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naminator January 28th, 2015 14:46


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1931025)
Guys, what battery should I use to get my gun shooting 399 FPS? Field limit is 400 and I know I won't be combat effective unless I'm 1 FPS under the limit.

Why 399 fps?

Because polarstar

Danke January 28th, 2015 14:56

Yeah if it's not shooting right at 400 fps you might as well have a Nerf gun or throw Legos.

BogardusFoul January 28th, 2015 15:01

Yeah riot shield is the lamest thing ever. The second you pick it up, it should be considered part of your kit. If it gets hit you are out. Same as your hat, your sleeve, or your backpack.

Ricochet January 28th, 2015 15:49

I actually don't mind recon drones, just so you know that I'll be shooting it down. High efficiency technology I find to make things more dynamic. Let's face it, if buddy had a $20,000 thermal scope with motion capture and whatnot that'd be a huge advantage, but if your willing to spring for it. A physical, mobile BB shield doesn't make any sense at all. If someone wants to build a spy satellite, then all the power to them. Having a plane fly over dumping pillow cases full of BBs is lame though.

Danke January 28th, 2015 16:11

I don't mind tech either. The folks who hope to win via $$$$$$$$$$$$ bug me more.

And that's a separate issue than a gear junkie with a ton of nice new gear with tags still on.

Folks who use a fat wallet to try an tilt the advantage to their favor; and while doing so they beg for rule exceptions. The full auto DMR folks are the current poster child of that mindset.

Ricochet January 28th, 2015 16:54

Rule exemptions or special treatment are not acceptable, in full agreement there. The DMR class is such a useless thing, I'm glad it's getting abolished. Unless there were some clear reason for it. Let's say adding 30 - 50 FPS had a massive range advantage, and then you were limited to an appropriate DMR class of rifle and optic, bipod, etc, and your gun was pinned for semi auto. Okay, then you're doing something constructive, but I played a DMR style for years under the same FPS restrictions as anyone else. Just having more FPS is pointless. Having a bolt action or single pull rifle, with heavily increased FPS and heavier rounds can sometimes be okay.

I like technology because it pushes airsoft in more dynamic directions. Playing night games was fun, but now there may be a full squad equipt with high end NV and it changes the whole thing, makes it much more competitive. Vehicles, thermal, pyro, comms, etc, it's all very cool to me. If someone invented an airsoft gun that could shoot a 6mm BB over 600 feet, and under the same FPS limits that we still all use, I'd buy it. There will always be a few people who can't afford to come along for the ride, but that's just its nature. There are players who can't afford a reliable gun, or good camo and they stick out like a sore thumb, that doesn't mean we should all wear jeans and run crap.

Danke January 28th, 2015 17:49

Under equipped players are a peeve too.

Having to full stop a game and call the day because someone in skate shoes broke an ankle is lame.

Especially when it's a gun junky who shows up with a new $300 AEG every week but can't get boots or ditch the handyman glasses from the saw at work.

lurkingknight January 28th, 2015 17:57


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1931038)
I actually don't mind recon drones, just so you know that I'll be shooting it down. High efficiency technology I find to make things more dynamic. Let's face it, if buddy had a $20,000 thermal scope with motion capture and whatnot that'd be a huge advantage, but if your willing to spring for it. A physical, mobile BB shield doesn't make any sense at all. If someone wants to build a spy satellite, then all the power to them. Having a plane fly over dumping pillow cases full of BBs is lame though.

sorry I don't want 10+ pounds of quad/hex or octo copter falling on me with spilling blades. You might as well drop bricks on people.

Danke January 28th, 2015 18:05


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1931055)
sorry I don't want 10+ pounds of quad/hex or octo copter falling on me with spilling blades. You might as well drop bricks on people.

The newer ones are pretty small and light.

There is potential there; as long as the operator isn't risking other players and the red team has a clear way to counter the drone.

lurkingknight January 28th, 2015 18:08

still has spinning blades and is an uncontrolled object falling out of the sky.

naminator January 28th, 2015 18:10


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1931054)
Under equipped players are a peeve too.

Having to full stop a game and call the day because someone in skate shoes broke an ankle is lame.

Especially when it's a gun junky who shows up with a new $300 AEG every week but can't get boots or ditch the handyman glasses from the saw at work.

I run hiking boots which are marginally better than sneakers. I agree running around the bush in sneakers is dumb. Especially because boots are pretty cheap.

But maybe if they break an ankle or lose an eye they will upgrade there gear or quit. Darwinism at its best.

Danke January 28th, 2015 18:15


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1931059)
still has spinning blades and is an uncontrolled object falling out of the sky.

This isn't a tickling contest.

Ricochet January 28th, 2015 18:21

Yeesh! I don't think I'd want to get hit with a drone, but from most of the ones I've seen, they don't appear to be unreasonably dangerous. I have attended several games that had large vehicles ripping around, charges buried, rocket launchers shooting footballs at mach-chicken, buildings and structures that were very high, cliffs and other terrain issues, severed darkness, and of course large predatory wildlife in the area. No, drones don't really scare me, it's not like the sky is full of them, it's just one here or there. Major mud and water hazards, weather conditions, trees falling over, the list goes on. Perhaps there are drones out there I haven't seen yet. The one my buddy had was reasonably big with four props, and although I wouldn't want to be hit in the head with it, I couldn't compare it to a brick, and the props wouldn't slice me up as it fell. I'm pretty sure a finger could stop a prop on one of those, might hurt, but it wouldn't chop it off.

On the note of ankle support, at our old fields, 6" ankle support was a minimum requirement, second safety gear only to eyewear.

lurkingknight January 28th, 2015 18:46

I can't find it now but I vaguely remember reading it or seeing the photo, but someone in the states DID get hit by a drone or prop. It looked pretty bloody but not getting your ear torn off or getting a jagged piece of metal jammed up your shin type injury. Even a 3 or 4 pound object falling out of the sky from a hundred feet can cause some significant injury. I only oppose the idea of shooting at drones or drones allowed in airsoft because I remember a report on such an incident.

unless I'm going batshit crazy and just making shit up. I don't think I'm old enough to do that yet. :P

Danke January 28th, 2015 19:04

There was a drone crash at a marathon race in Australia where the drone was being used for filming and it came down on a competitor.

So yeah if you sneak up on the pilot and hose him down will he spasm and fly into someone? Will the drone have a hard deck programed in that it can't fly under if even if commanded?

Probably within a few years this will become reality.

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