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Brian McIlmoyle February 14th, 2008 15:36


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643126)
I fucking hate Elitism;


But without Elitism how do the people who ARE better than others make sure they know it?

Crunchmeister February 14th, 2008 15:54


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643126)
I fucking hate Elitism;

I don't mind PTW owners but I hate the ones that think they are better than me because they spent more on a toyguns; fuck off moron.

I don't mind gearwhores but I hate the ones who criticize other players for not having the perfect gear.

I don't mind the players that go to every game but shut your fucking mouth and don't criticize me for not playing all of them.

I'm happy that you are or have been in the Forces but that doesn't mean you are fucking above me!

Airsoft is filled with people of all ages. It's not because you're older than you're better though.

Anything else related to Elitism I fucking hate you with all my guts.]

While I haven't played a game yet, I can totally understand everything written here, and I've seen examples of it on this forum. I've had the term chairsofter thrown at me a couple of times. In a sense, it's true, because I haven't played yet, but I haven't had an available game to go to since I started getting my gear. We don't have anywhere to play around here. I attend my first of hopefully many games next month.

Schwag February 14th, 2008 16:07


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 643166)
But without Elitism how do the people who ARE better than others make sure they know it?

A bigger gear budget doesn't make you elite, your skill does and thankfully skill is one thing you still can't buy (along with good taste and a huge cock). Sorry Wolfpack et al.

I guess it's possible to be elitist without actually being elite.

Rumpel Felt February 14th, 2008 16:41


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 643030)
Yeah... This is my #1 complaint.... far too often the courage of a few is spent by the cowardice of many.

Practically every engagement becomes plinking at extreem range... while hiding behind bushes...

I have seen that this phenomenom is most prevelent in groups with no effective command structure.. and no real leadership on the field.

Without co-ordination and direction every advance will falter as the individual desire for survival will sap the vigor from the group need for success.

I agree mostly.

However, the whole "leadership" thing can often lead to "elitism" all over again. If it gets too hardcore it can get annoying and I've seen a lot of players forget, once again, while blabbing into their radios and using all these crazy hand gestures that it's just a GAME not the deserts of the middle east. A form of communication and at least some sort of mild leadership is often needed though, I agree. Some people just have a need to be led around on a leash.

Personally, I function just as well if not better on my own. Some of my greatest moments of "pride" were because I took off and operated on my own. Too bad I'm thwarted half the time by my own team not expecting me to be moving and acting in a certain manner or area.

That's another great pet peeve of mine that I have to fear after every corner I go around. Teammates that shoot first and ask questions later....or ask questions, shoot and then ask MORE questions! ahh fuck! I figure it's just common sense if you see me looking at you with my gun lowered that I'm not going to shoot you and therefore, you shouldn't shoot me.

Not as many people are proffesing profound hatred for hicaps as I was hoping! Come on people you know they are lame and paintballish! If we got rid of hicaps think of how many peeves we could solve:

-excessive spray n' prayers
-massive "unrealistic" paintballish style skirmishes
-those who aren't affraid to shoot first because ammo is not a priority
-those who sit around and shoot anything and everything because....ammo is not a priority
-et cetra

Lawdog February 14th, 2008 16:45


Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt (Post 643200)
Personally, I function just as well if not better on my own. Some of my greatest moments of "pride" were because I took off and operated on my own. Too bad I'm thwarted half the time by my own team not expecting me to be moving and acting in a certain manner or area.

Now that is an educational comment.


~JARSH~ February 14th, 2008 16:46


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 643166)
But without Elitism how do the people who ARE better than others make sure they know it?

by dressing up in pink clothes and using a supersoaker.............i feel that would be a better look for those so called "elites".

chrono88 February 14th, 2008 17:06


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 640190)
You know that arguments will always occur on the field. Normaly peoples can talk and resolve their problems without the organizer being involved. But sometime...
It can ruin the game for the other players.

you say that, but we had an interesting experience two summers ago out here in NS, involving knife threats, lets just say the guy was called out for it, and problems were more or less resolved after we got the guy to chill out, he got upset cause he got shot in the head to many times, not that i deliberately aim nor condone headshots, if its all i see...well you know, that and hop up can be nasty sometimes if you know what im saying...

but yes i also agree i had arguments on the field, i hate whiners, and i hate people who show up late and take a while to get ready, its ok if you got lost etc but if you just chose to sleep in a bit that morning, your now wasting everyone elses time. I also had logs that seem solid in nature but when trying to cross a river on them, break on one side...this being a early march game, resulted in me playing with one leg completely soaked in ice made it hard to be sneaky with a sloshy noise every step..

Tankdude February 14th, 2008 17:32

People wise:
People who don't bring a spare battery.
No one wanting to take charge of a team.
People who complain about being shot.

Airsoft in general:
No recoil!!!
The M14 shoots as far the Mp5 and can be stopped by a leaf
Having the perfect shot.. then you remember you are using an airsoft gun and that perfect shot is impossible.

Having an awesome plan draw up in your head, but when you try it out you realize that
A. your out of shape
B. you have an airsoft gun and not a real one.

Your favorite gun doesn't have an airsoft counterpart or if it does it cost 3K and your CT springer shoots better then it does.

The M203 is nothing more then a big shotgun.

A certain someone dragging his butt on releasing a certain airsoft grenade.
That's right. You heard me. I'm not going to name names, but I want three before my next game.

Brian McIlmoyle February 14th, 2008 17:34


Originally Posted by Schwag (Post 643179)
A bigger gear budget doesn't make you elite, your skill does and thankfully skill is one thing you still can't buy (along with good taste and a huge cock). Sorry Wolfpack et al.

I guess it's possible to be elitist without actually being elite.

I agree, ability does not come stuffed in a Multicam Molle Pouch... or attached to a rail on a PTW. Its hard won, along with the respect that is earned with it.

Although there is often a correlation between hard won skills and top end those with the skill know the value of good kit.

Now back on track...

My peeve... people who profess to belong to a team... but as soon as they hit the field go all "lone wolf" and then complain when they get shot by their own side because no one knew where they were or what they were doing.

Every second wasted by your side shooting their own is seconds lost in overcoming the opposition.. and seconds gained by the opposition to overcome your side..

If you are going out on your own... have a plan, and stick to it.. and make sure everyone on your side knows what you look like and where you are likely to be... communication is critical for the forest Ninja.. lest he be cut down by his own.

CDN_Stalker February 14th, 2008 17:51

I think the elitism that pisses most people off are those who have the gear, the attitude (of elitism) and thumb their noses at new player's questions/existance, yet if there is a camera man around on game day they spend more time buzzing around said camera guy like moths around a porchlight than actually playing hard.

Gear doesn't make the player, it might make the player more efficient with with things like comms, mag reloads, etc. but doesn't improve on comm skills, shooting skill or ability.

Same with guns, Poncho always said "Upgrade the player, not the gun", I think this applies to both gear and guns, don't use 400fps as a benchmark target to upgrade to (I've owned tonnes of guys with that fps with my MP5s which have always been 350fps to 380fps), and as far as gear goes, using what one can afford and learning it's strong/weak points really helps with selecting a loadout appropriate for one's technique, skill and style of play. Me, I started off with CF 82 pattern webbing for my first year, moved to MOLLE USMC mesh vest with pouches I could move around, angle, etc. to make my efficiency go up. Then the past year I used an Eagle Universal Chest Rig and love it, it's so basic, easy to use, and doesn't cover my entire upper body with crap (like CIRAS and other wannabe contractor looking body armour stuff). My ability to run (besides the smoking shit, even before never was a good runner except fast as fuck sprints) is weighed down with a 12lb M24 on my back, water, ammo, a couple pistols (always get used for some stupid reason.......... I love gun hits!) and one of my MP5s. I'm Stalker, I don't rush in and assault, I fuck with people's heads most of the day with out-of-the-blue shots/surprise ambushes. I focus mostly on camouflage and stealth, flanking, etc. to play my game the way I like it. Is my style of play, I carry what I need and leave the rest (even if I own it) either at home or at the staging area.

Hell, want funny? I told Testtube yesterday I was considering buying RealTree camo to use once in a while at games, make me look like a noob. He broke out into a huge grin and laughed. I don't give a shit, I'm out there to hunt/shoot people and fuck with heads. That's how I try to tip the way the game goes, in my teams favour (besides, it's FUN!!!)

I'm not the best sniper out there, I'm not the best at camo use, I'm not the best assaulter or CQB guy, I'm one of those "Jack of all trades, master at none" kinda guys. Sure, I help new people out ALL THE FUCKING TIME :D and isn't bothered too much with giving advice. And I have been seriously swamped with gun repairs/troubleshooting/upgrades the past while, but even if someone asks to send me a gun from BC to fix, doesn't make me the best at dealing with guns either. I've no room for ego, and it seems my reputation is largely inflated from MANY other's doing the inflating. Not complaining, but hey, it pushes me skillwise to keep up with the way people view me. Lol, want a couple example of what I've heard?

Player#1: "Man, he's out there, bet he's watching us and waiting for us to come out to the open from behind these branches"
Player#2: "Who?"
Player #1: "Stalker, I can feel him watching us"
Player#2; "Aw shit."

And I might be at the other side of the field or staging area!!! Lol

Droc on Radio: "Where's Stalker at, we need him here to help us defend the area."
Apoc: "About 60ft from you, in the cedars"
Droc: "Can't see him"
Me: Rolls eyes, waves at him, he doesn't acknowledge me there, so I take off my OD flight glove and wave at him with bare hand. Then he sees me!
Sheesh! Like my sig says, cadpat works well around here!
Novel done, piss break then back to the dungeon to beat the piss outta Long_Bong's pain in the ass KSC G18C.

kalnaren February 14th, 2008 18:08


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 643256)
...don't use 400fps as a benchmark target to upgrade to (I've owned tonnes of guys with that fps with my MP5s which have always been 350fps to 380fps)

Agreed. I find it a bit annoying how a lot (not all) noobs love the fact ACMs shoot like 380 and automatically assume that, because of that, they're better than TM, CA, ICS, etc etc.

I have yet to play one game with a gun that shot over 340 (and I usually use .25's, so I'm probably shooting low 300's or less) and I can count on one hand the number of engagements I've been in where I can't actually range my target. IMO, if I can't range, it just means I need to advance and get closer.

CDN_Stalker February 14th, 2008 18:15


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 643279)
Agreed. I find it a bit annoying how a lot (not all) noobs love the fact ACMs shoot like 380 and automatically assume that, because of that, they're better than TM, CA, ICS, etc etc.

I have yet to play one game with a gun that shot over 340 (and I usually use .25's, so I'm probably shooting low 300's or less) and I can count on one hand the number of engagements I've been in where I can't actually range my target. IMO, if I can't range, it just means I need to advance and get closer.

Go up to 0.28g and watch the improvement. Seriously, it's only 0.03g difference, but the noticable difference is like you experience when you go from constant 0.20g useage up to 0.25g BBs use. Once you go 0.28g, it's really hard to go back to 0.25g!

kalnaren February 14th, 2008 18:21


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 643287)
Go up to 0.28g and watch the improvement. Seriously, it's only 0.03g difference, but the noticable difference is like you experience when you go from constant 0.20g useage up to 0.25g BBs use. Once you go 0.28g, it's really hard to go back to 0.25g!

When I blow through the 6,000 rounds of .25's I have, I'll give them a try :p

CDN_Stalker February 14th, 2008 18:30


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 643290)
When I blow through the 6,000 rounds of .25's I have, I'll give them a try :p

Good man, report back. Go with BB Bastards BTW <plug>. Well, not that I'm a retailer, just a full time user/tester. :D

SHaKaL February 14th, 2008 18:48

Peoples having to much pet peeves without actualy playing a real game of airsoft.

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