eating instant noodles for a little while, but it will be oh so worth it!!

Millhouse February 16th, 2009 15:30

Camo, you've got 10+ guys in my group from Calgary waiting for you to open up the signups. :D

Can't wait to play with the big names and see where I rank.

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 16:34

Thanks mean at the outdoor Claybank location in May?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 22:45

hey guys...i'm a noob currently got a kraken ( i know but im poor) ak 47 on order w/some extra clips and would love to know when the next game is in melville so i can get verified as well as finaly get to play some airsoft....I wanna join the game an play as much as humanly possible...i'll upgrade my arms when I can..i also have a U.K. Arms M4(cheap but still fires...meh....starter 4 starter) lemme know also really wanna get verified.

Amos February 25th, 2009 22:52


Originally Posted by seth_0_2100 (Post 927742)
hey guys...i'm a noob currently got a kraken ( i know but im poor) ak 47 on order w/some extra clips and would love to know when the next game is in melville so i can get verified as well as finaly get to play some airsoft....I wanna join the game an play as much as humanly possible...i'll upgrade my arms when I can..i also have a U.K. Arms M4(cheap but still fires...meh....starter 4 starter) lemme know also really wanna get verified.

Make sure your kraken is firing under 350 FPS! Most of the time those things come firing about 370 which is over the limit for almost all the CQB games!

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:31

i will but i gotta learn how to do so...i gotta replace the spring correct?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:32

also amos what games you play on xbox...can i add u?

Amos February 25th, 2009 23:33


Originally Posted by seth_0_2100 (Post 927785)
i will but i gotta learn how to do so...i gotta replace the spring correct?


Krakens are really good learning tools... Just don't go crazy upgrading all the internals, you may find out that certain things don't work the way they're supposed to.

a good spring to put in there is a modify S90 spring. You can get 'em at

visit for video guides how to take everything apart... Krakens can always use a good cleaning too.

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:41

awsome......also do you know if the PDW guys are still together?.....and if anyone in prince albert can age verifie?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:49

verifie? verify....i wanna get verified so i can buy arms from ASC members and the classifieds...i hear you can get good deals, because moneys an issue right now:( thanks for responding amos sometimes its hard to get straight answers because im a noob.

Amos February 26th, 2009 00:00

No prob :)

I don't know much about the Sask community... I only know a couple of the guys from Saskatoon.

Your best bet would be to sign up on the sask forums (I think those exist...) and talk to the guys there... I'm a province away to the east :P

However... For Melville and Claybank.... I tend to show up in Sask :)

CamoGames February 27th, 2009 00:46

Hey Seth, I'm the owner of the CQB facilities in Melville, and the person that got the Claybank location just so you know who I am. PM me and I'll give you some info on getting verified.

The Acer February 27th, 2009 01:21



Larry (Arnisador)
Will verify Regina, and local games attended
Can be contacted at:
email (remove spaces) lcaderma @ accesscomm .ca

-Moose Jaw-

Kip (BloodSport)
Will verify Moose Jaw, or any games I attend
Can be contacted at:


Chris (Aquamarine)
Will verify Saskatoon, and games attended
Can be contacted at:
email (remove spaces) pozland @ gmail .com

Jared (Cushak)
Will verify Saskatoon
Can be contacted at:

CamoGames February 27th, 2009 01:28

Hey Ace, I just pm'd him and mentioned Aqua and Cushak. I thought that would be easier for him since they are closer. I also mentioned the bootcamp to him.

The Acer February 27th, 2009 01:38


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 928626)
Hey Ace, I just pm'd him and mentioned Aqua and Cushak. I thought that would be easier for him since they are closer. I also mentioned the bootcamp to him.

Fair enough, excited to see more new players in Sask.

Amos March 1st, 2009 04:22

Hey there :) For those of you going to claybank... I'd like to inform you that I will be carrying a very well known brand of BB's in a beautiful new shade of black, I'll be setting up a "Pre-order" sort of system... You basically tell me the amount you want, and then the exchange of funds and everything will happen at the game :)

Amounts and prices are still being worked out, I'll keep everyone updated.

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