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Bob the Angry Potato April 8th, 2008 09:53

AUG's coming along. Just need an M4 tightbore, a side rail and a Docter, along with a good 9.6v battery.
- Kinda old now, replaced the flash hider with an M4 one.

New toys. Went all out earlier.

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 00:31

Fuck it's been a while since I posted anything. I switched primaries to an AKS74U when my AUG started misfeeding horribly, and traded 3 of my pistols for an M4 (that whines horribly when fired, and is about to get a complete external and internal overhaul).

Any ideas what to do with the M4? It's got a Dboys reinforced 7mm gearbox and unknown upgrades, but the sound is fucking awful. Haven't fired it yet (when I tried the shitty CA locap didn't feed, I'm unsure if it's the mag or the gun) but the sound is unbelievably... bad, it's nothing but a 'WHINEWHINEWHINE' instead of the 'POPPOPPOP' I'm used to hearing.

Langohr_9mm June 11th, 2008 01:22

You make me cry.. I love your Kit and arsenal.

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 01:33

Hahha, cheers- next up's a Marushin revolver to replace my HFC lemon, which'll be used to teach me how to juggle/spin/etc revolvers without flushing a several hundred dollar investment.

KND June 11th, 2008 01:45


Originally Posted by Langohr_9mm (Post 740081)
You make me cry.. I love your Kit and arsenal.

Hey ! dude, Don't cry yet cos you haven't all of see my kit and my arsenal yet. I think, you already seen my arsenal but not all of them.

Cheers ! :cool:

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:00

Hahaha, sorry dude- I think I have just a bit more then you, though I can't really be proud of that. I've gotta start selling stuff.

TokyoSeven June 11th, 2008 02:04

So you wondered what our thoughts were for suggestions on the M4 were.
Ive got some questions before I submit any ideas. What are your preferences to rails and length of RAS/RIS, how about pistol grips and stock? Are you nit picky about details? Actually if I remeber correctly, you wanted some rails me thinks on that M4.

Hows about an MRE front end? you can keep your folding sights that way and you gain some rails! youve already got the full stock. It should look pretty sweet actually.

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:07

Rail and RIS? I'm a CQB sort of guy, hence why this has to be downgraded IMMEDIATELY (aside from the sound, it drives me fucking nuts)- so probably 7-10 inches.

Actually, I just ordered a crane stock- I've never liked full stocks for some reason, and hate lugging around a massive rifle case.

Completely open to pistol grips and whatnot, and not nitpicky at all- just all for things like 'big', 'small', 'folds', 'looks cool'. Never been one to look for details.

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:22

And, now I have to epoxy my revolver back together thanks to an unfortunate spinning accident. Fuck.

TokyoSeven June 11th, 2008 02:23

Oh you know what Im gona suggest. Either King Arms slim G16 style pistol grip or a Magpul miad PTS.

There are some sex king arms front ends out there 7-10 inches. Perhaps the one Im going to use for my next build would work for you as well?
I think I showed it to you. Although Im not gona mention it here as its a secret.


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato (Post 740118)
And, now I have to epoxy my revolver back together thanks to an unfortunate spinning accident. Fuck.


Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:27

Hahaha, indeed- but recently, I'm starting to think 'fuck it', I may just part the M4 out or just sell it, and get a brand new G&P one. This has given me nothing but problems, I'll keep the EOtech and the sights as they're pure sex.

Your one's fucking awesome, but somehow it just doesn't seem to fit with mine- hrmmm.

Quite tempted to spring for this, or just build it. Can't say I'm a fan of sniper-style trigger guards, though.

Also, yeha- fucking revolver fell and the pistol grip snapped off. It had a fairly nasty crack to begin with, but now the entire damn thing came off- on the bright side, it's motivation to buy some JB Weld and put it back together, which would hopefully fix the underlying venting problem it had in the first place.

TokyoSeven June 11th, 2008 02:42

The front end you got there isnt to bad at all, I would get a shorter barrel though. She flushes into the body very nicely.

Honestly, I blame the JG mechbox, I say get something else in it right away!

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:45


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 740128)
The front end you got there isnt to bad at all, I would get a shorter barrel though. She flushes into the body very nicely.

Honestly, I blame the JG mechbox, I say get something else in it right away!

Yeah, seriously- I mean, the sound gives me a headache, I'd rather a "POW", even a "PEW". It sounds like someone forcibly giving a cat an ear-piercing.

Brakoo June 11th, 2008 02:48


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato (Post 740129)
Yeah, seriously- I mean, the sound gives me a headache, I'd rather a "POW", even a "PEW". It sounds like someone forcibly giving a cat an ear-piercing.

Have you tried the motor height adjustment screw ?

Bob the Angry Potato June 11th, 2008 02:50


Originally Posted by Brakoo (Post 740131)
Have you tried the motor height adjustment screw ?

Not yet. Peeking inside Armalite internals is a concept that truly scares me, despite people calling them 'lego' and whatnot. MP5s and AKs are one thing, but this... I'll have to look into it later on. Thanks, though.

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