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Millhouse February 16th, 2009 15:30

Camo, you've got 10+ guys in my group from Calgary waiting for you to open up the signups. :D

Can't wait to play with the big names and see where I rank.

CamoGames February 16th, 2009 16:34

Thanks mean at the outdoor Claybank location in May?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 22:45

hey guys...i'm a noob currently got a kraken ( i know but im poor) ak 47 on order w/some extra clips and would love to know when the next game is in melville so i can get verified as well as finaly get to play some airsoft....I wanna join the game an play as much as humanly possible...i'll upgrade my arms when I can..i also have a U.K. Arms M4(cheap but still fires...meh....starter 4 starter) lemme know also really wanna get verified.

Amos February 25th, 2009 22:52


Originally Posted by seth_0_2100 (Post 927742)
hey guys...i'm a noob currently got a kraken ( i know but im poor) ak 47 on order w/some extra clips and would love to know when the next game is in melville so i can get verified as well as finaly get to play some airsoft....I wanna join the game an play as much as humanly possible...i'll upgrade my arms when I can..i also have a U.K. Arms M4(cheap but still fires...meh....starter 4 starter) lemme know also really wanna get verified.

Make sure your kraken is firing under 350 FPS! Most of the time those things come firing about 370 which is over the limit for almost all the CQB games!

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:31

i will but i gotta learn how to do so...i gotta replace the spring correct?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:32

also amos what games you play on xbox...can i add u?

Amos February 25th, 2009 23:33


Originally Posted by seth_0_2100 (Post 927785)
i will but i gotta learn how to do so...i gotta replace the spring correct?


Krakens are really good learning tools... Just don't go crazy upgrading all the internals, you may find out that certain things don't work the way they're supposed to.

a good spring to put in there is a modify S90 spring. You can get 'em at

visit for video guides how to take everything apart... Krakens can always use a good cleaning too.

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:41

awsome......also do you know if the PDW guys are still together?.....and if anyone in prince albert can age verifie?

seth_0_2100 February 25th, 2009 23:49

verifie? verify....i wanna get verified so i can buy arms from ASC members and the classifieds...i hear you can get good deals, because moneys an issue right now:( thanks for responding amos sometimes its hard to get straight answers because im a noob.

Amos February 26th, 2009 00:00

No prob :)

I don't know much about the Sask community... I only know a couple of the guys from Saskatoon.

Your best bet would be to sign up on the sask forums (I think those exist...) and talk to the guys there... I'm a province away to the east :P

However... For Melville and Claybank.... I tend to show up in Sask :)

CamoGames February 27th, 2009 00:46

Hey Seth, I'm the owner of the CQB facilities in Melville, and the person that got the Claybank location just so you know who I am. PM me and I'll give you some info on getting verified.

The Acer February 27th, 2009 01:21



Larry (Arnisador)
Will verify Regina, and local games attended
Can be contacted at:
email (remove spaces) lcaderma @ accesscomm .ca

-Moose Jaw-

Kip (BloodSport)
Will verify Moose Jaw, or any games I attend
Can be contacted at:


Chris (Aquamarine)
Will verify Saskatoon, and games attended
Can be contacted at:
email (remove spaces) pozland @ gmail .com

Jared (Cushak)
Will verify Saskatoon
Can be contacted at:

CamoGames February 27th, 2009 01:28

Hey Ace, I just pm'd him and mentioned Aqua and Cushak. I thought that would be easier for him since they are closer. I also mentioned the bootcamp to him.

The Acer February 27th, 2009 01:38


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 928626)
Hey Ace, I just pm'd him and mentioned Aqua and Cushak. I thought that would be easier for him since they are closer. I also mentioned the bootcamp to him.

Fair enough, excited to see more new players in Sask.

Amos March 1st, 2009 04:22

Hey there :) For those of you going to claybank... I'd like to inform you that I will be carrying a very well known brand of BB's in a beautiful new shade of black, I'll be setting up a "Pre-order" sort of system... You basically tell me the amount you want, and then the exchange of funds and everything will happen at the game :)

Amounts and prices are still being worked out, I'll keep everyone updated.

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