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Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 20:34

Yea, one thing that a lot of chairsofters and new guys don't understand is what they see --HERE-- on the forums is --NOT-- how it is on the field. I come across as an arrogant prick with an ego the size of South Africa, however I like to think I'm a little bit different in person.

However only team-mates and those I've played with can truly answer that one. But yes I still must agree, the attitudes of airsofters is quite often much different than those attitudes of paintballers.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 20:44


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 570002)
For me, the attitude of the people is what makes airsoft so much better. I have yet to encounter a single person on the field who wouldn't answer any question I had, everyone I've asked has been more than willing to explain things to me, let me check out their gear, etc. I see paintballers everytime I go play airsoft going on about how their shit is so good, how they could "pwn" everyone, etc. Not the kindof attitude with people I want to hang out with. Plus, the realism of airsoft appeals to me so much more than paintball.

those are more likely the so called speedball fairies most of the milsim guys that i had the pleasure to play with are pretty much like the old airsofters, they just play the game and chit chat after over ice cold beers. These so called speedball fairies are much like the arrogant noobs we encounter in some of our games to which i have no problem saying to them after an embarrasing knife kill "How do you like them apples biatch??"

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 20:50

Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:54

I've played both sports. Personally I like airsoft not jsut ebcause of the look of the gun's but because of the feel. I like the feeling of having the stock on my shoulder when aiming which is hard to find with rental markers from paintball fields. I enjoy the odd paintball game with my friends out at the woodball field here in Halifax but personally my choice is with airsoft. Everyone can have their own feeling to either or but this argument is a never ending one. So I agree with Wildcard go out and do your own thing in the end it's your choice.

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:55


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570010)
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?

Wasn't there a thread about this already?

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 20:56


Wasn't there a thread about this already?
Not sure...I dont spead most of my time on this website, and I dont search for posts about anal beads.

JTF27 November 7th, 2007 20:57


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570014)
Not sure...I dont spead most of my time on this website, and I dont search for posts about anal beads.

Good point.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 21:01


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 570010)
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?



Originally Posted by JTF27 (Post 570013)
Wasn't there a thread about this already?

And yes again.

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 21:04


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy
Aquamarine...are those anal beads in your avatar?


Originally Posted by JTF27
Wasn't there a thread about this already?

And yes again.
Umm, cool...
Have fun!

Andres November 7th, 2007 21:04

Derailed by anal beads.

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 21:26

Funny how often they come up.

BBS November 7th, 2007 21:44

hilarious signature Aqua! haha i hate it when the shower curtain sticks to you you feel the cool touch of the curtain wrapping around your leg...yuck.

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 21:48

Wildcard, there is no woodsball anywhere near me. It doesn't pay the bills to have guys dump 100 rounds in an hour. They need to dump a pod every 2 minutes to make paintball profitable enough to even consider it a business.

That's why you see 99.999% speedball. If you play woodsball, you are a small minority my friend.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 22:01


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 570043)
Wildcard, there is no woodsball anywhere near me. It doesn't pay the bills to have guys dump 100 rounds in an hour. They need to dump a pod every 2 minutes to make paintball profitable enough to even consider it a business.

That's why you see 99.999% speedball. If you play woodsball, you are a small minority my friend.

I guess we are a little spoiled here in Ontario, but this argument of which is better? is still childish and a waste of time and i STILL rather be shooting than argue which is better, Majority of the guys I play with (Paintball) do call these speedball woosies "babies" and yes we do tend to butt heads with them when we play much like some of the noobs i 've seen attending the games, unfortunately there are always bad apples in BOTH games and quite often these are the real guys that always start the shitstorm.

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 22:07

But when you have to share a paintball field with paintballers, this comes up everytime. And it's usually much worse in person than online. I've seen guys almost come to blows over it, or you get the drunk 40-something running his mouth off over us and our little toy guns.

I'd rather be shooting too, but it's not always an option.

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