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SHaKaL February 13th, 2008 22:58

The german had the siegfreid line wich the ally didnt have to much trouble piercing thru. A nice point blank (the crew had to sight the gun looking thru the barrel) 155mm shell did the job on thoses bunkers.

Naerah February 14th, 2008 00:21

Getting friendly-fired on the back with the strong impression it was on purpose because he knows your a new player, then asking the guy why did he shot you and answer he took your "us woodland" bdu for an acupat one(or whatever was the ennemy camo that day).

f150monster February 14th, 2008 01:06

#1 people who have clearsoft and think its so great and claim it shoots 400 fps and can outdo real airsoft guns

#2 Being the only guy in the Yukon/northern bc that has airsoft (that I know of):banghead:

Alex Le Chef February 14th, 2008 09:41


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 642661)
oh but they did much worse numerous times after that :)
Don't worry, since the whole french economy is currently going down the drain, you'll have plenty more obnoxious picky invasive frenchmen to deal with very soon :D

This joke is funy beacuse the hole french army would not defent a buffet table vs my ant selma. ted bird revison of history

MadMorbius February 14th, 2008 09:46

I hate when people take cover during a firefight, and steadfastly refuse to move. Doesn't matter which side you're on, I've seen a lot of great attack plans go down the shitter because the initiative was lost and the line broken by cowards hunkering down.

Ibby February 14th, 2008 09:51


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 643017)
I hate when people take cover during a firefight, and steadfastly refuse to move. Doesn't matter which side you're on, I've seen a lot of great attack plans go down the shitter because the initiative was lost and the line broken by cowards hunkering down.

+1! You'll never win a fight if you don't push forward.

Brian McIlmoyle February 14th, 2008 10:19


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 643017)
I hate when people take cover during a firefight, and steadfastly refuse to move. Doesn't matter which side you're on, I've seen a lot of great attack plans go down the shitter because the initiative was lost and the line broken by cowards hunkering down.

Yeah... This is my #1 complaint.... far too often the courage of a few is spent by the cowardice of many.

Practically every engagement becomes plinking at extreem range... while hiding behind bushes...

I have seen that this phenomenom is most prevelent in groups with no effective command structure.. and no real leadership on the field.

Without co-ordination and direction every advance will falter as the individual desire for survival will sap the vigor from the group need for success.

Schwag February 14th, 2008 10:42

v3 trigger return springs, sig552 selector gears, guns that should work but don't, semi auto, mercies, whiners, fashionistas, Ski's strobe light.

Guys without the perspective to realize that we're grown men running around with bb guns and plastic pellets playing soldier. Nothing more.

I DO like campers though. A stationary target is easier to spray. And spray. And spray.

Lawdog February 14th, 2008 10:53


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 643017)
I hate when people take cover during a firefight, and steadfastly refuse to move. Doesn't matter which side you're on, I've seen a lot of great attack plans go down the shitter because the initiative was lost and the line broken by cowards hunkering down.


An infantryman only has to do three things. Fire, move, communicate.

Most airsofters do about 1.5


Brian McIlmoyle February 14th, 2008 10:55


Originally Posted by Schwag (Post 643036)
Guys without the perspective to realize that we're grown men running around with bb guns and plastic pellets playing soldier. Nothing more.


Shhhhh! you're gonna burst my bubble!!!!

Cassius February 14th, 2008 14:34

I fucking hate Elitism;

I don't mind PTW owners but I hate the ones that think they are better than me because they spent more on a toyguns; fuck off moron.

I don't mind gearwhores but I hate the ones who criticize other players for not having the perfect gear.

I don't mind the players that go to every game but shut your fucking mouth and don't criticize me for not playing all of them.

I'm happy that you are or have been in the Forces but that doesn't mean you are fucking above me!

Airsoft is filled with people of all ages. It's not because you're older than you're better though.

Anything else related to Elitism I fucking hate you with all my guts.

Now on to lighter stuff:

If you have anything on me, don't talk on my back; tell me straight up.

I don't mind hi-caps but I hate the rattling noise they make hence why I don't use them.

People who put useless accessories on their kit just to look more like the real deal.

People using shotguns as sniper rifles

It's not because you bought a 3 000$ Digital Camera that you're a pro photographer.

Airsoft is a team hobby/sport so we help each others.

If you're competitive in airsoft then I feel sorry for you.

If you think airsoft is serious then you're an ass.

People who think that replica accessories are crap seem to be missing the fact that airsoft are replicas as well.

ProbeJax February 14th, 2008 14:36

Oh, I forgot one. People who take airsofting way too seriously.

Ibby February 14th, 2008 14:38


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643126)
I'm happy that you are or have been in the Forces but that doesn't mean you are fucking above me!

Sure it does! ;)

~JARSH~ February 14th, 2008 14:44

KJ works 226 mag lips, they like to break after 1 or 2 games......................
and they are imfuckinpossible to find.

~JARSH~ February 14th, 2008 14:48


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 643126)
I fucking hate Elitism;

I don't mind PTW owners but I hate the ones that think they are better than me because they spent more on a toyguns; fuck off moron.

I don't mind gearwhores but I hate the ones who criticize other players for not having the perfect gear.

I don't mind the players that go to every game but shut your fucking mouth and don't criticize me for not playing all of them.

I'm happy that you are or have been in the Forces but that doesn't mean you are fucking above me!

Airsoft is filled with people of all ages. It's not because you're older than you're better though.

Anything else related to Elitism I fucking hate you with all my guts.

Now on to lighter stuff:

If you have anything on me, don't talk on my back; tell me straight up.

I don't mind hi-caps but I hate the rattling noise they make hence why I don't use them.

People who put useless accessories on their kit just to look more like the real deal.

People using shotguns as sniper rifles

It's not because you bought a 3 000$ Digital Camera that you're a pro photographer.

Airsoft is a team hobby/sport so we help each others.

If you're competitive in airsoft then I feel sorry for you.

If you think airsoft is serious then you're an ass.

People who think that replica accessories are crap seem to be missing the fact that airsoft are replicas as well.

extremely well put.

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