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Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 10:45


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569698)
She's dating one of the more famous pro players and is also supposed to be some fashion expert and model lol...

If you compare airsoft to paintball here, it is pretty much dying...


If I caked on 6 inches of make-up, Id look just as pretty.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:50

Over emphisizing make up on highcheek bones makes ones jaw line stick out and look manly.Blush is good, but you shouldnt look like your having a hotflash or suffering from heatstroke. She has alot of natural beauty.

Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 10:51

Too be honest, it looks airbrushed.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:54

I dont like the shape of her breasts.

Anyways, now that Im done picking apart a woman I have never met, Im going back to work.

Jayhad November 7th, 2007 11:15

Dessert Storm why the fuck are you trying to convert us.... do you get a commision on paint?
Aren't there enough 8 year old kids to play with?
STFU this is an airsoft forum
I have no desire to play your game, just as you have no desire to play ours the only difference is we are not on looking like an asshat on and cluttering up your forums with an arguement you don't even care about.

Speedball is one step up from playing with water guns.... i hit you, no you didn't....oh paintball fight on youtube.

You said there aren't any rich people buying tonnes of guns and new gear every year...... you clearly have no idea about airsoft.

You are stating that 30,000 people came to watch the World Championships....... the same amount of people watch horsejumping it doesn't make it cool.

I could care less if you think airsoft is dying, every game i go to in calgary there is another 5 dudes that weren't there last week and everyone of tehm is an adult.

immortalundead November 7th, 2007 11:40

compare this to the orignal picture, you will see how bad this image is airbrushed/photoshopped
i dont know how an image of a girl makes a sport better,
by the way, does she play paintball? if not, showing an image of her has no relevance to the argument

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 12:14

I just thought it was the camera flash causing wildglare because she uses to much bronzer and wore to much blush...

Rukus November 7th, 2007 12:27

This is turning out to be like that religion debate lol.

I love that cat......

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 12:48

Don't worry boys, let's all take rest in the fact that I still have a bigger ***** than Desert Storm.

Styrak November 7th, 2007 12:49


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569681)
You start skiing young, you stary playing soccer young, you start baseball young, you start paintball young. Airsoft only starts when you're 18, that cuts out many potential players.

Whoop dee doo. Dumbass kids start playing Counter-Strike young too.

Also, you said 10 million people play paintball. Like was said, quantity does not equal quality.

Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 12:49


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 569755)
Don't worry boys, let's all take rest in the fact that I still have a bigger ***** than Desert Storm.

And I have a bigger ***** than you?!

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 12:50

I just realized again that there is the handy feature of "Ignore" that you can add a user to. Guess who I just added :D

Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 12:51


LyquidFyre November 7th, 2007 13:12

Hot girls with airsoft guns?

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 13:24

I can post pictures too!
and look, no whore eyeliner and caked on bronzer either.

Blackthorne November 7th, 2007 13:48


We don't care.

Lakonian November 7th, 2007 13:50


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 569785)

I can post pictures too!
and look, no whore eyeliner and caked on bronzer either.

ooooh... who's she? She's pretty hawt.

skalnok November 7th, 2007 15:38


If you compare airsoft to paintball here, it is pretty much dying...
i see that you didnt read my post earlier with the fact that airsoft is infact growing so stfu and get the hell off of the airsoft site if you refuse to put actual facts in your posts.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 16:02


Originally Posted by mapcinq (Post 569761)

I was referring to Desert Storm.

Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 16:06

Maybe im too into myself to realize that...

shifty51 November 7th, 2007 16:16

airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 16:22


Originally Posted by shifty51 (Post 569879)
airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

I would like to see that actually. Be good for a laugh.

skalnok November 7th, 2007 16:30

screech would show his home made vids and the hulk would tear out his own eyes.

syne November 7th, 2007 16:31

Whatever floats your boat is fair sailing by my estimation.
I've had some of the best fun of my life playing Airsoft, and I am currently having just as much fun playing Paintball with the guys I've met.
I can fully appreciate both sides of the gear/ realism debate, but in my experience it really just comes down to who you're playing with and their attitude towards the game, not what you're using.

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 17:08

One flaw in airsoft is the name....airsoft.
It sounds so lame....

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 17:26

I think so too. Sorta like having a girls name, followed up by 'boy' as a secondary issued item.


wildcard November 7th, 2007 18:57


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 569657)
airsoft isnt a dieing sport, are you stupid. its a growing sport and it took paintball 20 years to become popular, airsoft has only been in canada and the USA for 10 at most.

so basically stfu and go back into that hole you call a paintball forum.

I got news for you buddy some of us been playing since the early 80's
and i agree with you it's not a dying sport it just merely went deeper underground

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:13


Originally Posted by SuperCkicken (Post 569686)
yes well you arnt shooting projecticles at 300fps durring soccer and other child sports. i personally dont think they belong but sure if they can handel it and wont be a fucking piss off to everyone else then fine.

but to your other point it still doesnt disprove that paintballers are cheaters rather that they are. Your giving us an example of a profesional level of paintball, and look they still cheat risking the loss of not only one player but another of their teams. Anyways im just curious how the fuck do they pick the other play thats out? draw straws?????

And some airsofters aren't cheaters either??? It seem that not too long ago we old farts in Toronto were battling a group of cheaters from AMC and even though these guys left the main core and branches off to their own little corner, Face it there will be cheaters in any game whether it's paintball or airsoft and as far as Characters and maturity level the last time i checked the scammers roam free in this board, so for the sake of putting this childish argument to bed, Shut Up and go out and ENJOY!!!

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:17


Originally Posted by shifty51 (Post 569879)
airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

Now I'll pay to see that $0.01

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 19:17

Panitball is only big in Canada because there is a shitload of money to be made from selling paint at field rates. That, and you can usually get guns rather easily, because retailers (who also happen to be field owners) can sell you a shitload of paint and make a ton of money.

I've seen the paintball scene from the side of the player and the retailer, and absolutely nothing about it appeals to me.

I can go buy accessories for my airsoft gun, and if I don't like it I can put it on my real gun. My gear is fully transferrable as well.

And I don't like playing with 14 year olds who have a superiority complex. I'd rather play with adults and adults don't play paintball after they find airsoft.

Sorry Desert Storm, you'll lose this argument on an airsoft forum, no matter what you say. Best you go back to a paintball forum and discuss which Dye gun is the best. That's where all the cool people hang out anyway.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:22


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 569965)

And I don't like playing with 14 year olds who have a superiority complex. I'd rather play with adults and adults don't play paintball after they find airsoft.

I still play with paintball (woodsball) does this make me a 14yr old with superiority complex??

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 19:40

Very ;)

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:45


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 569981)
Very ;)

Well i guess I just have to shoot you the next time I drop by Yokohama on business, How many places could there be in the city for a gaijin to hide:cheers:

amano999 November 7th, 2007 19:45

you have to remember too that when we complain about 14 year olds like that we are not saying all paintballers are like that. Just that you do on average meet allot more cocky/annoying players in paintball compared to airsoft.

Personally airsoft for me was all about how much cooler the guns were and the cost of ammo.


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 569969)
I still play with paintball (woodsball) does this make me a 14yr old with superiority complex??

kalnaren November 7th, 2007 20:20

For me, the attitude of the people is what makes airsoft so much better. I have yet to encounter a single person on the field who wouldn't answer any question I had, everyone I've asked has been more than willing to explain things to me, let me check out their gear, etc. I see paintballers everytime I go play airsoft going on about how their shit is so good, how they could "pwn" everyone, etc. Not the kindof attitude with people I want to hang out with. Plus, the realism of airsoft appeals to me so much more than paintball.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 20:34

Yea, one thing that a lot of chairsofters and new guys don't understand is what they see --HERE-- on the forums is --NOT-- how it is on the field. I come across as an arrogant prick with an ego the size of South Africa, however I like to think I'm a little bit different in person.

However only team-mates and those I've played with can truly answer that one. But yes I still must agree, the attitudes of airsofters is quite often much different than those attitudes of paintballers.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 20:44


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 570002)
For me, the attitude of the people is what makes airsoft so much better. I have yet to encounter a single person on the field who wouldn't answer any question I had, everyone I've asked has been more than willing to explain things to me, let me check out their gear, etc. I see paintballers everytime I go play airsoft going on about how their shit is so good, how they could "pwn" everyone, etc. Not the kindof attitude with people I want to hang out with. Plus, the realism of airsoft appeals to me so much more than paintball.

those are more likely the so called speedball fairies most of the milsim guys that i had the pleasure to play with are pretty much like the old airsofters, they just play the game and chit chat after over ice cold beers. These so called speedball fairies are much like the arrogant noobs we encounter in some of our games to which i have no problem saying to them after an embarrasing knife kill "How do you like them apples biatch??"

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 20:50

Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:54

I've played both sports. Personally I like airsoft not jsut ebcause of the look of the gun's but because of the feel. I like the feeling of having the stock on my shoulder when aiming which is hard to find with rental markers from paintball fields. I enjoy the odd paintball game with my friends out at the woodball field here in Halifax but personally my choice is with airsoft. Everyone can have their own feeling to either or but this argument is a never ending one. So I agree with Wildcard go out and do your own thing in the end it's your choice.

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:55


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570010)
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?

Wasn't there a thread about this already?

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 20:56


Wasn't there a thread about this already?
Not sure...I dont spead most of my time on this website, and I dont search for posts about anal beads.

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:57


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570014)
Not sure...I dont spead most of my time on this website, and I dont search for posts about anal beads.

Good point.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 21:01


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570010)
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?



Originally Posted by JTF27 (Post 570013)
Wasn't there a thread about this already?

And yes again.

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 21:04


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?


Originally Posted by JTF27
Wasn't there a thread about this already?

And yes again.
Umm, cool...
Have fun!

Andres November 7th, 2007 21:04

Derailed by anal beads.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 21:26

Funny how often they come up.

BBS November 7th, 2007 21:44

hilarious signature Aqua! haha i hate it when the shower curtain sticks to you you feel the cool touch of the curtain wrapping around your leg...yuck.

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 21:48

Wildcard, there is no woodsball anywhere near me. It doesn't pay the bills to have guys dump 100 rounds in an hour. They need to dump a pod every 2 minutes to make paintball profitable enough to even consider it a business.

That's why you see 99.999% speedball. If you play woodsball, you are a small minority my friend.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:01


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570043)
Wildcard, there is no woodsball anywhere near me. It doesn't pay the bills to have guys dump 100 rounds in an hour. They need to dump a pod every 2 minutes to make paintball profitable enough to even consider it a business.

That's why you see 99.999% speedball. If you play woodsball, you are a small minority my friend.

I guess we are a little spoiled here in Ontario, but this argument of which is better? is still childish and a waste of time and i STILL rather be shooting than argue which is better, Majority of the guys I play with (Paintball) do call these speedball woosies "babies" and yes we do tend to butt heads with them when we play much like some of the noobs i 've seen attending the games, unfortunately there are always bad apples in BOTH games and quite often these are the real guys that always start the shitstorm.

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 22:07

But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:21


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570054)
But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.

That's why my friends and I always played in our own field with invites sent out to other like minded teams. We try to avoid the regular paintball field as much as we can beside they don't like to see our RAP4 in their field anyways and even when we do participate in events like the week end long D-day Op the bad apples is certainly never allowed in the field, in fact I've seen field owners kicked out a bunch of woosies (Speed ballers) because they were hurling insults at some local airsofters

amano999 November 7th, 2007 22:22

One thing I like about sharing field with paintballers is seeing thier faces when we walk onto the field.

They always have this look of awe on their faces.

13Fido13 November 7th, 2007 22:25


Originally Posted by amano999 (Post 570065)
One thing I like about sharing field with paintballers is seeing thier faces when we walk onto the field.

They always have this look of awe on their faces.

We experienced this at FlagRaiders on the 3rd. We kicked the paintballers off the field so that we could use it for the WWII people. They couldn't help but stare... They were probably amazed that you could have a gun that was both functional and pretty..

psh. Paintball..

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 22:32


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 570006)
Yea, one thing that a lot of chairsofters and new guys don't understand is what they see --HERE-- on the forums is --NOT-- how it is on the field. I come across as an arrogant prick with an ego the size of South Africa, however I like to think I'm a little bit different in person.

However only team-mates and those I've played with can truly answer that one. But yes I still must agree, the attitudes of airsofters is quite often much different than those attitudes of paintballers.

I have vouch for this, Aqua is a delicious human being and a top notch guy. I have nothing but respect for him and its a pleasure to work with him on the field and hang out with him off the field. He's an excellent shot and great company. Take my word for it, we got lost for a couple hours in the bush during a milsim, mediocre amount of ammo, ran out of water and had absolutley no idea where we were going, but I enjoyed the experience cause Aquas a schmexy human being.


Originally Posted by Andres (Post 570020)
Derailed by anal beads.

I dont think Ive gone a day in the last 2 years that I havent atleast mentioned anal beads once through out the day.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:34


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570054)
But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.

This is also another reason why I don't play in with the regular ASC, because the last time this happen it was at Wasaga old field back in 2001 and I did get into a fistfight because some speedballers decide it was funny to pick on one of the airsofters (shooting him from behind), I stepped in and shot him with my "little friend"(my 450fps shorty carbine), He charged and i decked him and two of his friends before Larry stepped in. In the end i made the decision never to play in the same field as Speedballers and I still stood by my comments in an earlier post, this argument is pointless, in both games there will be assholes that ruined everything, there will be cheaters, there will be whiners in the end is you have to ask yourself am I satisfied and happy playing the game? because it is your time you are spending not anybody else so who cares if paintball is better or vice versa does it matter??

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 22:44

It's unfortunate, but unless you have a private field, you are most likely going to play on a paintball field. We have been careful this past year to book well in advance, and do it on a day when the owners are unable to be there. That means no paintballers. But, we can only do this about 4 or 5 times per year.

So, either we suck it up and share the field with them, or we stick to sporadic playing.

And I too, have been shot at by the paintball prick who thought it would be funny. But I live in a corporate town, where companies book the field and drop $20k in a day, so who would win in a fight? I can tell you it won't be the $20/person airsofters.

Paintball is what paintball is. Airsoft is what airsoft is. They are not similar at all, and never will be. One will never understand the other. That's the way it has always been and the way it always will be. Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:47


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570085)
It's unfortunate, but unless you have a private field, you are most likely going to play on a paintball field. We have been careful this past year to book well in advance, and do it on a day when the owners are unable to be there. That means no paintballers. But, we can only do this about 4 or 5 times per year.

So, either we suck it up and share the field with them, or we stick to sporadic playing.

And I too, have been shot at by the paintball prick who thought it would be funny. But I live in a corporate town, where companies book the field and drop $20k in a day, so who would win in a fight? I can tell you it won't be the $20/person airsofters.

Paintball is what paintball is. Airsoft is what airsoft is. They are not similar at all, and never will be. One will never understand the other. That's the way it has always been and the way it always will be. Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.

you're not in Ft McMurray are you??

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 22:50

Nope. GP.

Thankfully, I never have to go there again. My relatives moved.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:53


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570085)
Paintball exists as a profitable business, airsoft is not.

When i went to the states the two games coexist with little or no issues and on the business side they are almost even for the field that we played in, it is unfortunate that situation in Canada is completely the opposite of our neighbour,
I kinda miss the good old days when there was about a few dozen of us playing this game.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:56


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570087)
Nope. GP.

Thankfully, I never have to go there again. My relatives moved.

there were a group of guys that introduced me to RAP4 that worked in Suncor at Ft Mac( I was there to set up their kitchen and trained the Culinary Staff) all of them a liitle weird but a very stand up bunch and an avid airsofter as well as paintballers.

amano999 November 7th, 2007 23:04

I don't know Aquamarine personally, had dinner once with a bunch of Ghost members and his Girl friend tho.

But anyone who post pics of Cool stuff from Japan and hot Japanse women is ok in my book.


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 570076)
I have vouch for this, Aqua is a delicious human being and a top notch guy. I have nothing but respect for him and its a pleasure to work with him on the field and hang out with him off the field. He's an excellent shot and great company. Take my word for it, we got lost for a couple hours in the bush during a milsim, mediocre amount of ammo, ran out of water and had absolutley no idea where we were going, but I enjoyed the experience cause Aquas a schmexy human being.

I dont think Ive gone a day in the last 2 years that I havent atleast mentioned anal beads once through out the day.

kalnaren November 8th, 2007 00:34


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 570009)
those are more likely the so called speedball fairies most of the milsim guys that i had the pleasure to play with are pretty much like the old airsofters, they just play the game and chit chat after over ice cold beers. These so called speedball fairies are much like the arrogant noobs we encounter in some of our games to which i have no problem saying to them after an embarrasing knife kill "How do you like them apples biatch??"

Understandable, but players like that in paintball are most definetly in the minority. Not so with airsoft.

syne November 8th, 2007 01:15


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 570154)
Understandable, but players like that in paintball are most definetly in the minority. Not so with airsoft.

Then again, Airsoft is a proportionately much smaller community.
I think what we've tapped into here is that 95% of the world population consists of douchebags and ~5% are decent folk.

I commend the Airsoft community for maintaining it's quality within the player base, but just for argument's sake, if/ when Airsoft becomes more generally accepted and/ or legal who's to say it's player base won't become as 'polluted'
as Paintball once it expands to bring in more money?

There's bad apples in every bunch.
The likely reason why you've met more Shitballers than Paintballers is (as previously stated) anyone with a bit of merit plays with a private club on their
own land, or goes outlaw.

Paintball isn't 'Pfft', Paintball is to Airsoft as Rugby is to Football.
The debate is endless, but the bottom line is that if both sides met on the field in good will, everyone would still have fun.

Janus November 8th, 2007 09:31

You know, I've come up with a solution to this debate. I thought about why I started airsoft, and I realized I did it because I have fun playing it.

Play your goddamn game of choice and have fun. Srsly.

Blackthorne November 8th, 2007 10:10

If people spent more time playing and less time labeling, these arguments would never happen.

Aquamarine November 8th, 2007 10:32


Originally Posted by amano999 (Post 570093)
I don't know Aquamarine personally, had dinner once with a bunch of Ghost members and his Girl friend tho.

But anyone who post pics of Cool stuff from Japan and hot Japanse women is ok in my book.

Make that EX girlfriend.

Just had to add that in. I should also mention that she's sleeping with a self-proclaimed pedophile now. Funny how that works?

TokyoSeven November 8th, 2007 10:35

Good morning Aqua, sleep well?

Well thats interesting news that nearly made me spew coffee across my office.

Jayhad November 8th, 2007 10:39


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 570320)
Make that EX girlfriend.

Just had to add that in. I should also mention that she's sleeping with a self-proclaimed pedophile now. Funny how that works?

so your ex is like what 12-13?

Aquamarine November 8th, 2007 10:55

Nope, she's 28, but the guy she's now with is a pervert who was run out of Saskatoon. (and for the record, I dumped her, not the other way around, so it's not vengeance that I'm saying this).

Mapcinq November 8th, 2007 10:56


Originally Posted by Jayhad (Post 570325)
so your ex is like what 12-13?

That was fucking awesome! bahahahaha

TacticalChaos November 18th, 2007 18:42

Simple explanation
In its simplest terms:

When I was young I wanted to be a soldier
- Played Paintball

Grew up and joined the Army
- Now I play Airsoft

your-pastor November 22nd, 2007 22:57

ok, im gonna make a list of why its better, people add to it when you feel it be nessasary


players are more mature, usualy+1------players are 12 year old pompus brats
its not messy+1-----------------------------its called PAINTball for a reason
choice in gun model+1---------you get a barrel, tank and a bucket on the top
more accurate+1--------------------------------uhh... well i spray and pray
more distance+1--------^spraying and preying ommits this factor, try lobbing
faster ROF+1------------------------------umm, seim aouto with 2 triggers?
small bruise+1----------------------bigger projectile, bigger briuse.+1lol finaly
realistic+1-------------------------------------not gonna touch this one, -1
magazine fed+1---------hopper fed, jams, exposed, pertruding, holds like 10?
sweet kick ass gear!+1------------paint nade, polyester jersy, hockey padds
cheap, semi reliable knock offs+1------------knock offs explode and kill you-1
customizable+1------------well, 12 foot barrel, new co2 tank, new hopper.....
has a freaking stock+1--its all cqb, with a semi aouto, they dont need stocks

bottom line, airsoft wins, if you have somthing to add please do, ill edit it, but dont forget, there is some people who have to resort to using paint feilds to play airsoft, so its more of a rivaling symboyonic relationship, only reason to this is because (in my opinion) of canadas retarted laws on this matter, but whatever, but if everyone is so concerned about this rivalrey, why dont we have a nation wide paintball vs airsoft? im fine with cleaning out my gear and gun, it would be a pain, but i doubt they would hit any of us all that much lol!

we would have to merge rules or vote on new inter game ones, id vote for mine, 2 to the body, 1 to the head, and limbs dont count, they just hurt. But thats just me, and im very opinionated

sw733 February 4th, 2008 23:59


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 570064)
That's why my friends and I always played in our own field with invites sent out to other like minded teams. We try to avoid the regular paintball field as much as we can beside they don't like to see our RAP4 in their field anyways and even when we do participate in events like the week end long D-day Op the bad apples is certainly never allowed in the field, in fact I've seen field owners kicked out a bunch of woosies (Speed ballers) because they were hurling insults at some local airsofters

So, you also own a RAP4 too? Interesting...Not too many I know have them...

CFA February 5th, 2008 00:13


Originally Posted by your-pastor (Post 579937)
ok, im gonna make a list of why its better, people add to it when you feel it be nessasary


players are more mature, usualy+1------players are 12 year old pompus brats
its not messy+1-----------------------------its called PAINTball for a reason
choice in gun model+1---------you get a barrel, tank and a bucket on the top
more accurate+1--------------------------------uhh... well i spray and pray
more distance+1--------^spraying and preying ommits this factor, try lobbing
faster ROF+1------------------------------umm, seim aouto with 2 triggers?
small bruise+1----------------------bigger projectile, bigger briuse.+1lol finaly
realistic+1-------------------------------------not gonna touch this one, -1
magazine fed+1---------hopper fed, jams, exposed, pertruding, holds like 10?
sweet kick ass gear!+1------------paint nade, polyester jersy, hockey padds
cheap, semi reliable knock offs+1------------knock offs explode and kill you-1
customizable+1------------well, 12 foot barrel, new co2 tank, new hopper.....
has a freaking stock+1--its all cqb, with a semi aouto, they dont need stocks

Doesn't really change anything but my paintball gun has a stock... Theres actually a few with stocks, they're still ugly, but they have stocks.

Bowers February 5th, 2008 03:29

both games have there place im currently stuck with paintball (damn you birth date!)

if i wake up and wanna play a long ass game with good tactics friendly people and have a good ol time well i will go play airsoft (once im aloud damn you birthdate *shakes fist*)

if i wake up and just feel like shooting people and seeing 10 year olds cry from the hits ill go to the paintball field

then again who knows what will happen when i turn 18 and get my hands on that tm m14

Aquamarine February 5th, 2008 10:12

Nuff said.

kalnaren February 5th, 2008 10:34


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 635445)

Damn Aqua, every time you post that I have to waist 10 minutes looking through it laughing my ass off.

diamond_SEA February 5th, 2008 11:20

I play both, but vastly prefer airsoft. I have a Tippmann 98 custom, tried to make it look somewhat close to airsoft, and failed. Looks good as paintball markers go, but its just not as sexy as the Sig.

Itll be worse come spring, i was promised a job working at a paintball range opening up here, but my boss is very curious about airsoft and he wants to see airsoft out here once in a while.

Bowers February 5th, 2008 12:24


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 635445)

So let me get this straight... your paintball gun will fire at 300fps max while my M-16's will fire 400fps? Think about that folks, 300fps is long enough for you to watch the paintball travel down the barrel and give you time to think "oh shit, I better move outta the way before that paintball comes and hits me in the head, thereby making me go back to respawn and waiting for the next game to start... boy... this sure is a lovely day. I hope that my mutual funds are doing well. Oop, better duck behind this barrel before it hits me. Oh nuts, I dropped my watch, better pick that up..... there we go. And behind the barrel I go." While with airsoft, you see a muzzel pop up and you MIGHT have enough time to say "Oh shi---..... HIT!"

your my hero aqua

Rukus February 5th, 2008 19:36

I got sick of speed ball, and even when I played paintball I made everything I had tactical, and non colorful because bright colors to me belong on targets not people. Then I found airsoft and I haven't looked back. Airsoft is much cheaper to play once you own the gear rather than paying 15 cents a ball I pay a fraction of a cent if I'm lucky, 500 paintballs $25+ depending on the field your playing on, that is the cheapest I've seen 500 paintballs, 4000 airsoft rounds $20 +/-.

Good article aqua lol.

Phalanix February 6th, 2008 13:57


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 635445)

No matter how many times I've seen that over the years, it's still a classic. :D

LeapingLizard February 7th, 2008 00:36

I used to play paintball here and there. I bought an A-5 that's now up for sale. My dad doesn't want me to sell it but I badly need money for PTW parts. So I'm having trouble deciding if I should sell it or not. It's a good gun, shoots 18BPS on full auto without chopping. A few upgrades could have it shooting 26+.

A big reason I want to sell it is the cost to play paintball. Per outting I need a 2000 pack of balls and 2 20oz tanks. So lets compare the cost per 100,000 rounds.

Paintball: 100K Balls @ $60 per 2K: $3360 with tax.
CO2 (100 fills): $500 (Costs more like 6 or $7 a fill but I can't recall)

100K Rounds of paintball fun: $3860

Airsoft: 100K AE .25g BBs bulk from XT: $410

100K Rounds of Airsoft fun: $410

(Let's count the batteries as part of the initial cost, just like the CO2 tanks. Charging batteries cost $0 per fill. SLIGHTLY more if you pay the bills lol.)

If I played paintball once a month year round that would take over 4 years, but in the end the savings are substansial. And this is High quality airsoft ammo, VS. low-mid end paintball ammo.
The savings will pay off your PTWs eventually. :)

Keeping that A-5 and making it shoot 30BPS sounds like fun but I can't afford that and airsoft so I think I'll keep it up for sale.

Then there's all the other obvious reasons airsoft is better that have already been mentioned.

EDIT: Okay I'll admit I did compare buying bulk to buying per case...

Jebb February 8th, 2008 10:39

airsoft is better than paintball because the guns look more realistic

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