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YkudzA November 13th, 2012 04:33


Originally Posted by slow (Post 1724413)
ca rpk, lct ak74m, src aks74u(gen 1[before they turned shit]), ghk ak

ak-105 ?

Desmodus November 13th, 2012 09:10


Originally Posted by Slow (Post 1724413)
CA RPK, LCT AK74M, SRC AKS74U(Gen 1[before they turned shit]), GHK AK

Where did you get the PBS-4?

GSK88 November 13th, 2012 11:26

Huang has a PBS-4 in stock.

COL.TIKER November 13th, 2012 11:31


Originally Posted by GSK88 (Post 1725157)

Don't know what brand that is by, but its got some weight to it.
Madbull is coming out with one too, might be lighter.

Slow November 13th, 2012 14:39


Originally Posted by COL.TIKER (Post 1725158)
Don't know what brand that is by, but its got some weight to it.
Madbull is coming out with one too, might be lighter.

I got mine from Ebanned and yes it does has some weight to it. If you can get a VFC one they are VERY light.

Yes that is a GHK AK-105

TheHappy1 November 13th, 2012 21:20

I have a small question about the PBS-1. I have one right now, but when I put it on my cyma AK AIMS, some bbs get stuck inside. I first tought about a longer inner barrel, but this option would involve a lot of mods to keep it under 400 fps. What are you guys doing to use easily suppressors on you AKs?

Slow November 13th, 2012 23:43

longer barrel. Just remember FPS has little to do with range. If you want range you want better compression.

Strelok November 13th, 2012 23:44

Dont think there is much you can do aside from getting a longer inner. Whats happening is that you're getting a lot of turbulence within the suppressor shell which can deviate the BB a whole bunch.

If anything, you could rig up a pipe or PVC to narrow down that channel, but you'll still lose accuracy.

You may just have to slap a longer barrel in there :(

MADDOG November 14th, 2012 07:12


Originally Posted by TheHappy1 (Post 1725396)
I have a small question about the PBS-1. I have one right now, but when I put it on my cyma AK AIMS, some bbs get stuck inside. I first tought about a longer inner barrel, but this option would involve a lot of mods to keep it under 400 fps. What are you guys doing to use easily suppressors on you AKs?

I had the same thing happen with an Aksu and I just drilled out the opening on the front a little wider and the bb's did not hit the edge anymore. These silencers are not always machined evenly and straight, I also noticed if I loosened it back slightly (before the mod) it would work perfectly and all bb's made it out. Increasing the size of the hole is not really noticeable and eliminates your issue

TheHappy1 November 14th, 2012 18:37

I'll try maddog's idea first since most of the time half of the bb was going out (yes they were cutting in halves) If it's not working, I'll see what I'll do, I'll come back here to post the results when I'll get some.

Desmodus November 14th, 2012 20:08

This happens sometimes with my Type 56-1 with attached PBS. Sometimes the bb's never come out. Adjusting the hop-up sometimes fixes the issue but it looks like i'll need to grab a longer inner barrel, which I'm assuming would be m16 length since the PBS-1 is so damn long.

COL.TIKER November 14th, 2012 20:33


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1725828)
This happens sometimes with my Type 56-1 with attached PBS. Sometimes the bb's never come out. Adjusting the hop-up sometimes fixes the issue but it looks like i'll need to grab a longer inner barrel, which I'm assuming would be m16 length since the PBS-1 is so damn long.

PBS-4 Will fit 590mm without any problems if you have a full length AK47/74.
Not sure about the PBS-1 though.

Off_kilter November 14th, 2012 22:00

Refinished one of my MAG brand 74 style mags and my Cyma rpk-74.

MADDOG November 16th, 2012 07:29


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1725828)
This happens sometimes with my Type 56-1 with attached PBS. Sometimes the bb's never come out. Adjusting the hop-up sometimes fixes the issue but it looks like i'll need to grab a longer inner barrel, which I'm assuming would be m16 length since the PBS-1 is so damn long.

Bb's do not fly in a straight trajectory, that is why you see it work sometimes when the hopup is adjusted too far in either direction. If you widen the exit hole you can adjust the hopup freely with no need for a new longer barrel.

Kingsix November 23rd, 2012 07:23

Well I'm back, guess old Habits die hard, my M4 will soon be going to a better place.


Originally Posted by Curo (Post 1728294)
Kingsix in the AR thread? Maybe the world is ending.

Well Crisis adverted I got myself a nice New Dboys Full Steel RK-10 (AKMS)

I am very surprised with the fact they have an adjustable front sight much like my Type 56. However Dboys being an ACM, it is also very loose. Better something easy then the front sight then the folding stock. Folding stock has very little play on it compared to Type 56-1s or TM AKS-47 based Kalashnikov.The paint is just as thick as the bluing on my Type 56 (Realsword owners will get this joke).

Repro soviet style sling including with the gun is a pain in the ass to install....... compared to a real Russian AK sling.

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