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CDN_Stalker February 16th, 2008 12:57

People without even a basic concept of stuff.

A couple weeks ago a new guy to airsoft told me he wanted a metal slide kit for his KSC Glock 19, and PM'd me asking if a Glock 18 metal slide being sold on ASC would work. I almost bruised my forehead from slapping it so hard.

TokyoSeven February 16th, 2008 13:07

Hey Stalker! I wanna make my own ketchup, is it ok if I use kiwis?:D

skalnok February 16th, 2008 14:31

no but you can use mushrooms..... they have to be of the death cap breed

kalnaren February 16th, 2008 16:32


Originally Posted by Wilson (Post 644619)
lol people actually do that in real life?

Well, I crouch for better accuracy... but I rest my elbow on my knee to steady my rifle for it...

AngelusNex February 16th, 2008 21:46

jumping for better accuracy.... holly flipping hell that would be so fracking funny to see.

BBS February 16th, 2008 22:17

pet peeve on asc: it annots me when the seller deletes the price of the products after it has been sold. Worse still, i see all the contents of the ad erased with only 1 word left "sold". that pisses me off even more. What was for sale? what's the price? etc.

but now, its the past since there is a new set of rules for the classifieds. Praise the Lord!

SDS_ShooterMcGavin February 16th, 2008 22:57


ProbeJax February 17th, 2008 00:53

Airsoft zombies=Win

RagingPigCop February 19th, 2008 01:26

My Pet Peeve, being a Chairsofter. No gaming experience, and also the fact that I think I'm the only one here in Northern Alberta that is interested in Airsoft. By Northern Alberta, I mean the Fort McMurray Area.

Sergeantmajor February 19th, 2008 08:24


Originally Posted by RagingPigCop (Post 647629)
My Pet Peeve, being a Chairsofter. No gaming experience, and also the fact that I think I'm the only one here in Northern Alberta that is interested in Airsoft. By Northern Alberta, I mean the Fort McMurray Area.

i doubt it, theres alot of people that live just have to look up, instead of looking down.

infernal February 21st, 2008 16:15

people who pretend they were in the marines.

people who dont call hits.

people who complain when you shoot them.

people who dont call their hits, but complain when they're shot in the face.

mercy rules. especially people who yell mercy and then shoot you.

idiots who dont wear the proper protective gear.

people who dont like m203's. learn to deal with it. just because you cant afford one doesnt mean everyone else should drop their gear setup to match your income level.

glowstick grenades.

people who lack comms dicipline.

people who lack light dicipline.

people who lack dicipline outright that should just STFU.

14 year old airsofters who cry when they get shot.

50 year old airsofter dads who complain when their kids get shot.

guys who pick fights at airsoft games.

tigerstripe cammo.

people in alberta that wear cadpat.

huang eotech clones.

canadian customs.

soccer moms.

swatt13 February 21st, 2008 16:27


people who dont call their hits, but complain when they're shot in the face.
amen to that. lol


people who pretend they were in the marines.
this one esspecially. "ya i was in the sas, got 32 confirmed kills. 12 of them sniper shots. and then i was in the royal marines, the foriegn legion and finally jtf2." oh? really? what are the chances of a seasoned forces member moving to alberta, let alone butt fuck brooks, a place people in calgary have never heard of, lucky me. but wait... you say you were both an sniper AND a shock troop? wow... quite the porfolio you have. of course i believe you... did you just die a little inside just now?

CDN_Stalker February 21st, 2008 18:00


Originally Posted by Yuxi (Post 650117)

Bastard. Still remember the day you flamed me back in 2003, along the lines of "DON'T FUCKING POST UNTIL YOU HAVE A YEARS WORTH OF GAMES UNDER YOUR BELT!!!!!" and as shocked as I was and during my retaliation, when I tried to hit send I found the thread locked. :D Then I find out you were (then) just a 19 or so year old kid, flaming me, back then, I was.............. 31? Lol, good times!

Another peeve of mine (besides Yuxi from back then) is guys that overuse the word "mate" or "M8", fuck that drives me nuts!!!

Dracheous February 21st, 2008 18:01


Originally Posted by Yuxi (Post 650117)



CDN_Stalker February 21st, 2008 18:04


Originally Posted by Dracheous (Post 650211)


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