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Not playing for a few months and coming back only to find facebook airsoft is more toxic than ever. Easier to filter out the loud mouth know it alls from the guys who know their crap on the actual site.
pt. 2 not a pet peeve, but EBB is still a joke lol. went out to a field and someone was going on about their awesome EBB system in their gun how it was realistic and kicked hard. so i handed them my WE. The smile was huge. If you want to go bang bang go Gas or real steel |
People dropping off comms after a sale. Setting up a deal, paying for the item and no word back on shipping ETA or a tracking#. It's generally thought to be good form to keep comms open until both parties are satisfied with the transaction.
I mean.. really!? Boy, you've got looong a way to go bud.... Who do you think "created" "gun doctors/techs" in first the place? |
You talk a lot about airsoft, but I feel like you know next to nothing about it. There's so much info on here, especially if you get AV'd, you'll get access to years upon years of extremely experienced wisdom. Read that, get some hardcore experience, then talk. What is your interest in airsoft? Collecting, competitive play, etc? I'm assuming your gun was seized within the US? Canada does not have an orange tip/rule law. It is your responsibility to know the local laws/regulations when traveling through an area or crossing a border. It is possible that police are not 100% well versed in local laws, which unfortunately does happen, but you can appeal a decision if they are in the wrong. As per many of your prior posts I'm getting the feeling you do not like police, or you're not fond of them? Not to mention you are extremely opinionated, which isn't always a bad thing, but as a newer member you are stepping into an arena with an old community and it's getting stronger by the day. We haven't always had it easy with government and law enforcement, but in a democratic society setups ally give them their power, and if it wasn't for government/authority, airsoft would've remained dead in Canada (opinions vary). |
Doesn't matter if it's in a box or not. It's careless storage and anyone with a brain knows not to put it in the back seat uncovered. A passerby might see your shit in the back car, smash the window while you're stuck in traffic and then what? You just lost your gun and when you tell the police they're going to arrest you for carelessly storing your "toy". Not to mention there's a literal course and law the RCMP built so that idiots like you don't leave your shit out in public view for people to steal. I think E-luder has said what has been on everyone's minds. You're foolish to think that buying a new gun for $300 every time it breaks in 1 year is cheaper than spending $500 in parts so the gun can last for 3+years. "all you did was drop in parts", yeah those are called aftermarket parts. That's like saying "all you did to your house was renovate it by dropping $$$ on it when you could buy a new one". Suuuureeeee.... |
Not enough water coolers at Milsim games, really gets ya in the feels
I will say this though: I don't even really care what he thinks is best. Let him find out for himself and he can decide what the difference is between a "$300" and a one that's been put together. But you want to call me out like that? You don't want it with me man. But FINE. I'll entertain you. Put your money where your mouth is. Compare a $500 gun that's been put together and your KWC Deagle gun. Let's see what happens. People know me. People know what i do to my pistols. People have held my repairs. People have owned "my" guns. THe point is, airsoft guns are no stranger to mechanical failure just like any piece of consumer product. Why does a computer breakdown? WHy do you need to replace an oil filter? Why do you need to replace you furnace filter? I'm not going through the difference between a $300 base gun and $500 base gun. You had enough spoonfeeding from the other threads. In all actuality, there is some validity to your perception. I can see why you'd think that "...a pistol with hi-availability of parts isnt as good as a pistol that wont require you to buy replacement parts for it in the first place..." I get it. The airsoft market sort of created this perception. That a pistol with "much aftermarket support must mean that the pistol breaks down a lot. Thus the need for a lot of components. I get that. I choose to look at them from the perspective that every gun requires improvement in order for it to be tailored to what I(ME) need it to be. I have standards. Very high one at that. And if a gun is not up to par, i either get rid of it or make my adjustments. So far, no airsoft pistol has met my specific standards out of the box. That's why when I make posts of pistols i put together, they are rigged with all kinds of shit the "average" airsofter will never need. I mean.... This gun doesn't NEED to have an aluminum body kit installed: e's Tokyo Marui Beretta M9A1: "Wilson Combat 92G Brigadier Tactical" But as one of my standards to replicate the Real one in terms of weight and feel, a plastic body just doesn't cut it. See what I'm saying? That's just one example. I can literally walk you through a parts list of my guns and explain to you why i decided to buy and instal them. THese aren't "..just parts". THese are parts that serve a purpose. Again: Quote:
Another thing, when someone owns a pistol for X-amount of time, they become attached to it. They know its ergonomics, they know when the hammer breaks or when the last shot is about to be fired. Or what the range of effect is. Or the they get used to the sight plane. SO it's only natural for people to stick with what they know and feel comfortablw with. To keep this gun going, people will often put stuff into their gun to either fix it or prolong it's longevity. What really urked me about this guy is the lack of disrespect. He did it twice now. I mean really... Gun docs are overpriced? Who do you think floods this forum when someone asks about this gun or that gun. Or better put: The most reliable pistol.... WHo do you think are the people who responded to your threads? Yes that's right. And they do it out of their own FREE time. ...And you want to insult THEM!? why? We've been nice to you bro.. LOL. ...and more importantly, who do you think created the NEED for gun doctors? That's right. It's people like you. People that don't know much about the inner workings of an airsoft weapon that break their $300 gun. It's people like ILLusion (used to be), Pestobanana and others who has to clean up your shit. These are the guys who ensure that your slide action moves properly, or that the shims on your gears are perfect ON TOP of the repair. Want proof? http://www.airsoftcanada.com/member.php?u=603 Look through ILLusion's profile and look at all the free diagnosis he's giving. We can take this to a real world example if you want... Do you know who Virgil Tripp is? Do you know who Sandy Strayer is? Do you know who Chris Costa is? Do you know who Gene Shuey is If you don't know who they are, WIKI them or something. WHy do electricians exist? Why do plumbers exists? THese are the very people you are inadvertantly insulting... Have you even been to see a gun doctor in Canada? I mean really? Let's be clear here. Airsoft is a sport and hobby. Played and enjoyed over whenever free time allows it. So you"re asking someone to give up THEIR FREE TIME to fix your gun. Think about it. What's the cost to give your Saturday to work on SOMEONE else's gun? Plus, I find Canadian doctors to have very fair pricing. It's not as horrible as you think it is. ...And when your three hundred dollar gun breaks and come here to make a million posts about how to fix it, docs here are still willing to help you. We're nice like that. Just a word of caution moving forward: Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Now... No more sugar for you... |
My pet peve is when school is out.
mine would be when people are dead and are telling there buddies hey he is over there... dead men tell no tales
people bumping their sale threads with "sold" is bugging me a lot lately
I guess I shouldn't talk I just bumped my post today and then added 'SPF', "lol". Mind you, that's far from sold. |
Guess it isn't a huge deal, though. I'm just salty because my sale threads get buried. |
Countless people, including some who appear to have been around for years, have the bad habit of replacing their price with banana, or even their entire post once it's sold. The rules are pretty clear: Quote:
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