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Rumpel Felt February 14th, 2008 23:57


Originally Posted by Lawdog (Post 643204)
Now that is an educational comment.


How else would you have me word it!

Basically, I hate when all my hard work to get behind enemy lines is ruined by those I'm trying to help.

It's like if those two helicopters that came up and unloaded at the rebel forces actually HIT Owen Wilson as he slid and shot gangsta style right in the middle of it all. But we all know that would just suck and be totally unrealistic right ;) ;)

Cassius February 15th, 2008 00:07

Elitism is not about what you possess but about the way you act with other players in the field and on the forum.

We are all humans. We are all equal, all on the same level and we should treat and respect each others just like so. When someone chooses to make me feel inferior be it by airsoft combat experience, tactical gear, weapons or anything else well that person is an elitist; thinking themselves above me and that is what truly annoys me.

In a game when it comes to simulating real combat based on honesty, Respect should always come first. It should always come first at home when on this forum, at a game and in life in general. One should constantly question his attitude towards other to see if he is acting in a respectful manner. We all make mistakes because we are all imperfect and that is where questioning yourself and working on yourself comes in handy since we can learn from our mistakes.

One who respects others acknowledges the fact that they are different from you; you are not above or below them because they are different.

On that note, I give props to victornettoyeur, Stalker and Greylocks amongst many on this forum for I think they show alot of respect to new players, veteran players and just normal players.

Brian McIlmoyle February 15th, 2008 00:19


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643583)
When someone chooses to make me feel inferior be it by airsoft combat experience, tactical gear, weapons or anything else well that person is an elitist; thinking themselves above me and that is what truly annoys me.

I don't get that... how can anyone "make" you feel inferior if you are not?

If you feel inferior.. it is because you are.

People who "think" you are inferior can't make you so

MADDOG February 15th, 2008 00:23


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 643588)
I don't get that... how can anyone "make" you feel inferior if you are not?

If you feel inferior.. it is because you are.

People who "think" you are inferior can't make you so

Well said!

Donster February 15th, 2008 00:35


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 643588)
I don't get that... how can anyone "make" you feel inferior if you are not?

If you feel inferior.. it is because you are.

People who "think" you are inferior can't make you so

i dont agree with that. it could be self esteem issues or those people that take things to heart when they shouldn't. im like that in a lot of things. its just my nature. but it doesn't necessarily mean that i am inferior.

Cassius February 15th, 2008 00:39

Sorry mate, english isn't my primary language and it all sounded so clear to me :p

I'll try and explain myself with an example;

Situation one:
Nice PTW you got there!

Thanks alot mate, I love it and think it's such a good AEG!

Situation two:
Nice PTW you got there!

Thanks. It's much better than your little classic army.

In situation one, the PTW Owner was glad someone enjoyed his aeg. In situation two, the Elitist PTW Owner made sure that Player1 felt inferior because he had not PTW.

If someone attempts to make me feel inferior for any reason that is where I judge they are being elitists and will gladly hate them with all my guts for they are not showing respect to me by not treating me like their equal.

I hope I make myself a bit more clear?

Coma February 15th, 2008 01:03


Originally Posted by Wilson (Post 643386)
The idea behind airsoft is to simulate the real world. Back in the 1970s when Airsoft was thought up by the Japanese, its initial purpose was to accurately replicate firearms to get around the strict anti-gun laws imposed on the population there. Since then, airsoft has distinguished itself from games such as paintball in that it is ALL about realism. For MILSIM oriented players, airsoft is the way to go because it stresses accuracy of reproduction at every step of the way.

If you believe that someone who takes this seriously, who uses the proper equipment and behaves properly in the field (to fit the role he/she is filling) is somehow "elite," then you belong in a paintball field with the other jealous children. This game, while it will always be just a GAME, is still a serious one geared to replicate a deadly serious business.

When I play I like to get totally into character, and shit like giant pink dildos strapped to the end of weapons like bayonets ruins the immersion for me. I don't like to see any of that faggotry in the field as, in my eyes at least, it ruins the sport -- activity that is counter to the behaviour you would see in an actual operation in real life does NOT belong on the airsoft field during game time. What happens off the field is none of my concern but airsoft was designed, from its inception, to be a serious reproduction of real world combat operations.

Anyone who doesn't see airsoft in that light should be playing paintball. That has been, and always will be, my point of view on the subject.

What about people like me, people who just want to get out, be active, have some fun, make some friends, but want to avoid paintball? Do you want to look down on us because we don't take a game as seriously as you do? So what if my kit doesn't reflect what a real soldier wears/wore or if my mags hold 100 BBs instead of 30 bullets?

See, I don't have a problem with your viewpoint or with how you chose to enjoy our game. But that last statement I see directed at me and I take offence.

mcguyver February 15th, 2008 01:10


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643611)
Situation two:
Nice PTW you got there!

Thanks. It's much better than your little classic army.

In situation one, the PTW Owner was glad someone enjoyed his aeg. In situation two, the Elitist PTW Owner made sure that Player1 felt inferior because he had not PTW.

Did that actually happen to you? That's not being elitist, just being an asshole.

I own PTWs and I own quality gear. I am not ashamed of it, nor do I flaunt it. I've been known to show up to game with $20 worth of gear (but still carry a PTW). I'm usually the guy who ends up spending more time charging other people's batteries or fixing their guns and never enough time getting myself ready. I've let many guys play around with my PTWs, and I'm never shy to let guys borrow or play with any of my kit, if they need.

I have better field skills than some guys, but worse skills than others.

I don't think any of that makes me elitist, but I do understand when people feel inferior. Most of the time, it is from their own lack of self-esteem. I know. I remember when I started and guys would come to a game with $500 plate carriers with real plates, carrying a $2000 Top M249, and I had surplus pouches and an MP5K. I didn't exactly feel all "super-leet" or that I even fit in. But I won't ever feel ashamed for owning quality gear or guns. It was my choice to buy it.

None of my guns or gear make me a better player, but I sure enjoy using it.

Danke February 15th, 2008 01:48

You guys have slightly strayed from the topic into "What bugs me about the rest of the people on the planet".

For years there have been the guys who show up with the full kit, be it the military, motorcycle racing, golf, whatever, done up ten out of ten with gear that normal folks has only heard rumors off. The guy with the fancy rig proceeds to explain himself in conscending terms, and then fall flat on his face thanks to some shmoe with a bad haircut and gear that's half guntape. Sadly it never phases them but sometimes they move from guns to golf to BMW's taking their line of bull with them.

The net has made this much worse, lowering the bar as it were for those who think they can simply purchase skill, or demand that those who do have it share out their knowledge because the net is free.

Show up, use your ears instead of your mouth and you won't keep yourself awake at night worry you've become an elitist.

Amos February 15th, 2008 02:12


Originally Posted by Wilson (Post 643386)
When I play I like to get totally into character, and shit like giant pink dildos strapped to the end of weapons like bayonets ruins the immersion for me. I don't like to see any of that faggotry in the field as, in my eyes at least, it ruins the sport -- activity that is counter to the behaviour you would see in an actual operation in real life does NOT belong on the airsoft field during game time. What happens off the field is none of my concern but airsoft was designed, from its inception, to be a serious reproduction of real world combat operations.

As serious as what we're trying to replicate is... It all boils down to it's just a game. You get hit, you go to re spawn, you go back out there.

And don't hate on the dildo bayonet. There's quite the story behind that. That whole thing was for a single game, where in preparation for it, 2 of my guns completely broke down... In a fit of madness I decided to paint my Kraken furniture (Yes, Kraken, It was clear and green... Would you be happier if I left it that way... Or would clear space guns ruin the immersion for you?) because I have full wood and full metal already in the mail.

My airsoft pet peeve, People who take things too seriously.. It's a game. Sure, You can use real-world tactics.. It's a great hobby and you meet many great people through it... Everything has a time and place, for a competetive game... A more serious additude is required... But playing a casual game with a bunch of friends... You don't need to go all action commando there. There are times where it should be taken a little more seriously than others (huge well planned Operations ect ect) But all in all. It's a Game.

Serious fucking business, Hoo Rah.

Lakonian February 15th, 2008 02:25


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 643669)

Fixed it for ya.

For those who don't know.. HUA= Head Up Ass. (Not directed at anyone)

dodger_me February 15th, 2008 02:53


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 640029)
Removing your rear sight while working on your gun, then getting the gun running and packing it up to take to a game and then noticing you forgot your rear sight 4 hours away.

Then reaching into your bag for your aimpoint and finding that you didnt bring that either.

Ah, So thats why you didnt have a rear sight in those pictures :P

Beazer February 15th, 2008 03:47

Everyone at one point can be labeled as elitist, but are not.

When I play at milsims, I want to get totally immersed in the play as far as kit, tactics, and basically real world simulation. This obviously may lead people to believe your super hardcore, elitist, or taking things waaaay to seriously(which is not the case), it's just how I personally play.

That and airsoft fad's. ie: Multicam, Eotec's, and bad leadership.

Wilson February 15th, 2008 09:02


Originally Posted by Coma (Post 643625)
What about people like me, people who just want to get out, be active, have some fun, make some friends, but want to avoid paintball? Do you want to look down on us because we don't take a game as seriously as you do? So what if my kit doesn't reflect what a real soldier wears/wore or if my mags hold 100 BBs instead of 30 bullets?

See, I don't have a problem with your viewpoint or with how you chose to enjoy our game. But that last statement I see directed at me and I take offence.

I play paintball when I don't feel like doing 100% MILSIM. Don't be offended. Tournament speedball is actually really fun.

Coma February 15th, 2008 10:09

You're missing the point. I've tried my hand at paintball and didn't like it at all. Now here is someone saying that I should be playing paintball because according to his standards I'm not cut out for airsoft. THAT is my pet peeve.

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